Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Everyone focused on two gaffs during the White House Hanukkah event. First the event was some two weeks before the Holiday and the President refereed to the Maccabees as believers in the Temple not as persons of faith,

The early celebration may be only to accommodate scheduling for the White House and administration. However, and this comment  not directed to President Obama specifically because early Hanukkah celebrations were held during the Bush Administration as well. Yet, it smacks of  being a runner-up given a consolation prize that only reinforces a sense of second class status. True the December 25, observance is celebrated early by the White House so that individuals can celebrate with their families at home. Such celebrations are merely echos of the holiday and merely a cultural commemoration connected to the season and not necessarily to the holiday itself. Even so, acknowledging Hanukkah celebrates a miracle that happened" . . . [I]n those days [long ago] during this time. (liturgy). Consequently, a Hanukkah celebration outside of the eight day festival seems to completely miss the point.

Asserting the Maccabees were believers in the Temple is just so wrong. Maccabee is an acrostic for the Hebrew Who is like You among the[nations']deities O' L-rd. The Hasoneam priests and their followers were not freedom fighters seeking to oust the Greco-Syrians. Political freedom was not as important as restoring religious autonomy and freedom. Indeed after the Temple was retaken and rededicated fighting continued for years afterwards. The celebration is not just because the oil burned slowly or was not consumed. Rather Hanukkah commemorates what the light kindled from pure oil in the Temple dedicated to G-D's worship represents. The Menorah's  light, the light of Torah, the light of the human soul both being a D-vine light that dispels all manner of darkness.

True, as ,Mr. Ezra Friedlander described that at the door he was asked if he was shomer negia(an observer of the practice to separate between   men and women who are not immediate family members by not touching) a level of sensitivity to be lauded. However, there was another mistake made and that was the First Lady wearing a sleeveless dress. After all there is an office of engagement dedicated to the Jewish community. It makes sense someone who is tasked with outreach to the Jewish community would brief the First Lady as to what constitutes appropriate attire. Jewish Law requires women to dress modestly. Modest dress means covering till the knees, elbows collar bone and married women their hair. As a gentile Ms. Obama need not cover her hair but to expose her body when so many Orthodox Jews were in attendance displays a dramatic lack of sensitivity. .

This event of course comes on the heels of the US ambassador to Belgium, Defense Sec. Peneta and Sec. Clinton all engaged in harsh talk to Israel. Sec. Peneta placed the blame for stalled peace talks exclusively at Israel's feet.Sec. Clinton decried her concern about the status of women since religious soldiers walked out on performances by female soldiers.The preface to these incidents is of course VP Biden emphatic opposition to releasing Johnathan Pollard. This is just recently,but let no one forget the President pushing for a return to the 1949 armistice lines or the abandoning of Prime Minister Netanyahu in the White House.

The question for 2010 is at the end of the day is are Jews and Judaism merely tolerated by the administration or are Jews and Judaism welcome?