As the unthinkable takes place it is hard to place one's emotions. It is doubtful the soldiers and police enjoy their duty as human beings they should not, as Jews each act in carrying out the expulsion should disgust them and I fear scar them.
As for those who live in Gaza imagine the sense of what can only go beyond abandonment when one area Rabbi observed I will have to continue paying a mortgage on a house that is destroyed.
Imagine those offered money for their Gush Katif home that cannot even purchase anything similar elsewhere in Israel where Real Estate is at a premium.
Whenever I visited Eretz Yisrael I always felt a sense of home and that Jewish life in the diaspora was surreal and now I see growing intolerance in America and in Israel a not welcome here sign.
The part that is too easy is to be angry. Rather it is time to realize how desperate the secular leadership is and to know the only thing left to offer any sanity in a Jew's life is the knowledge that no matter what Jewry will survive until the Messiah's arrival , may G-D send him now!!!!