How does one bury an idea? Beliefs and the values flowing from as practical expressions of those beliefs define those who subscribe to like minded beliefs and values. Beliefs and values give one context and validate the foundation upon which a life is crafted. Imagine the significance of a world leader associated with one's values and beliefs proclaiming the foundations of one's worldview are no longer possible?
Prime Minister Sharon speaking to the United Nations essentially said kaddish for secular Zionism.
To declare that Jewry' claim to the land does not exclude others' claims to the land. What your Zaydeh would think of this Mr. Sharon? What would Menachem Begin A'H think of this? What would each Jew think of this when declaring NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM?
Mr. Sharon to unilaterally declare your country's departure from the heritage which spanned nearly 2,000 years. Mr Sharon has disengaged the State of Israel not just from Gaza but from Jewry and Judaism.
In the coming year let the prayer and hope of Jewry be for world peace. Not a man made fabrication but G-D's true peace the rule of MASHIACH .