Lessons Learnt
After Gush Katif it became evident arguing, crying and hugging the soldiers would not stop expulsion. After Amona standing up to Yassamnikim et. al. Only earns one a bloody head and broken bones and the houses are still destroyed. More places are on the chopping block and on and on. Maybe the problem is limited to Olmert and Kadima but when the only difference between speakers at the Hertzaliya Conference was how much territory to cede. Where will the divide between the Government and Settlers go next? The direction things are heading is obvious and at the same time unthinkable. Now is the time to reflect and find a strategy that has a chance. OK , I would be in a better position to give advice writing in ModiÂim that Michigan but silence is not an option.
Yesterday, Shabbat we went to a neighbor who is a true Yireh Shamayim who was decrying the Hilul Hashem in Amona. However, his concern was for the soldiers who had rocks thrown at them or the soldier who allegedly knifed. The reports from Arutz Shevaradioo and TV froze in my mindÂs eye. How could any sane human being and especially a Jew committed to Torah and Mitzvot not be traumatized by those sounds and images, I lost it. Frankly writing about the incident frustrates me no end. Unfortunately my friend believes what The New York Times fits in as news it prints, discredited reporting standards and eyewitness testimony notwithstanding. The actions that should arouse outrage are media-spun to make prey in to predators.
In short, whatever has been done till now is not working. If anything it seems to play in to the present governmentÂs hands. If anyone has noticed Israel has some very serious domestic non-security issues to resolve, the gap between rich and poor as the economy transitions from a socialist model to a capitalistic one. The present Knesset has seen more corruption than any of its predecessors. Problems with growing incidents of crime and societal violence. The erosion of free speech or unequal protection under the law for points of view the ruling party disapproves. A sense of futility in the political or judicial system may give rise to a desperation with nowhere to go.
The syllabus for Despotism 101 includes at itÂs the cure for weak leadership to retain power in spite of serious domestic problems is to distract the populationÂs attention by creatibogeymangyman, a scapegoat. Imagine, the effect on the psyche of middle Israel by setting up the Orange Youth as lawless rebels going against the StateÂs institutions, the courts, army and police. Almost in contempt for the populationÂs intelligence the government has chosen conflict instead of resolution. The protesters idealism is tainted by a rock throwing fringe but through the government manipulating the mediaÂs leftist lens individual misguided behavior morphs in to fanaticism and therefore a loose cannon that cannot be tolerated in a free democratic society.
General NavehÂs professed reluctance to carry out the Amona action with the degree of force used rings hollow. In the post Nuremburg era Commanders have the right if not the duty to refuse orders they deem immoral. Indeed who does the Military serve? The State or the People? Similarly in whose interest is Olmert acting? How is keeping the oranges in check and demolishing houses in Amona serve a greater national purpose?
Fortunately, the remaining viable vestige of democracy in Israel are elections. Maybe what has to be done relentlessly is blog, email, letter write, press candidates as to what their positions are on making state institutions instrumentalities that act in the interest of the electorate instead of protecting those elected. Judicial reform to limit the matters which arejusticablejusticable, standing be limited to actual parties in interest and not mere ideological advocates. Restore governmental and judicial integrity by guarantying equal protection under the law. How Jewish Identity expresses itself in public policy and communicated through educational frameworks. How can the common ground of Torah build a bridge between Daatim and Haraidim unite on common ground albeit informally to defeat the present regime and avoid a further deterioration in the country. Maybe the political role of Roshei Yeshiva in the National Religious camp could reach out to Haraidi ADMORIM, Roshei Yeshiva and Hachamim or other contacts to tap in to what can be agreed on. UTJ or Shas no longer have the luxury to care only about their own. To think there is no broad based threat to all Torah Jewry is naive.
Now before the elections is the time to change minds. without money change happenscadencee caidance that will not be stilled. Strike a blow with ballots and bring the state back to the all thUntille. Untill MASHIACH.