During Rosh HaShanah services this year a Jew blowing the Shofer at the Kotel Katan (the small wall, a portion of the Western Wall located to the north of the main Western Wall plaza.) Whatever version of events one wishes to accept the fact is the police disrupted peaceful Jewish worship, in Jerusalem on the Jewish New Year. Arutz Sheva reported that the matter came to debate in the Knesset on October 25, 2006
Police Minister Avi Dichter's response to MKs concerns arising from the Rosh HaShanah Shofar incident should leave one as uneasy at the very least..
OK, in fairness Minister Dichter has to support his people. But . . . there is a disturbing undercurrent. Policy is not being dictated by acceptance or tolerance. Rather it is the fear of perceived Islamic volatility that encourages the Israeli police to treat otherwise peaceful Jewish behavior as a threat to public safety. Instead Israel chooses to indulge Islamic bullying like other Western democracies. Preserving public safety cannot be motivated by fear or by appeasing potential violent actors. The police should be there to protect and serve. The Police should protect the law abiding and act against law breakers. It is shocking that the same Law Enforcement infrastructure that acted aggressively against the protestors in Amona could not be used to quell Islamic protesters or rioters?
Maybe it is time for Israel and the non Islamic world to say, enough! If Islam wishes to live among the diverse community of humanity, fine. If not then the right of Islam to stand as among equals should be deemed as forfeit. The non Islamic world should say simply Âwe are tired of being afraid  Take away their power, one cannot threaten those who one does not control and fear is a powerful tool of control.
Mr. Dichter policy should promote tolerance but not at the expense of oneÂs own self respect.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Whom to Talk To?

It is likely Yesha Council believes like Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zacki that all they can save is Yavne and its scholars even though the reality is much more is possible.
Also it seems this government operates based on what can be termed an alternative reality. Unfortunately the people living in Yesha and even pre-1967 Israel do not have the luxury of blissful oblivion.
Recent history should at the very least teach that this government's sole interest is self -preservation, not serving the public. How could the actions of the Sharon /Olmert/ Kadima government come about without Knesset Members selling out principal for a few shekel? The culture of quid pro quo reduces government to a fee for service basis instead of a public interest/ service basis.
The other by product of this present this government’s culture is their belief in their abilities despite an unavoidable lack of experience to comprehend and respond to crises, as was the case in Gaza, Armona and most recently Lebanon.
Yesha Council, how can these people currently in power be trusted with the future of the Land of Israel?
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