Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The return of some 3,000 Jews to the Samarian community of Homesh on 7 and 5 Nissan 5767 (March 26 and 27 2007)is very significant . Homesh was one the communities from which Jews were expelled along with the Jewish residents of Gush Katif in 2005.

Originally when Ms. Nadia Matar described the action it seemed to be just so much symbolism lacking any substance. This was a mistaken impression. Why the Army allowed some 3,000 plus came and once there some began building makeshift structures. One correspondent for Israel National News called these structures as Succoth. Additionally on Tuesday a Brit Mila, circumcision took place in Homesh. These two events offer a profound lesson which offers hope for a brighter future.

The Succa, the makeshift huts Jews live in during the Festival of Succoth in Hebrew the numerical value of the letters that spell succa equal 91 the combination of the four letter D-vine name and A*D^O*N*A****I, names that represent G-D as He fills and surrounds all existence. A Brit Mila the entry of a young man in to the Jewish faith is a symbol of hope in a future, a Jewish future.

The classic leaders of Historic Zionism all saw the then future Jewish state as a conduit for establishing a Jewish state embracing the values of Western Europe and abandoning the Jewish Heritage. Even Jabotinsky called for treating those who would not remove their beards and side curls, outward symbols of Jewishness are to be treated as second class citizens. The vision of the future Jewish state was one without G-D.

This is maybe why the vision of a new Israeli Jew would be, strong and defiant, the antithesis of the stereotypical exile Diaspora based Jew. A state could be located in Uganda, a state could be located in Uganda etc.

The fact is the Jewish masses who were raised on Next Year in Jerusalem could not conceive of return to anywhere but Eretz Yisrael or outside of the context of Messianic redemption as taught throughout the generation since the days of Moses and the prophets.

The present government behave with little or no consciousness of Jewry’s heritage or destiny. Or strangely enough in utter fear of Jewry's destiny being fulfilled.It seems the perception of the State as being merely a state of its citizens and embracing enlightened Western Liberal values. The Homesh returnees showed all the nation of Israel will not abandon its destiny or heritage. Those who dwell in Succoth, the shadow of faith or perform the brit, covenant that binds Jewry to G-D are linked to the Eternal and will not and cannot be denied by any earthly force.

The eternity of the Jewish people cannot be denied, Netzach Yisrael Lo Yishaker.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Recently a Google video search under Zionism yield a film from www, concerning Judaism and Zionism. The film was disquieting and inspiring at the same time. The film took quotes from Hetzel, Nordau, Jabotinsky as well as others in the Zionist Pantheon.

Each of these leaders the film quotes had either said or written things hostile not just Judaism but to the validity of a distinct Jewish Identity. The Jewish state was envisioned as a conduit for Jewry embracing values and mores of Western Civilization. The Jewish state was envisioned as being devoid of its own heritage and values. The new Jew to be forged in the new state was envisioned as one unshackled by the baggage of the past whether imposed by hostile host countries or by G-D Himself through Torah.

What these visionaries envisioned was indeed shortsighted. The concept of Zionism did not take hold until it was marketed as a redemption movement. As a Professor interviewed in the film put it The Zionist Leaders believed There is no G-D, but presented Zionism as fulfilment His promise. The flag has two blue stripes reminiscent of a prayer cape’s stripes. Blue was selected as it is symbolic of the tehelet, the blue dye applied to Zitzit fringes during Temple times and while now lost will be restored in the Messianic era. Zionism was to be the herald of a Messianic era.
A return to the land absent the yearned for redemption would not nor could not be accepted by the Jewish nation.

This contains a fantastic lesson. A perception of a Jewish future, a Jewish fulfillment and a Jewish utopia stripped of Jewry’s identity, stripped of the Jewish Heritage and Jewry’s worldview is a non starter.

Certainly, there are Jews who consciously run away from who and what they are, but these are the exceptions. Rank and File Jews may or may not be particularly observant, that is a function of education, but to abandon Jewish identity and heritage or destiny is unthinkable. Netzach Yisrael Lo Yishaker-The Eternity of the Jewish people will not be rendered false.

As Passover approaches this comes in to focus. Departure from the Exile is not for Israel to takes its place in the family of nations. Rather redemption is the freedom to be who one was meant to be to fulfill one's destiny to realize G-D's promise in totality with Mashiach in our lifetime.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


During the Soviet era the notion arose that a viable means of communicating and garnering support for the Communist way of life in the Capitalist- free world the was the use of dupes called, useful idiots. Useful Idiots, are very often the same folks who the Communists would first round up as enemies of the state. Currently, the individuals who cluelessly join groups like the International Solidarity Movement,B'tselem and similar organizations to promote Arab claims to within the land of Israel are the latest example of the useful idiot.

The naive belief that Israel alone is the problem, holding back Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza or those people who abandoned their property in 1948 at the behest of Arab leadership in anticipation of a swift Israeli defeat, from successful prosperous lives motivates volunteers to video settlers’ violent behavior.

A Google video search under Israel Jews yielded several videos each is quite disturbing. The films are introduced by lurid descriptions of stone throwing or hate speech and the IDF's apparent indifference to these injustices. While the film is rolling there is narration to make sure the intended message is not looked over.These picture are not worth a thousand words.The fact that Jews and and Arabs both wish to occupy Hevron exclusively and two objects cannot occupy the same place at the same time therefore tension exists. The possibility that there are subtle and overt Arab acts of harassment is ignored. The camera only captures a snapshot not what happened before and not after.

One film had an English film crew confront two teenage boys. One boy yells and curses at the internationals but if you listen, one hears more anguish than anger, one hears more “Why the heck are you bothering me, my family and community? I don’t bother you in your home why invade mine?”

The second film, has an older woman as the main International confronting a group of children specifically a girl who may be 13 or 14 at the most (and she seemed to be the oldest in the group) debating whether Arabs ever hurt or killed Jews. She goes away a significant distance cursing at the lady telling to go home. Tones are thrown when one hits the International the thrower actually apologizes! Soldiers on patrol attempt to diffuse the situation by having both groups disburse The Internationals do not move and take offense at having their camcorder blocked. Even more disturbing is how vividly the incident is introduced. One would imagine the Internationals were attacked and pursued by a crazed mob of bloodthirsty Jewish settlers. It may be a bit of comfort to think the Internationals are that afraid of Jewish children

The third film features two cherubic boys, no older than maybe 7 or 8 throwing stones and squirting water at an international. However, to more accurately, a child goes up throws a stone goes back a few feet to a doorway, goes back throws another stone then squirts the International with a liquid (as she did not express pain I will assume the liquid was not lethal like bleach or acid etc.), All the while the International entreats an off camera voice, identified as an IDF soldier to intervene, the off camera voice responds by being dismissive and punctuates his answers with profanity. The probability of a soldier behaving that way, to ignore an International’s request for assistance peppered with bad language is so low that the failure to capture the actual soldier on film is remarkable.

The conduct of the Internationals it can be inferred from the films themselves (without the benefit what happened just before) documents they are not mere silent chroniclers of events. These Internationals are at the very least provocative and quite frankly it would seem they attempt to create or manufacture and otherwise stage conflict. Even if one wished to take these three videos at face value comparison with Arab on Jew violence makes the events recorded by the Internationals trivial by comparison. True, the writer of these lines a an admitted right wing Jew who believes that Jews enjoy an exclusive right to the whole of Biblical Israel as promised by G-D to the Children of Israel yet it is doubtful any fair minded person would conclude differently . It is doubtful any fair-minded person would conclude differently, that the only criticism that can be leveled at the Settler community is that parents and schools make more of an effort at curbing profane speech.

It is shocking that these videos are accepted as evidence of Jewish settler violence this can only happen in a psyche already poisoned with Anti-Semitic delusions. Then again some folks believed Borat was a real journalist.