Sunday, June 17, 2007

Pharaoh is not a Role Model-

Fatah over Hamas? Has anyone noticed who are fighting each other? Neither side is worthy of support. The choice is akin to choosing between warring crime families in prohibition era Chicago.

To prop up Fatah’s Abu Mazen by having Israel turn over funds, remove checkpoints or turn over tax revenue is throwing more good money after bad. The arms and equipment given the PA in Gaza by the US with safeguards that the weapons not wind up in Hamas hands and directed towards Israel are in Hamas hands more or less.

For anyone to suggest that a two state solution is viable or that either Hamas or Fatah is worthy of leadership and that any peace is possible with either is like encouraging Pharaoh to chase after the escaped slaves. Can following the road map end any differently?

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Rav Lazer Brody Shlita commented on his blog that the prospect of war is not within the individual’s choice and therefore war is exclusively in G-D’s hands. Consequently, if something is beyond one’s ability to control it is likewise beyond the things G-D wants us to worry about. The Rabbi suggested a cease fire with G-D to return to Him in repentance.
Now consider the most recent events in Gaza. Hamas has taken control of Gaza pushing out Fatah. The significance is Hamas are believers as they conquered, they prayed, they viewed each murderous blood soaked step as an opportunity for praise. True theirs is a worship of death, of evil of discord but it does impose burden upon Jewry.

When a tractate of Talmud is concluded the prayers recited in celebration declares “we rise early and they rise early , we rise to learn Torah and they rise to pursue falsehood. . . . we run and they run we run to eternity to world to come and they run into the abyss of destruction . . . ” If those who champion death call out to G-D how can a Jew whose heritage is Torah that is the elixir of life remain silent before G-D?

Rabbi Eliezer Twersky of Falticheim ZY’A quoted Rabbi Nachman of Breslov’s uncle, Rabbi Baruch of Mezibosh ZTVK’L ZY’A the liturgy proclaims “For You[G-D] hear each mouth calling out in prayer ” Hebrew for mouth is Peh. The Rabbi observed Peh can be pronounced PHEH of Feh an expression of disgust. Therefore the text could read that Hashem hears the prayer of each Jew even those who can be called Feh --even the lowest of the lowest can be heard if the first step is made to call out in prayer.

The other events of the week within the Israeli government further make looking to human leadership for security and protection seem at best foolish is not insane and turning to G-D the only logical option. Who knows where these events will fit in the course of history? There are two paths open one leading to the fantasy world where the country’s political echelon lives or the world of prayer of refuge with Hashem. The choice of prayer is in each person’s hands, that choice something one can worry about. Choosing wisely, because the selection can reshape the whole world .

Sunday, June 03, 2007


The news coming out of Israel almost daily shows a dramatic dichotomy that perhaps highlights the strength of societies that cherish freedom and champion liberty.

The reports of arrogance, ineptitude, incompetence, indifference, pursuit of self destructive self serving corruption seems to engulf the whole of Israeli governmental institutions including the Courts and military to the point which in other places would throw that society in to civil disarray. Yet despite the governmental meltdown Israel's economy is growing steadily and the media is not fully muzzled by the government.

Indeed the seeming disconnect and apparant disdain between the government and the people is so dramatic that it is as though two alternative realities exist in Israel, which colors each segment's perceptions and priorities.

Maybe this is how power corrupts by insulating its members from reality and replacing it with an alternative version that at is so skewed thereby, distorting government's world view to that of a hall of mirrors.

A civil society's survival under such circumstances can only be the product of D-VINE providence.