Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It is time to stop being outraged. The recent headlines notwithstanding. As if the Education Ministry endorsing the Israeli Arab community being taught the establishment of the State was a tragedy.

As if not enough hate was being broadcast through the mosques and other media that the establishment of the Jewish state was indeed illegitimate and the Jews are nothing more than usurpers occupiers and conquerors this point of view must be promoted by the Jewish State itself.

Also in response to the Knesset law requiring the sale of JNF lands be exclusively to Jews Prime Minister Olmert has proposed some 400,000 acres of JNF land to the Israel Lands Authority to facilitate building projects serving both Jewish and Arab communities. Despite the Knesset vote garnering some 64 votes the Prime Minister cynically seeks to circumvent the will of the population. So reports Aaron Klein on World Net Daily, What is even more outrageous is some of these lands were purchased by JNF with the nickels and dimes put in to the ubiquitous
Blue box by generations of Jews from the modern return to Zion in the late nineteenth century.

The nature of these stories are surreal to say the least but there is no room for outrage. Devarim 4:25 –28 describes Israel’s descent in to decadence. The national free fall is characterized by an apparent exchange of Jewish Identity for the ill-fitting mores and values of other nations. Yet, as 4:29-30 explains it will be then when return would began.
Just as an addict’s recovery begins with hitting bottom so too does Israel’s return begin when continuing as something one is not is no longer tenable. There will come a point that adapting foreign behaviors will no longer work for Jewry. Following the nations will only compound bad situations, making them continuously worse.

Has following the lead of the European Union or United Nations or United States regarding the future and security of Israel done anything but embolden terrorists?

Maybe this is why as Rabbi Lazer Brody Shlita told Israel National Radio’s Tamar Yonah that some 50,000 copies of the Hebrew version of B’Gan HaEmuna, The Garden of Emunah (Faith) have been already sold /distributed in Israel. The only truth that explains everything [earlier post not withstanding] is G-D and only G-D is control and nothing else matters or can be relied on. The absurd nature of Israeli government conduct is actually G-D's wake up call, hopefully He is being heard.

Monday, July 16, 2007


President Peres' remarks before taking office, that we must get rid of the territories (Yehudah, Shomron, the Golan, Jerusalem?) are reprehensible. A country's president should be a patriot, a believer in his country's founding principles. Believing the Medina is separate from Eretz Yisrael displays disdain for every person who ever loved Zion or sacrificed to realize Jewry's hope nurtured over two thousand years. Mr. Peres seems detached from his own heritage and history.

How can such a person be placed in a position of national trust

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Olmert's Point of View

When a conversation turns to the machinations of global elites seeking to reshape humanity in to a new world order etc… the eyes would glaze over and frankly the message was reaching a dismissive audience. The notion of a conspiracy being directed through the likes of The Council of Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, Free Masons, Illuminati, other secret society or cabal conjures the images and intrigue of secret communications, regular meetings with all the trappings and apparatus a transnational corporate –government partnership would entail. Something so big and all encompassing simply could not hide in the shadows or merely be fodder for the next Dan Brown novel. Additionally, the threads that connect known facts are often woven together in so tenuous a manner that taking them seriously is challenging to one’s sense of logic.

However, maybe the conception of conspiracy as a formal agenda agreed upon by overlord ruling elites may be mistaken. Rather consider the conspiracy of a New World Order (NWO) is more a shared philosophy than anything else.

The demise of the communist economic model resulted in increased international commercial dependence. The growth of capitalist model economies discourages conflict as war would disrupt the flow of materials, goods and services between people and be against everyone’s self interest. The preservation of transnational commerce becomes humanity’s most cherished value as it promotes peace and at least for some, prosperity.

Emergence of a NOW implies there was an Old World Order. OWO apparently one built on nation states’ and their historical and cultural heritage. Such entities are built around individuals with a shared location, culture, mores and interests.

The result is two views of society. are two views what could be called nationalism and globalism. Nationalists see distinctions and differences between people not necessarily in a racist sense but in terms of championing the distinct identities of nations, communities and individuals. Globalists perceive all differences and distinctions between people are artificial and should be sacrificed in favor of transnational cooperation/commerce, the collective benefit of humanity at best, or in reality a general absence of conflict for most and unlimited potential profit for a few.

The conflict between the points of view is irreconcilable as one affirms the value of the individual in context of a society and history. The Nationalist perspective comes from a sense of heritage, tradition and history that all contribute in formulating values, morals and ethics that govern both personal and public behavior.

The Globalist/ NOW perspective values only whatever keeps commerce flowing between nations matters. Transnational cooperation is achieved optimally by mutual self interest or imposed by external control (think the US and Mainland China) Consequently, the elements of identity, individual conscience and free will, those things that make it impossible for a person to control another are the globalists’ greatest threat.

NOW in light of the above Mr. Olmert and his minions make sense. Thinking in terms of history, heritage and narrow national interest is contrary to achieving a utopian society. What does it matter missles land in Sederot ? Or that Israel have a Jewish character? These provincial concerns get in the way of unifying mankind in trade and commerce. {Not that the West cares for a minute about the Human rights of peoples living in Islamic lands as long as petroleum flows unfettered and cheaply} Therefore, to Mr. Olmert and his Global thinking buddies the greatest threat facing the nation is the over 50% of first graders entering Jewish religious schools and not Iran.

Remember the last atempt at unifying humanity was by Nimrod and the tower of Babel and look how that turned out.

Similarly, in other countries the general disdain for religion reflects this nationalist globalist dichotomy. So Olmert is not crazy just embracing a crazy ideology that threatens the value of individual and Humanity’s historical legacy. This shared philosophy of the NOW may not be a classic conspiracy but the pervasive inroads of Globalism within liberal governments sure make it look like one.


Monday, July 02, 2007

Be Scared be very scared

Recently President Bush visited a Washington D.C. Mosque in an attempt to reach out to moderate Muslims. The President decried the multiple atrocities committed by Muslims against Muslims.

While it may not have been the right place or the right time but from reading excerpts from the New York Post it would seem Radical Muslims hate everyone who are not them and moderates only hate Jews.

Similarly, according to Secretary Rice Hamas is now a resistance group and not terrorist. The fact that Hamas is fighting recent inroads being made by Al-Queda in Gaza is what brought the image makeover is chilling. To embrace the enemy of my enemy might be prudent advice. But,it calls in to question the whole Global War on Terror. Trans national actors as well as state sponsored terror groups must all be opposed there is no room for strange and expedient bedfellows because today's friend could G-D forbid be tomorrow's shahid.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Fundamentals, Leadership 101

"A country cannot protect itself ad infinitum, because there would be no end to it." -- Prime Minister Ehud Olmert

Imagine what this statement does to rally troops, bolster the populace and of course preserve real estate values? Imagine a head of state declaring the citizen's safety is just not government's problem.Imagine what Sederot mayor Eli Moyal must be thinking, hearing this declaration of indifference? That Mayor Moyal is still behaving rationally is remarkable. How could anyone in his position not be beside himself? Mayor Moyal deserves praise for doing what he can for his city. Even so, the numbing callous nature of Prime Minister Olmert's statement goes beyond all comprehention.

Certainly people cannot and should not be wholly dependent on the government for safety and security. But being told by the government a flat out "NO!", the state will not do everything or much of anything to protect a home,a business a community or its people.

Mr. Olmert,it would be an exercise in simple human nature and logic to conclude that this why countries go on the offensive and commit to D*E*F*E*A*T an enemy. Anything short of decisive victory is defeat. What kind of leader can expect to retain power thinking otherwise ? What type of populace allows this type of leadership?