May Hashem grant you the blessing of sleep
May Hashem grant the blessing to sleep deeply
May Hashem allow you the blessing to dream
As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to see a vision of your Savta and Saba.
As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to see a vision of your Savta and Saba’s all the Sabaim and Savtot, Bubbies and Zaydehs of the entire Olmert family as far back as it goes.
As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to see a vision of your Grand mothers putting coins in the Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes charity box to support the Yishuv Shabbat Eve.
As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to see a vision of your Grandfathers praying to rebuild the Jerusalem, Beit HaMikdash, the ingathering of the exiles and arrival of Mashiach. The declaration “Next Year in Jerusalem” the punctuates the observance of the Seder and Yom Kippur observances.
As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to hear these sounds and see these images night after night until they consume your waking hours as well.
May Hahsem bless you Mr. Prime Minister to see your place in the context of Jewish history and heir of a legacy that no human has a right to relinquish.
May Hahsem bless you Mr. Prime Minister to fulfill destiny and embrace G-D’s gift of the land and emerge from the isolation that is faithlessness to join with generations past and yet to welcome the rule to David’s scion Mashiach