Everyone focused on two gaffs during the White House Hanukkah event. First the event was some two weeks before the Holiday and the President refereed to the Maccabees as believers in the Temple not as persons of faith,
The early celebration may be only to accommodate scheduling for the White House and administration. However, and this comment not directed to President Obama specifically because early Hanukkah celebrations were held during the Bush Administration as well. Yet, it smacks of being a runner-up given a consolation prize that only reinforces a sense of second class status. True the December 25, observance is celebrated early by the White House so that individuals can celebrate with their families at home. Such celebrations are merely echos of the holiday and merely a cultural commemoration connected to the season and not necessarily to the holiday itself. Even so, acknowledging Hanukkah celebrates a miracle that happened" . . . [I]n those days [long ago] during this time. (liturgy). Consequently, a Hanukkah celebration outside of the eight day festival seems to completely miss the point.
Asserting the Maccabees were believers in the Temple is just so wrong. Maccabee is an acrostic for the Hebrew Who is like You among the[nations']deities O' L-rd. The Hasoneam priests and their followers were not freedom fighters seeking to oust the Greco-Syrians. Political freedom was not as important as restoring religious autonomy and freedom. Indeed after the Temple was retaken and rededicated fighting continued for years afterwards. The celebration is not just because the oil burned slowly or was not consumed. Rather Hanukkah commemorates what the light kindled from pure oil in the Temple dedicated to G-D's worship represents. The Menorah's light, the light of Torah, the light of the human soul both being a D-vine light that dispels all manner of darkness.
True, as ,Mr. Ezra Friedlander described that at the door he was asked if he was shomer negia(an observer of the practice to separate between men and women who are not immediate family members by not touching) a level of sensitivity to be lauded. However, there was another mistake made and that was the First Lady wearing a sleeveless dress. After all there is an office of engagement dedicated to the Jewish community. It makes sense someone who is tasked with outreach to the Jewish community would brief the First Lady as to what constitutes appropriate attire. Jewish Law requires women to dress modestly. Modest dress means covering till the knees, elbows collar bone and married women their hair. As a gentile Ms. Obama need not cover her hair but to expose her body when so many Orthodox Jews were in attendance displays a dramatic lack of sensitivity.
This event of course comes on the heels of the US ambassador to Belgium, Defense Sec. Peneta and Sec. Clinton all engaged in harsh talk to Israel. Sec. Peneta placed the blame for stalled peace talks exclusively at Israel's feet.Sec. Clinton decried her concern about the status of women since religious soldiers walked out on performances by female soldiers.The preface to these incidents is of course VP Biden emphatic opposition to releasing Johnathan Pollard. This is just recently,but let no one forget the President pushing for a return to the 1949 armistice lines or the abandoning of Prime Minister Netanyahu in the White House.
The question for 2010 is at the end of the day is are Jews and Judaism merely tolerated by the administration or are Jews and Judaism welcome?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Why We Can't Comment
Thank you for signing the petition "Call an Investigation into Allegations of Prosecutorial & Judicial Misconduct in the Case of Sholom Rubashkin." We appreciate your participation in the We the People platform on WhiteHouse.gov.
As explained in the We the People Terms of Participation, the White House may at times decline to comment on certain specific matters properly within the jurisdiction of federal departments or agencies, federal courts, or state and local governments in its response to a petition. For important policy reasons, this includes specific law enforcement and judicial ethics matters. With respect to law enforcement matters, the Department of Justice is charged with investigating crime and enforcing our laws. The Department also has mechanisms in place to investigate allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, including through its Office of Professional Responsibility. With respect to judicial ethics matters, the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 vests primary responsibility for investigating and adjudicating claims of judicial misconduct with the Judicial Branch.
This petition calls for an investigation into allegations of prosecutorial and judicial misconduct in the case of Sholom Rubashkin and for action to correct the “gross injustice” in his case. For the reasons given above, the White House declines to comment on matters raised by this petition.
Yet, the reason the people turned to the White House if because asking the respective agencies to police their own has all the charm of asking the fox to guard the henhouse. It was because Attorney General Holder already turned a deaf ear despite 6 former US Attorneys General and several prominent Law Professors and Legislators and the Eighth Circuit’s bizarre ruling that the 27 year sentence is actually lenient call out for a truly independent investigation in to this truly disturbing perversion of the American justice system. It Shame on the White House for taking the coward’s way of silence. For Shame for ignoring 50, 000 citizens
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Below is copied and pasted from LAZER BEAMS from Rav Lazer Brody Shlita in Jerusalem. This man is not given to hyperbole. The time has come for what is truly important.
Thursday, 08 September 2011
Is Israel on the Brink of War?
Back in Rosh Hashana eve of 1973, Moshe Dayan and Golda Meir reassured a complacent Israeli public still drunk from the miraculous 1967 Six-Day War victory, "We've never been stronger! The Arabs wouldn't dream of attacking." On Yom Kippur of 1973, Syria and Egypt launched a two-prong surprise attack that brought Israel to its knees. Moshe Dayan was the first one to have a panic attack. Hashem saved us by a bigger miracle than 1967. Those of us who fought in that war can testify first hand.
Exactly 38 years later, we are in the same exact position. Only this time, the Arab noose is umpteen times more dangerous. Iran will have an A-bomb any day now. Al Qaida has taken over Sinai and our once quiet border with Egypt is now a powder keg. Turkey, our newest (old) enemy, i moving ships into our side of the Mediterranean. Hamas in Gaza has dangerous new Iranian and Libyan weapons, including bunker busters. Syria and Hizbulla have the nastiest chemical warheads, something beyond Satan's imagination.
One honest IDF commander - Home Front Command chief Maj. Gen. Eyal Eisenberg - said we must prepare for imminent war. Defense Minister Barak and company say that Eisenberg is exaggerating. Minister Yaalon is now joining the bandwagon of complacency too, saying, "No war in sight." These politicians are spiritually deaf and blind, hearing none of Hashem's wakeup calls.
My beloved teacher and spiritual guide, Rav Shalom Arush shlit'a, called me urgently to come see him today - he rarely does that, for we usually meet at regular intervals. He told me that his spiritual guide - the holy hidden Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Zev Leibowitz of saintly memory - came to him in a dream last night and said that in Heaven, all-out war against Israel has been decreed, a war which is supposed to break out before Rosh Hashana, in other words, within the next 3 weeks.
But, don't be afraid. Hashem does love us and wants to be with us. But, we must be worthy of the Divine Presence. Rav Shalom told me that every single Jew must begin doing serious teshuva and self-assessment while begging Hashem to delay this harsh decree. I asked Rav Shalom, "Why pray for a delay? Why not pray for a total cancellation?" Rav Shalom said the delay is to allow more people to make teshuva. A cancellation is almost impossible, because it's part of Hashem's plan to bring Moshiach, in the nearest future. Once Moshiach comes, teshuva will be worthless. Today, teshuva is still worth it's weight in diamonds. But time is running out super-fast.
I know that this post may earn me the status of the village idiot. But it's worth it if even one family heeds me. There is little time left. Forget about the new furniture and the new jewelry. We must all raise our voices in such a manner that the Heavenly Throne shudders. This is Nineveh 2011. Please, if you love your spouse and your children, start speaking to Hashem for an hour a day. Personal prayer invokes phenomenal Divine compassion, because it's a strong expression of emuna. Rav Shalom says, if you believe in Hashem, you speak to Him. If you don't believe in Him, then you don't speak. Let's all start speaking before it's too late.
Thursday, 08 September 2011
Is Israel on the Brink of War?
Back in Rosh Hashana eve of 1973, Moshe Dayan and Golda Meir reassured a complacent Israeli public still drunk from the miraculous 1967 Six-Day War victory, "We've never been stronger! The Arabs wouldn't dream of attacking." On Yom Kippur of 1973, Syria and Egypt launched a two-prong surprise attack that brought Israel to its knees. Moshe Dayan was the first one to have a panic attack. Hashem saved us by a bigger miracle than 1967. Those of us who fought in that war can testify first hand.
Exactly 38 years later, we are in the same exact position. Only this time, the Arab noose is umpteen times more dangerous. Iran will have an A-bomb any day now. Al Qaida has taken over Sinai and our once quiet border with Egypt is now a powder keg. Turkey, our newest (old) enemy, i moving ships into our side of the Mediterranean. Hamas in Gaza has dangerous new Iranian and Libyan weapons, including bunker busters. Syria and Hizbulla have the nastiest chemical warheads, something beyond Satan's imagination.
One honest IDF commander - Home Front Command chief Maj. Gen. Eyal Eisenberg - said we must prepare for imminent war. Defense Minister Barak and company say that Eisenberg is exaggerating. Minister Yaalon is now joining the bandwagon of complacency too, saying, "No war in sight." These politicians are spiritually deaf and blind, hearing none of Hashem's wakeup calls.
My beloved teacher and spiritual guide, Rav Shalom Arush shlit'a, called me urgently to come see him today - he rarely does that, for we usually meet at regular intervals. He told me that his spiritual guide - the holy hidden Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Zev Leibowitz of saintly memory - came to him in a dream last night and said that in Heaven, all-out war against Israel has been decreed, a war which is supposed to break out before Rosh Hashana, in other words, within the next 3 weeks.
But, don't be afraid. Hashem does love us and wants to be with us. But, we must be worthy of the Divine Presence. Rav Shalom told me that every single Jew must begin doing serious teshuva and self-assessment while begging Hashem to delay this harsh decree. I asked Rav Shalom, "Why pray for a delay? Why not pray for a total cancellation?" Rav Shalom said the delay is to allow more people to make teshuva. A cancellation is almost impossible, because it's part of Hashem's plan to bring Moshiach, in the nearest future. Once Moshiach comes, teshuva will be worthless. Today, teshuva is still worth it's weight in diamonds. But time is running out super-fast.
I know that this post may earn me the status of the village idiot. But it's worth it if even one family heeds me. There is little time left. Forget about the new furniture and the new jewelry. We must all raise our voices in such a manner that the Heavenly Throne shudders. This is Nineveh 2011. Please, if you love your spouse and your children, start speaking to Hashem for an hour a day. Personal prayer invokes phenomenal Divine compassion, because it's a strong expression of emuna. Rav Shalom says, if you believe in Hashem, you speak to Him. If you don't believe in Him, then you don't speak. Let's all start speaking before it's too late.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Absurdly Arrogant
The article pretty much speaks for itself.Though the United States needs to pursue its national interests to the exclusion of any other consideration. Acting in self interest is critical a country's survival. However when acting in national self interest involves bullying allies not just to get on board with the larger ally's policies but to engage in acts that are simply humilating. Similarly it is unacceptable for the larger ally to deny its freind the dignity of its own soverginty.
It is ibad enough that Washington refuses to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Indeed there is opinion that U.S policy denies the notion of there being a conpect of Jewish peoplehood. Further US State Department personnel are regularly deployed throughout Judea Samaria and Jerusalem to monitor Jewish construction. Ut us dusheartening to think American diplomats are being assigned the duties of a suburban code enforcement officer within another country.
Now to ask Israel to apologize to Turkey for defending itself against the armed persons aboard the infamous flotila borders on the absurd and is akin to the German government billing the Jewish community for the clean up after the debris caused by Kristalnacht. Asking Israel to apologize under the circumstances is insulting, demeaning and an expression of unbriddled arrogance that is inappropriate in international relations.
Shame on Washington for making the request Shame on Israel if they aquiese.
Washington - US to Israel: Apologize to Turkey, or Else; But Netanyahu Says No -- VosIzNeias.com
It is ibad enough that Washington refuses to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Indeed there is opinion that U.S policy denies the notion of there being a conpect of Jewish peoplehood. Further US State Department personnel are regularly deployed throughout Judea Samaria and Jerusalem to monitor Jewish construction. Ut us dusheartening to think American diplomats are being assigned the duties of a suburban code enforcement officer within another country.
Now to ask Israel to apologize to Turkey for defending itself against the armed persons aboard the infamous flotila borders on the absurd and is akin to the German government billing the Jewish community for the clean up after the debris caused by Kristalnacht. Asking Israel to apologize under the circumstances is insulting, demeaning and an expression of unbriddled arrogance that is inappropriate in international relations.
Shame on Washington for making the request Shame on Israel if they aquiese.
Washington - US to Israel: Apologize to Turkey, or Else; But Netanyahu Says No -- VosIzNeias.com
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The subtle often belies the fundamental. Paying attention to nuance leads to compelling differences that distinguish otherwise equally valid points of view. Concerning the Land of Israel many objective observers conclude the best approach to the problem is compromise, a two state solution, a state for the Jews and a State for the Arabs within the Land of Israel.
Recently there were two videos offering two Jewish perspectives on Arabs.
The first was an observation by Ms. Malkah Fleischer who acknowledged her admiration of Arabs and their culture. However she cannot be friends with Arabs because they intend violence to her and her family either through compelling her husband to once again don his uniform and go to war, because of a threat through rockets, missiles or personal violence to lives of those she loves or their designs on her home and community she cannot be friends with Arabs.
The other video came from the Israeli version of "What Would You Do?"observed what happened when an Arab woman was refused service at a coffee Sop in the Israeli city of Holon. The Arab lady, actress would order a coffee and the counterman also an actor would refuse her declaring " we do not serve Arabs here!" Nearly every Israeli was indignant how can you deny her humanity? What makes her any different that you or I?, She is as much a person as anyone!?
These videos complement each other. Those people who stepped up to defend an Arab woman's right to purchase coffee would not necessarily tolerate belligerent acts that place Israel's population at risk.
Passionately defending the right of Jews to return, reclaim,settle and populate the length and breath of The Land of Israel does not come at the price of dehumanizing the Arabs. Israel generally and faithful Jews in particular teach return and redemption and defense.
Those living under Fatah or Hamas or their fellow travelers make the same claim?
How can anyone doubt who occupies the Moral high ground? Can there be any doubt who is the the true heir of Abraham's legacy both spiritual and physical"
Recently there were two videos offering two Jewish perspectives on Arabs.
The first was an observation by Ms. Malkah Fleischer who acknowledged her admiration of Arabs and their culture. However she cannot be friends with Arabs because they intend violence to her and her family either through compelling her husband to once again don his uniform and go to war, because of a threat through rockets, missiles or personal violence to lives of those she loves or their designs on her home and community she cannot be friends with Arabs.
The other video came from the Israeli version of "What Would You Do?"observed what happened when an Arab woman was refused service at a coffee Sop in the Israeli city of Holon. The Arab lady, actress would order a coffee and the counterman also an actor would refuse her declaring " we do not serve Arabs here!" Nearly every Israeli was indignant how can you deny her humanity? What makes her any different that you or I?, She is as much a person as anyone!?
These videos complement each other. Those people who stepped up to defend an Arab woman's right to purchase coffee would not necessarily tolerate belligerent acts that place Israel's population at risk.
Passionately defending the right of Jews to return, reclaim,settle and populate the length and breath of The Land of Israel does not come at the price of dehumanizing the Arabs. Israel generally and faithful Jews in particular teach return and redemption and defense.
Those living under Fatah or Hamas or their fellow travelers make the same claim?
How can anyone doubt who occupies the Moral high ground? Can there be any doubt who is the the true heir of Abraham's legacy both spiritual and physical"
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The 6th of Adar II will remain seared in the conscience of all who possess a soul. During that Shabbat evening the community of Itamar became a murder scene so gruesome in its violence language is inadequate to fully convey its scope. Five members of the Fogel were murdered in their home some while they slept or in bed.
Glenn Beck whose style is to indulge in over the top hyperbole was indeed spot on when describing the carnage as being beyond the twisted visions of Charles Manson. The images Mr. Beck referenced to are truly too intense, too horrific, too chilling to be shown even to those well acquainted with death.
Mr. Aaron Klein during his March 6, 2011 WABC radio broadcast interviewed a Fatah spokesman who focused on the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria as being an usurpation of Arab lands that “ . . . they didn’t even pay for . . . .” apparently as justification for the attack. The ordinarily reserved Mr. Klein could not contain himself at this callously absurd assertion.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has approved the building of some 500 new housing units in Judea and Samaria in response. Further the Prime Minister in a statement noted how quick world opinion condemns Jewish building projects and how slowly world opinion responds to the loss of five Jewish lives in manner that belies the murderers’ brutish, soullessness.
Mr. Abbas sort of expressed a condemnation of the murders in a Saturday night phone call to PM Netanyahu and made a further condemnation of the murders in Arabic during an interview carried by Israeli radio. However as reported in the March 14, 2011 edition The New York Times reported that despite these words by Mr. Abbas the attitude expressed through the actions of his administration towards anti Israel incitement and the esteem in which terrorist are held and from whose ranks terrorists emerge belie something quite the opposite.
Secretary of State Clinton and echoed by the Quartet condemned the murders as Ms. Clinton’s press statement concludes “The murderers must be found and brought to justice. Israeli security forces have launched a thorough investigation and we look to the Palestinian authorities to assist in every way possible.”
Ms. Clinton, in Gaza Arabs were celebrating by distributing candies. Mr. Abbas’ office issues a statement that ““ . . . stressed his rejection and condemnation of all violence directed against civilians, regardless of who was behind it or the reason for it.” Ms. Clinton, Mr. Abbas seems to equate the accidental death of civilians amid the fog of war or as the victims as terrorists’ human shields to a murder that lies beyond Helter Skelter. Madame Secretary, the notion that the perpetrators be treated like criminals and not like combatants engaged in an act of war exposes a worldview based on a worldview absent of absolutes where good and evil become relative terms and lose any serious meaning. Ms. Clinton, when engaging in negotiations a shared sense of good faith and fair dealing between the parties is essential how then can Mr. Abbas be seen as any type of peace partner let alone a serious and sincere one?
As to any criticism about Jewish settlement in places like Itamar understand if Jews have no business in Itamar the where do the Jews belong? Should the Jews return to Europe? to Poland? Hungry? France? Iraq? or Yemen?, as suggested by Ms. Helen Thomas. If one claims that Jews do not belong in Itamar then on what basis do Jews belong in Jerusalem, Paris, London, Brooklyn or Lakewood New Jersey?
The danger is the Itamar atrocity in its psychotic levels of violence may be lost as an aberration and not as symptomatic of an underlying evil that deserves no recognition or tolerance among civilized persons.
Maybe time for words has ended. Maybe time has come to call out evil for what it is and stop its advance.
Glenn Beck whose style is to indulge in over the top hyperbole was indeed spot on when describing the carnage as being beyond the twisted visions of Charles Manson. The images Mr. Beck referenced to are truly too intense, too horrific, too chilling to be shown even to those well acquainted with death.
Mr. Aaron Klein during his March 6, 2011 WABC radio broadcast interviewed a Fatah spokesman who focused on the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria as being an usurpation of Arab lands that “ . . . they didn’t even pay for . . . .” apparently as justification for the attack. The ordinarily reserved Mr. Klein could not contain himself at this callously absurd assertion.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has approved the building of some 500 new housing units in Judea and Samaria in response. Further the Prime Minister in a statement noted how quick world opinion condemns Jewish building projects and how slowly world opinion responds to the loss of five Jewish lives in manner that belies the murderers’ brutish, soullessness.
Mr. Abbas sort of expressed a condemnation of the murders in a Saturday night phone call to PM Netanyahu and made a further condemnation of the murders in Arabic during an interview carried by Israeli radio. However as reported in the March 14, 2011 edition The New York Times reported that despite these words by Mr. Abbas the attitude expressed through the actions of his administration towards anti Israel incitement and the esteem in which terrorist are held and from whose ranks terrorists emerge belie something quite the opposite.
Secretary of State Clinton and echoed by the Quartet condemned the murders as Ms. Clinton’s press statement concludes “The murderers must be found and brought to justice. Israeli security forces have launched a thorough investigation and we look to the Palestinian authorities to assist in every way possible.”
Ms. Clinton, in Gaza Arabs were celebrating by distributing candies. Mr. Abbas’ office issues a statement that ““ . . . stressed his rejection and condemnation of all violence directed against civilians, regardless of who was behind it or the reason for it.” Ms. Clinton, Mr. Abbas seems to equate the accidental death of civilians amid the fog of war or as the victims as terrorists’ human shields to a murder that lies beyond Helter Skelter. Madame Secretary, the notion that the perpetrators be treated like criminals and not like combatants engaged in an act of war exposes a worldview based on a worldview absent of absolutes where good and evil become relative terms and lose any serious meaning. Ms. Clinton, when engaging in negotiations a shared sense of good faith and fair dealing between the parties is essential how then can Mr. Abbas be seen as any type of peace partner let alone a serious and sincere one?
As to any criticism about Jewish settlement in places like Itamar understand if Jews have no business in Itamar the where do the Jews belong? Should the Jews return to Europe? to Poland? Hungry? France? Iraq? or Yemen?, as suggested by Ms. Helen Thomas. If one claims that Jews do not belong in Itamar then on what basis do Jews belong in Jerusalem, Paris, London, Brooklyn or Lakewood New Jersey?
The danger is the Itamar atrocity in its psychotic levels of violence may be lost as an aberration and not as symptomatic of an underlying evil that deserves no recognition or tolerance among civilized persons.
Maybe time for words has ended. Maybe time has come to call out evil for what it is and stop its advance.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Throwing Rocks in a Glass House
Check out this link
It is wonderful Obama/ Clinton vetoed the Security Council mption agaisnt Israel---But Sec. Clinton declaring the return of Jews to Biblical lands as Illegitimate slaps each of my ancestors and every Jew in the face. Madame Secretary before saying anything to Israel speak with the Sioux, Lakota and Cherokee about how legitimate are the settelments of Boston , New York, Detroit, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles???????
It is wonderful Obama/ Clinton vetoed the Security Council mption agaisnt Israel---But Sec. Clinton declaring the return of Jews to Biblical lands as Illegitimate slaps each of my ancestors and every Jew in the face. Madame Secretary before saying anything to Israel speak with the Sioux, Lakota and Cherokee about how legitimate are the settelments of Boston , New York, Detroit, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles???????
Thursday, February 10, 2011
White House Fudges on Whether it Would Save Israel
by Gil Ronen
Follow Israel news on and .
White House Spokesman Robin Gibbs would not pledge to guarantee Israel's security if its existence is in danger, in a Wednesday press briefing. In reference to recent Middle East turmoil, he was asked: "If Israel is threatened by any of these new governments or Hamas and Hizbullah, if its existence is in danger, would the US come to its assistance?
Gibbs answered: "Regardless of the situation facing any government in the region, our friendship, our partnership and our alliance with Israel is unchanged."
Gibbs also said the Administration could not force a peace settlement on Israel and the PA. "The president has been involved from day one in seeking a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians," he said, but added that "We cannot force those two into steps that they are unwilling to take steps to do themselves."
Press Secratery Gibbs expressed a firm committment by the United States to Israel, yet there was no mention of doing anything more then sending good wishes. How reassuring!
Now what Mr. Gibbs said in conclusion;
"We cannot force those two into steps that they are unwilling to take steps to do themselves."
First, of all it is encouraging that the Administration is not going to impose a settlement upon Israel and Fatah/Hamas. However what is disturbing and what colors Mr. Gibbs' prior statement of support for Israel is how he equated both sides almost making it sound like the unwillingness to reach an agreement is mutual.
To review how Israel has made concession after concession either through Territory, or through prisoner release of terrorists et. al. is so well known that reciting the list would be unnecessary. The list of concessions made by the other side is what? Maybe for the time being, not to send suicide bombers? The balance sheet is completely sckewed yet in the eyes of the Obama Aministration the parties are equally responsible for the lack of agreement. Outrageous.
Yet, on the other hand is Israel's desire to reach an agreementin its best interest?
Not that any rational person would endorse a state of hostility over a state of peace. However a nation must act in their own best interest. A desire for peace cannot be a death wish.
Aside from any historic, religious or cultural considerations that make relinquishing any part of the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael offensive and repugnat there all more practical concerns.
First there is the issue of relocating the roughly quater of a million Jews who live in Judea and Sumaria. Even Five years plus after the Disengagement from Gaza not all the Eight and Half Thousand Jews who lived in Gaza have been fully restored. Indeed for the sake of peace tens if not hundreds of lives were irrepaily altered.
Further a new state within the borders of Eretz Yisrael would place potential enemies with ever closer range to essential aspects of Israeli infrastructure and security.
Additionally the situation in the surrounding countries is of concern. Many countires have aging despotic leadership and a dissatisfied, middle class along with a wink and nod from the United States create the conditions for a perfect storm for revolt. Though it is unclear who controls those in rebellion, what is clear an organization dedicated to creating an Islamic megastate, a caliphate is the best organized and best poised to fill a power vacum in the wake of regieme change. The Obama or any Aministration failing to understand this means either the public is clueless or the Administration is oblivious to the obvious.
Mr. Gibb's comments reflects a profound failure of perception ,to the extant that it belies what could be best described as an inability to grasp reality.
White House Fudges on Whether it Would Save Israel
by Gil Ronen
Follow Israel news on and .
White House Spokesman Robin Gibbs would not pledge to guarantee Israel's security if its existence is in danger, in a Wednesday press briefing. In reference to recent Middle East turmoil, he was asked: "If Israel is threatened by any of these new governments or Hamas and Hizbullah, if its existence is in danger, would the US come to its assistance?
Gibbs answered: "Regardless of the situation facing any government in the region, our friendship, our partnership and our alliance with Israel is unchanged."
Gibbs also said the Administration could not force a peace settlement on Israel and the PA. "The president has been involved from day one in seeking a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians," he said, but added that "We cannot force those two into steps that they are unwilling to take steps to do themselves."
Press Secratery Gibbs expressed a firm committment by the United States to Israel, yet there was no mention of doing anything more then sending good wishes. How reassuring!
Now what Mr. Gibbs said in conclusion;
"We cannot force those two into steps that they are unwilling to take steps to do themselves."
First, of all it is encouraging that the Administration is not going to impose a settlement upon Israel and Fatah/Hamas. However what is disturbing and what colors Mr. Gibbs' prior statement of support for Israel is how he equated both sides almost making it sound like the unwillingness to reach an agreement is mutual.
To review how Israel has made concession after concession either through Territory, or through prisoner release of terrorists et. al. is so well known that reciting the list would be unnecessary. The list of concessions made by the other side is what? Maybe for the time being, not to send suicide bombers? The balance sheet is completely sckewed yet in the eyes of the Obama Aministration the parties are equally responsible for the lack of agreement. Outrageous.
Yet, on the other hand is Israel's desire to reach an agreementin its best interest?
Not that any rational person would endorse a state of hostility over a state of peace. However a nation must act in their own best interest. A desire for peace cannot be a death wish.
Aside from any historic, religious or cultural considerations that make relinquishing any part of the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael offensive and repugnat there all more practical concerns.
First there is the issue of relocating the roughly quater of a million Jews who live in Judea and Sumaria. Even Five years plus after the Disengagement from Gaza not all the Eight and Half Thousand Jews who lived in Gaza have been fully restored. Indeed for the sake of peace tens if not hundreds of lives were irrepaily altered.
Further a new state within the borders of Eretz Yisrael would place potential enemies with ever closer range to essential aspects of Israeli infrastructure and security.
Additionally the situation in the surrounding countries is of concern. Many countires have aging despotic leadership and a dissatisfied, middle class along with a wink and nod from the United States create the conditions for a perfect storm for revolt. Though it is unclear who controls those in rebellion, what is clear an organization dedicated to creating an Islamic megastate, a caliphate is the best organized and best poised to fill a power vacum in the wake of regieme change. The Obama or any Aministration failing to understand this means either the public is clueless or the Administration is oblivious to the obvious.
Mr. Gibb's comments reflects a profound failure of perception ,to the extant that it belies what could be best described as an inability to grasp reality.
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