Monday, July 07, 2014


It is becoming clear that the Arab boy who was murdered was killed by Jews. Part of me wishes to minimize this outrage, that the murder of the three Jewish teens overshadows this boy's death. However, murder is a crime that must be prosecuted to the extent of the law. Yet, there are some distinctions there is a difference between an act done by individuals contrary to society's educational infrastructure and its other institutions. Those who kidnapped the three boys were at best the product of a generation feed hate along with their mothers' milk, a culture encouraging violence against Jews that reaches within every echelon of Arab society in Judea, Samaria or Gaza. No one in the Israel's Jewish community is celebrating this young person's death unlike the three finger salute or passing out candies in celebration. Remarkably a murder denounced by the Israeli government within a short time suspects were arrested and face arraignment the system is working yet the Arabs respond with massive rocket barrages including desecration of Joseph's Tomb. Sorry, the death of the Arab teen is not justifies nor does this murder justify the Arab response. The murder of Eyal, Gilad and Naftali must be responded to not out of revenge. Revenge is exclusively G-D's department but there must serve as a deterrencee to discourage anyone from harming another Jew.