The work on the Rambam Bridge linking the Western Wall to the Temple was put on hold by the Mayor of Jerusalem, a Hared, and devoutly observant Jew. Even though the bridge is not part of Temple Mount,is a repair to allow better access for all and was coordinated with Muslim authorities. However the violent protests of the Islamic community is only half heartedly responded to by the Police and their concerns are headed. This is the latest chapter in a situation that has recently begun festering.
A young Jew blew the Ram’s Horn,Shofar on the Jewish New Year at the small Western Wall was subjected to severe treatment by the police. Arabs are encroaching on Jewish presence throughout the land. Arab construction throughout the land of Israel is often without the required approvals and permits. Or Arab neighbors encroach and adversely possess common areas and create circumstances that amount to constructive eviction. Farmers in the Negev cannot defend themselves from Bedouin home invaders without fearing legal repercussions. Or Arab members of the government actively support enemy regime's or challenge the legitimacy of the national entity. Not to mix purely criminal and purely political action but, tolerating both types of activities only emboldens these folks to use the universal values of decency and tolerance which are the characteristics of democracy as means to engage in intimidation and terror.
Also the Arab call to change Israel’s flag and anthem to accommodate Israel’s non-Jewish population all flow from the source. The apparent reluctance of the State of Israel and part of the population to assert itself. The leadership is afraid to declare the State an s a Jewish state, a state were Jews would rule and exercise sovereignty.To alter these symbols of the state dilutes the Jewish claim of connection to the Land from national ideology to cultural and ethnic memory. This opens the door to justify the acquiesce to Arab bullying.
Instead Islamic Arab bullies carry the day The Jewish soul’s embers still burn, albeit dimly to ignite the future with light, with Torah and knowledge of G-D.Log ago Moredechai when confronted by an Persian/Iranian bully named Haman neither bowed or prostrated because he was a Jew (see Esther 3:2,4) Like Mordechai,it is time to just say no the Bullies that stand in the way of Jewry being where they belong.
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