Mr. Olmert with his mandate of 3% support is negotiating a declaration of principles for final status issues in the Israel-Arab conflict with Abu Mazen,who has lost control over Gaza and remains in power only through the support of Washington and to a lesser degree Olmert himself.The Final status of borders, Jerusalem, resettlement of Jews from Yesha(after all Israel did so well relocating the 8,500 folks from Gush Katif imagine how well it will do with 250,000!)and the contiguity between Gaza and Yehuda/Shomron etc . . .is going to be left to these two?
Is there anything that would motivate Arab compromise or concession to Israel? Please understand not engaging in and policing against terrorism, struggleism or jihad is not a concession or compromise, this is the minimal behavior expected from a responsible government.
Is there a demand to which Olmert will not acquiesce? Is there price for peace that the people of Israel will be unwilling to allow their government to pay on their behalf?
To consider the present as a Historic Opportunity for Peace is so profoundly out of touch as to call in to question Secretary Rice's grasp of reality. Dr. Rice to proclaim Israel's future lies in the Galil and Negev and not Yehudah and Shomron demonstrates at best embracing the leftist Post-Zionist/Post-Nationalist philosophy espoused by PM Olmert and President Peres. Or at worst a slap in the face of all the generations of Jews who wept for Temple's destruction and exile on Tisha B'Av or punctuated Yom Kippur or Passover Seder with the desire/prayer that "NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM". Jerusalem,Judea and Shomron as well as Gaza are part of my legacy as a Jew. These places connect me to both the past and future. Heritage offers context for where one has come and offers direction where to go from here.
Olmert's Israel (3%)needs Abu Mazen and Washington's blessing to claim a right to exist. The Other Israel(97%)exists because of their Heritage, because of the Mothers and Fathers buried in Hevron, for Mother Rachel in Beit Lechem, because of generations of ancestors who looked three times daily in prayer towards Zion. These are not mere ghosts but the wellspring of Jewry's identity,pride, self esteem and
D-vinely ordained mandate. Even if one is not personally observant where does one's sense of self? from within or without?
To paraphrase Hillel in Pirkei Avot "If I,myself do not define who I am than who will? And if others define me than who am I? . . . ." How fascinating one's arrogance can obscure such a simple fact. Can the ship of state remain in such hands unless as a D-vine message to illustrate there is no logic outside faith in Hashem and His Torah.
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