Timing is everything. Prime Minister Olmert’s potential legal problems must be fairly serious. After all what better way to distract the public then to announce a diplomatic breakthrough [translation: I agreed without asking anyone to give away peoples’ homes, fields, orchards and businesses so that the folks who are pledged to your annihilation can be all that much closer so you can be more clearly in their crosshairs].
What is astonishing is how the nation’s representatives are more committed to remaining in office than acting in the national interest. Especially those MKs who profess their commitment to G-D, Torah, and Jewry are willing to allow a repeat of the Gush Katif disgrace. The continued dilution of the State’s commitment to Jewish education by the current Education Minister has the effect of estranging the State’s youth from their heritage, a legacy intimately connected to the Land of Israel.
Now as the time approaches to receive the Torah, it is time to call out the emperor class’ destructive and delusional behavior and put the brakes on the national slide in to the abyss.