Friday, October 31, 2008


As the election cycle winds down in the US and is gearing up in Israel a single question looms large in both places,'What is good for the Jews?"

Both McCain and Obama favor a two state model for resolving the Arab -Israeli/Jewish issue. The national character of Israel is up for grabs its Jewish character to be either merely De Facto or De Jure in nature.

How any leader performs cannot be predicted who would think Mr. Sharon would expell Jews from their homes only to have Hamas swallow up the vacum?

The best advice is of course choose the candidate or party that till now has carried Israel's best interest or at least the one with the fewest Anti-Israel/Zionist/ Semitic advisors, friends, mentors et al.

However the far more important is for Jewry to step up and improove it self through improoving its observance of the Torah and its laws. T o avoid any unseemly behavior to promote morals, civility and decency among people. No, this not Kum By Ya speak but a call to live as Jews preserving the D-vine Image invested in humanity through the A-mighty's desig and humanity's vision as set forth in the Mitzvoth letter and spirit.

As stated during the recent High Holy Days Repentance, Prayer and Charity can anull and reverse a harsh decree.