Then as now there is a battle over the Jewish character of Jerusalem. The end of next week just before the Shabbat candles are lit the First Chanukah light is kindled.
The Macacbes fought not only Greco-Syrian forces but had to contend with Hellenist Jews. Victory was defined by the restoration of Jewish sovereignty to the Temple Mount. Jewish sovereignty was not established by which flags flies over Mt. Moriah but the reinstitution of the Temple service even if it is limited to lighting the Menorah. Nere possession is not enough it is the demonstrative action, acting like an owner establishes title
Presently, there are internal as well as external threats to Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem. The Nations lead by the United States cannot accept Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Remarkably, in an era where the American President and foreign policy are laughed at Israel’s Prime Minister still feels the need to call the White House for a hall pass. After 61 years Israeli leadership still has a desperate need for the nations' acceptance. The on-going protests against public violation of Shabbat by Haraidi Jews are met with Secular protests that implore “ Get the Haraidim off our backs!”.Why challenge the public observance of Shabbat as an expression of fidelity to the Jewish heritage.
No attempt to make comparisons between the Chanukah story and the present day is intended except in the broadest terms as a struggle for the character of the Eternal Capital of the Jewish people. Certainly those who would find common cause with the PA whether they are Jewish people affiliated with the International Solidarity Movement or Neturei Karta belong to a category of individuals who deserve only condemnation and can simply be labeled a traitors.
But, for people to take to the streets to protest Jews seeking to enhance the public face of Shabbat is disturbing. It would seem silly to believe the average secular Israeli ascribes such a high value to have the freedom to go clubbing on Friday night or shopping on Shabbat. It may be naïve to believe but as the Tanya teaches the nature of a Jewish person left to themselves would not consciously choose to sin. Further some of the Haraidi Protests in defense of Shabbat may have triggered far more Shabbat desecration than what the protesters wished to prevent.
The apparent failure of Haraidi protests and the response elicited leaves one to wonder why? Simply asserting the seculars are ensnared in their own desires and indulgences misses the point. The answer lies in a subtle aspect of the Chanukah story. The First Rebbe of GER ZT’L ZY’A. Even though the forces lead by Yehudah HaMacabee began as a a group of dissenters their movement represents a groundswell of return to Judaism. The Menorah, because it belongs to the whole nation could not be an instrument for miracles as long as one of its owners was disconnected from his or her faith. Therefore there was something about the Maccabees’ campaign that lit the Pinteleh Yid within even a Helenized Jews. Why? Matityahu, Yehudah etc fought not to restore their Shabbat, or restore their Torah, but G-D‘s and Israel’s Shabbat and Torah. The message came across “This fight belongs to each of us!!”
Now it would be presumptuous to declare what the Haraidi motivations for protest are but the results speak for themselves. If Chas V’Shalom Haraidi protests are provincial in nature and seek merely to preserve their own comunity's way of life, their Shabbat, their worldview then there could be little wonder why their efforts are met with hostility.
Indeed the apparent divide between secular and religious sectors of the Israeli population reaches so deeply that a distinction can be made between Jews and Israelis, two distinct ethnic identities for a single people with a shared history and for the most part a shared ancestory.
As the Lights dance above our Menoroth this Chanukah maybe the message is to each Jewish Man Woman and Child the legacy of Judaism’s heritage belongs to them. THE choice is Intel or Pinteleh Yid
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
PLEASE check out this story
To be sure the seeing the violation of Shabbat not necessarily a matter of personal choice. The experience of Shabbath is an actual nearly tangible thing therefore witnessing the violation of Shabbath by other Jews is a painful experience.
The protests at the Intel plant and the carta parking lot are shameful because of how the holy is being damaged.
It escapes me why in a era of governments being stapped for cash and Mayor Barakat wishing to enhance the city's stature as a destination why squander resources on quelling Shabbath Protest when they could dealt with Sunday -friday? Wht is there no attempt at conversation? I may be well to wonder how much Chilull Shabbat was caused by the protest? Additionally the unwillingness of the municipality's unwilling atitude is profoundly disturbing as it seeks to nulify a significant percentage of Jerusalem's Jews.
Could anyone who care even a little about Jewish unity not be scared and somewhat sickened by these reports and that no respect was given to an elderly Rav one of the nation's leader's. Shame on a state and education system that fails its pupils and their parents by not imparting a sense of context,identity and heritage. How sad the Chariadimg appear unable to communicate meaningfully without violence.
To be sure the seeing the violation of Shabbat not necessarily a matter of personal choice. The experience of Shabbath is an actual nearly tangible thing therefore witnessing the violation of Shabbath by other Jews is a painful experience.
The protests at the Intel plant and the carta parking lot are shameful because of how the holy is being damaged.
It escapes me why in a era of governments being stapped for cash and Mayor Barakat wishing to enhance the city's stature as a destination why squander resources on quelling Shabbath Protest when they could dealt with Sunday -friday? Wht is there no attempt at conversation? I may be well to wonder how much Chilull Shabbat was caused by the protest? Additionally the unwillingness of the municipality's unwilling atitude is profoundly disturbing as it seeks to nulify a significant percentage of Jerusalem's Jews.
Could anyone who care even a little about Jewish unity not be scared and somewhat sickened by these reports and that no respect was given to an elderly Rav one of the nation's leader's. Shame on a state and education system that fails its pupils and their parents by not imparting a sense of context,identity and heritage. How sad the Chariadimg appear unable to communicate meaningfully without violence.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Justice Benish’s recent ruling that wrested authority for Kashrut certification from the Rabbinate only serves to reaffirm my developing theory that those who embrace liberal –leftist ideology live in a reality parallel to our own..
The present has its roots in the past. American law has its origins in the common law of England which in turn has connections to the Roman civil law who in turn took legal principles from the Greeks who had contact with the Prophets, Scholars and scribes of Israel .
Similarly, Israeli Law is a patchwork of Ottoman, British and the sensibilities associated with generic values associated with liberal democracies. As necessary the courts will look at Jewish legal sources and in fairness probably more often than other jurisdiction though it does not enjoy the status it should have in the Jewish State. The Jewish Legal Heritage represents over three thousand years of scholarship and precedent
All jurisprudence has its origins in what came before. Though circumstances can and do change the variations are transient whereas the essentials of the human condition remain a constant. Therefore even though technology and standards of living can change ancient principles are still applicable in the present day. This is why a legal system needs a sense of fidelity to history as this adds authority and reliability to a particular society’s legal system.
The study of Mishpat HaIvrei, academic study of Jewish Law is a recognized discipline in Law Schools throughout the world. As an Attorney and Rabbi and even more so as a Jew it would be a source of pride and demonstration of the nation’s eternal nature that the Israel’s judiciary and Supreme Court embrace as well as respect the Jewish Legal Heritage.
Israel ’s Supreme Court and in particular under Justice Barak and now Justice Benish displays what comes across as a disdain to Jews and Judaism. When the Supreme Court recently ruled that Jews have a right of worship on the Temple Mount as well as some other positive rulings it was viewed as a cause for blessing He Who works miracles. The Court has long inserted itself in the Rabbinate’s jurisdiction in conversion,divorce and kosher certification. The present ruling reported by Israel National News .Arutz -7 The Ashdod Rabbinate withdrawing Kosher Supervision from an establishment operated by a Jew who claims belief in the object of Christian veneration. It was reported that the Court declared that;
. . . Halakhic [Jewish legal] standards that measure when one’s personal kashrut claims may be believed are not part of the “hard core” of kashrut laws to which the State of Israel is obligated. Therefore, the fact that the rabbinate does not "trust" the owner is not sufficient reason to withhold the kashrut certification (INN/A7 news story 11/18/2009)
Such a ruling further strips the rabbinate of authority and credibility. It is equally astonishing that the Chief Rabbis, Rabbis Amar and Metzger or other rabbinic associations have not pledged to protest/defy the Supreme Court’s ruling. Nor has legislation been proposed in the Knesset to fix this situation. Why ? Is there a lack of commitment or intimidation? Or does inaction to restoring the rabbinate’s honor stem from a sense of despair?
The frontiers of arrogance are apparently being mapped out by Justice Benish and her ilk. Ruling that Kosher certification has a secular definition that lie beyond the reach of rabbinic authority reads like a Purim satire. Again not just to those who already observe Torah and Mitzvoth but any proud Jew’s passions should enflamed. This issue is a further symptom of the worldview that cannot see the imperative to retain all of Jerusalem, how Mama Rachel weeps at her children having to encase her tomb under a bunker or how our grand parents in Hevron are surrounded by hostile neighbors and on and on. Those who subscribe to Justice Benish’s way of thinking see operation cast lead as collective punishment of Gazan Arabs or see a realistic option in engaging Iran in real diplomatic dialogue.
It seems necessary for the Rabbinate and all well meaning folks to rebuff the Supreme Court’s insult and to seek out the assertion of authority not in the spirit of arrogance but as an expression of self esteem. Now as the Jewish character of the state is openly challenged both from within and without. Now, is the time for Israeli government to embrace Judaism’s heritage in the state’s public life
The present has its roots in the past. American law has its origins in the common law of England which in turn has connections to the Roman civil law who in turn took legal principles from the Greeks who had contact with the Prophets, Scholars and scribes of Israel .
Similarly, Israeli Law is a patchwork of Ottoman, British and the sensibilities associated with generic values associated with liberal democracies. As necessary the courts will look at Jewish legal sources and in fairness probably more often than other jurisdiction though it does not enjoy the status it should have in the Jewish State. The Jewish Legal Heritage represents over three thousand years of scholarship and precedent
All jurisprudence has its origins in what came before. Though circumstances can and do change the variations are transient whereas the essentials of the human condition remain a constant. Therefore even though technology and standards of living can change ancient principles are still applicable in the present day. This is why a legal system needs a sense of fidelity to history as this adds authority and reliability to a particular society’s legal system.
The study of Mishpat HaIvrei, academic study of Jewish Law is a recognized discipline in Law Schools throughout the world. As an Attorney and Rabbi and even more so as a Jew it would be a source of pride and demonstration of the nation’s eternal nature that the Israel’s judiciary and Supreme Court embrace as well as respect the Jewish Legal Heritage.
Israel ’s Supreme Court and in particular under Justice Barak and now Justice Benish displays what comes across as a disdain to Jews and Judaism. When the Supreme Court recently ruled that Jews have a right of worship on the Temple Mount as well as some other positive rulings it was viewed as a cause for blessing He Who works miracles. The Court has long inserted itself in the Rabbinate’s jurisdiction in conversion,divorce and kosher certification. The present ruling reported by Israel National News .Arutz -7 The Ashdod Rabbinate withdrawing Kosher Supervision from an establishment operated by a Jew who claims belief in the object of Christian veneration. It was reported that the Court declared that;
. . . Halakhic [Jewish legal] standards that measure when one’s personal kashrut claims may be believed are not part of the “hard core” of kashrut laws to which the State of Israel is obligated. Therefore, the fact that the rabbinate does not "trust" the owner is not sufficient reason to withhold the kashrut certification (INN/A7 news story 11/18/2009)
Such a ruling further strips the rabbinate of authority and credibility. It is equally astonishing that the Chief Rabbis, Rabbis Amar and Metzger or other rabbinic associations have not pledged to protest/defy the Supreme Court’s ruling. Nor has legislation been proposed in the Knesset to fix this situation. Why ? Is there a lack of commitment or intimidation? Or does inaction to restoring the rabbinate’s honor stem from a sense of despair?
The frontiers of arrogance are apparently being mapped out by Justice Benish and her ilk. Ruling that Kosher certification has a secular definition that lie beyond the reach of rabbinic authority reads like a Purim satire. Again not just to those who already observe Torah and Mitzvoth but any proud Jew’s passions should enflamed. This issue is a further symptom of the worldview that cannot see the imperative to retain all of Jerusalem, how Mama Rachel weeps at her children having to encase her tomb under a bunker or how our grand parents in Hevron are surrounded by hostile neighbors and on and on. Those who subscribe to Justice Benish’s way of thinking see operation cast lead as collective punishment of Gazan Arabs or see a realistic option in engaging Iran in real diplomatic dialogue.
It seems necessary for the Rabbinate and all well meaning folks to rebuff the Supreme Court’s insult and to seek out the assertion of authority not in the spirit of arrogance but as an expression of self esteem. Now as the Jewish character of the state is openly challenged both from within and without. Now, is the time for Israeli government to embrace Judaism’s heritage in the state’s public life
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Hevron Matters
Normally this blog offers insight to political issues but the improtance of Hevron in the Jewish consciousness makes placing this Dvar Torah here. Each evening the declaration of faith contained in recitation of Shema is prefaced by stating that “ . . . they [the words of Torah] are our life and the measure of our days . . .” The Ba’al Haturim ZT’L ZY’A among his observations on Bereshith 1:1 notes Bereshith is an acrostic for From the beginning G-D saw that Israel will accept the Torah. Therefore, these and other sources imply a powerful connection between Israel’s connection to Torah and creation itself. Consequently, words of Torah on a particular matter have the effect of intensifying the concentration of D-vine energy associated with that particular thing. As Hillel taught (Avot 2:7) “ . . . the more Torah, the more life . . . .”
Therefore even though Chaye Sara touches on topics as fundamental as marriage or injecting spirituality in the midst of the workday, it is particularly important to dedicate words of Torah about Avraham Our Father A’H acquiring the Machpelah field and cave.
23:17-18,20 gives detail about the conveyance of Efron’s property to Avraham. The property is identified in detail, both the cave and field. Further the forum before which the land was purchased is also recorded. Rabbi Moshe Alshich ZT’L ZY’A commenting on 23:20 emphasizes that the transaction was not private between Avraham and Efron. Avraham was concerned the right to own burial property was restricted to residents and transients Therefore Avraham could have paid Efron the 400 shekels mentioned in 23:16 and the transfer could blocked by the Bene Chet council. Avraham wanted nothing to be left for chance this deal was to be unassailable. Additionally, Rabbi Meir Yechiel HaLevi of Ostrovitza ZT’L ZY’A in Ohr Torah calculates how the price paid by the progenitor of the Jewish people secured a place for each Jewish soul from the settling of Eretz Yisrael till the year 6000, by which Mashiach shall arrive.
Certainly, the notion that our father Avraham secured for each Jew a place in Eretz Yisrael is profound in of itself. However, the open question remains why Hevron?
Rashi ZT’L ZY’A (12:2) explains based on the Midrash Hevron was called karat Arba because four couples were buried there, Adam and Chava, Avraham and Sara, Yitzchak and Rivkah and Ya’akov and Leah . The original city was founded during the generation of dispersion according to Sefer Chibat Yerushalim (pg 194). The original city served as a Levite city and as a city of refuge, consequently the cave of the Machpelah was outside the city where the residents would observe the laws of ritual purity in a very carefully. However when the present city of Hevron was built it began with the cave of Machpelah as its center. The Ohr HaChaim ZT’L ZY’A comments on 23:2 contrast the two names Kiryat Arba and Hevron as how those buried there were truly unique. These righteous personages had departed a place made from the four primordial elements, fire, air , water and earth to join together (in Hebrew, Chibur) the physical and spiritual worlds first while alive in a body and then afterwards when the body is left behind but the soul connects between Heaven and Earth. Rabbi Nathan of Breslov ZT’L ZY’A observes concerning 23:17 that the property changed hands between Efron and Avraham. Both the Seller and Buyer are connected to dust, Earth. Efron is symbolic of the aspect of dust , dirt as a lifeless, lethargic indulgent clod whereas Avraham who declared himself as nothing more than “: . . Ashes and Dust . . . .” (18:27). Avraham emulated the aspect of humility present within dust and dirt Instead of indulgence Avraham’s dustiness left his heart open to others’ needs and to faith. Further Rabbi Nathan notes this was Kiryat Arba where the four couples represent both masculine and feminine aspects of spirituality. The person buried and to be buried in the Machpelah were tireless persons dedicated to seeking an ever closer relationship with G-D. Those persons interred were humble and open and actively seeking growth.
The example set by the founding families symbolizes the sea change made by Avaraham in the human condition. As Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook ZT’L ZY’A declared just six months after the Arab riots and massacre of 5689/1929 why Hevron matters and must remain settled by Jews;
“The memory of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs as well as the cave of the Machpelah connects us, the present generation with Adam. Such a connection casts Jewish nationalism in an eternal context with strong ties to the roots of creation itself is all dependant on Hevron, ”
(R’YAH HaOriot, V’HaAvoth pg 104 )
Hevron and the Machpelah convey the fundamental notions of what Judaism’s core values this why Hevron Matters till today and throughout time.
Therefore even though Chaye Sara touches on topics as fundamental as marriage or injecting spirituality in the midst of the workday, it is particularly important to dedicate words of Torah about Avraham Our Father A’H acquiring the Machpelah field and cave.
23:17-18,20 gives detail about the conveyance of Efron’s property to Avraham. The property is identified in detail, both the cave and field. Further the forum before which the land was purchased is also recorded. Rabbi Moshe Alshich ZT’L ZY’A commenting on 23:20 emphasizes that the transaction was not private between Avraham and Efron. Avraham was concerned the right to own burial property was restricted to residents and transients Therefore Avraham could have paid Efron the 400 shekels mentioned in 23:16 and the transfer could blocked by the Bene Chet council. Avraham wanted nothing to be left for chance this deal was to be unassailable. Additionally, Rabbi Meir Yechiel HaLevi of Ostrovitza ZT’L ZY’A in Ohr Torah calculates how the price paid by the progenitor of the Jewish people secured a place for each Jewish soul from the settling of Eretz Yisrael till the year 6000, by which Mashiach shall arrive.
Certainly, the notion that our father Avraham secured for each Jew a place in Eretz Yisrael is profound in of itself. However, the open question remains why Hevron?
Rashi ZT’L ZY’A (12:2) explains based on the Midrash Hevron was called karat Arba because four couples were buried there, Adam and Chava, Avraham and Sara, Yitzchak and Rivkah and Ya’akov and Leah . The original city was founded during the generation of dispersion according to Sefer Chibat Yerushalim (pg 194). The original city served as a Levite city and as a city of refuge, consequently the cave of the Machpelah was outside the city where the residents would observe the laws of ritual purity in a very carefully. However when the present city of Hevron was built it began with the cave of Machpelah as its center. The Ohr HaChaim ZT’L ZY’A comments on 23:2 contrast the two names Kiryat Arba and Hevron as how those buried there were truly unique. These righteous personages had departed a place made from the four primordial elements, fire, air , water and earth to join together (in Hebrew, Chibur) the physical and spiritual worlds first while alive in a body and then afterwards when the body is left behind but the soul connects between Heaven and Earth. Rabbi Nathan of Breslov ZT’L ZY’A observes concerning 23:17 that the property changed hands between Efron and Avraham. Both the Seller and Buyer are connected to dust, Earth. Efron is symbolic of the aspect of dust , dirt as a lifeless, lethargic indulgent clod whereas Avraham who declared himself as nothing more than “: . . Ashes and Dust . . . .” (18:27). Avraham emulated the aspect of humility present within dust and dirt Instead of indulgence Avraham’s dustiness left his heart open to others’ needs and to faith. Further Rabbi Nathan notes this was Kiryat Arba where the four couples represent both masculine and feminine aspects of spirituality. The person buried and to be buried in the Machpelah were tireless persons dedicated to seeking an ever closer relationship with G-D. Those persons interred were humble and open and actively seeking growth.
The example set by the founding families symbolizes the sea change made by Avaraham in the human condition. As Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook ZT’L ZY’A declared just six months after the Arab riots and massacre of 5689/1929 why Hevron matters and must remain settled by Jews;
“The memory of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs as well as the cave of the Machpelah connects us, the present generation with Adam. Such a connection casts Jewish nationalism in an eternal context with strong ties to the roots of creation itself is all dependant on Hevron, ”
(R’YAH HaOriot, V’HaAvoth pg 104 )
Hevron and the Machpelah convey the fundamental notions of what Judaism’s core values this why Hevron Matters till today and throughout time.
Monday, October 26, 2009
So Smart and yet so Clueless
Bill Moyers recently interviewed Judge Goldstone concenring the report on Operation Cast Lead. The Judge has a long CV of analyzing the conduct of nations in conflict. He has analyzed South Africa, Kosavo etc . . . . Judge Goldstone seemed to articulate the objective criteria he used to make fine distinctions in behavior between acts of legitimate warfare and war crimes.
Judge Goldstone is quite erudite, articulate and the his self assured air puts forward an honest presentation of his investigations’ findings. Listening to the Judge one clearly sees how he can claim his credentials as a Zionist. The Judge in his mind is quite fair and objective.
This is problem his finely hone academic standards seem to completely miss the fundamental notion of war as Patton said is make sure the other fellow dies for their country. Certainly Israel does not wish to harm anyone. However, if the prime purpose of a government is to protect its citizens Rockets and now missles were being launched without restraint into Israeli population centers render Judge Goldstone’s nice little protocols quite laughable.
How could massive attacks against Gaza be disproportionate or collective punishment? It should be obvious the only way to defeat Hamas is to deny them safe haven within Gaza .Hamas can only stay in Gaza as long as the civilian population tolerating Hamas in their midst. The most obvious way to uproot Hamas from Gaza is to make the price for harboring Hamas so great the Gazans would no longer be willing to do so.
Judge Goldstone’s failure to recognize this as well as the how Hamas as other terrorists use decency as a weapon against democracies belies a .how too much scholarship detaches even a brilliant person from reality. Judge Goldstone belittled Israel’s efforts at warning civilians because the Gazans had nowhere to go-i.e. Israel is responsible for Egypt not opening its border with Gaza?
Judge Goldstone is an exemplar of how brilliance and scholarship devoid of Torah and faith leaves one detached and seeming foolish in the light of truth and rationality.
Judge Goldstone is quite erudite, articulate and the his self assured air puts forward an honest presentation of his investigations’ findings. Listening to the Judge one clearly sees how he can claim his credentials as a Zionist. The Judge in his mind is quite fair and objective.
This is problem his finely hone academic standards seem to completely miss the fundamental notion of war as Patton said is make sure the other fellow dies for their country. Certainly Israel does not wish to harm anyone. However, if the prime purpose of a government is to protect its citizens Rockets and now missles were being launched without restraint into Israeli population centers render Judge Goldstone’s nice little protocols quite laughable.
How could massive attacks against Gaza be disproportionate or collective punishment? It should be obvious the only way to defeat Hamas is to deny them safe haven within Gaza .Hamas can only stay in Gaza as long as the civilian population tolerating Hamas in their midst. The most obvious way to uproot Hamas from Gaza is to make the price for harboring Hamas so great the Gazans would no longer be willing to do so.
Judge Goldstone’s failure to recognize this as well as the how Hamas as other terrorists use decency as a weapon against democracies belies a .how too much scholarship detaches even a brilliant person from reality. Judge Goldstone belittled Israel’s efforts at warning civilians because the Gazans had nowhere to go-i.e. Israel is responsible for Egypt not opening its border with Gaza?
Judge Goldstone is an exemplar of how brilliance and scholarship devoid of Torah and faith leaves one detached and seeming foolish in the light of truth and rationality.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
THE SILVER LINING on the Eve of 5770
A friend once asked “were times ever good?” Every year it seems when one looks back on the year that is drawing to a close the question becomes “could it get any worse? ” Year after year one concludes, this year it was really bad. Needless to say one eventually becomes reluctant to declare “this is as bad as it could get, things cannot become worse” out of fear things will spiral downwards.
Yet, to focus only the positive and there are indeed positives only ignores reality. With the winds of hope and change, which captured the national consciousness in January, has turned to horror and chagrin, as ostensibly high-minded initiatives to benefit society’s health and environment are actually attempts to stealthily reshape the national character.
America, is built on the notion of the autonomous individual choosing to participate in limited government. The design which has caused a ground swell of popular opposition. e Both prongs of the present regime’s agenda seek to create a society dependant on government for basic needs. If successful, the government will control the growth of businesses, especially in manufacturing and consequently controlling employment. If the national government gains control of health care the focus shifts from concern for an individual’s needs for those of society generally. Instead of valuing the individual and a model built on individual rights one’s duty to the community/country will become public policy’s North Star.
A shift away from acknowledging the value of the individual combined with an apparent adoption of the Arab/Islamic narrative that the creation of the modern State of Israel was no more than the intrusion of Jewish interlopers seeking a haven in the aftermath of the Holocaust, cannot be viewed as being good for the Jews. The administration’s efforts to create Middle East peace has resulted in a 4% approval for the American President by Israeli society. Similarly, Prime Minister Netanyahu has found the administration’s demands so beyond the pale he has more or less has withstood the pressure applied against him. True in the Bar Ilan University speech the Prime Minister accepted the notion of a two state solution and even if that acceptance is so qualified that acceptance is restricted to February 30, 2011 at 13:00 am. Even so the hypothetical change is an ideological breach which is enough to start down a slippery slope
The Rabbis in the Talmudic tractate Megila observe the threat posed by the Persian King Achashveirosh authorizing Haman to attack and slaughter the Jews aroused more repentance that all the rebuke given by all the Prophets. Maybe this is the time for those who are apathetic to step up and claim their identity and heritage. Maybe a powerful person’s hubris is so powerfully disdain by a free people that it can galvanize a population to say a resounding “NO!!!!” So too it is time for Israel’s place among the nations is as an equal, a people of history , culture and destiny all their own. It is time for Israel to champion it own values, mores and sensibilities and stop aping what others’ hold dear.
Maybe this is the sliver lining both for the American and Israeli peoples attempts to demand a people abandon their unique character, values, mores, heritage or destiny will not succeed. The human spirit, the soul does not abide falsehood.
Blessings for being signed and sealed for a year full of blessings
Yet, to focus only the positive and there are indeed positives only ignores reality. With the winds of hope and change, which captured the national consciousness in January, has turned to horror and chagrin, as ostensibly high-minded initiatives to benefit society’s health and environment are actually attempts to stealthily reshape the national character.
America, is built on the notion of the autonomous individual choosing to participate in limited government. The design which has caused a ground swell of popular opposition. e Both prongs of the present regime’s agenda seek to create a society dependant on government for basic needs. If successful, the government will control the growth of businesses, especially in manufacturing and consequently controlling employment. If the national government gains control of health care the focus shifts from concern for an individual’s needs for those of society generally. Instead of valuing the individual and a model built on individual rights one’s duty to the community/country will become public policy’s North Star.
A shift away from acknowledging the value of the individual combined with an apparent adoption of the Arab/Islamic narrative that the creation of the modern State of Israel was no more than the intrusion of Jewish interlopers seeking a haven in the aftermath of the Holocaust, cannot be viewed as being good for the Jews. The administration’s efforts to create Middle East peace has resulted in a 4% approval for the American President by Israeli society. Similarly, Prime Minister Netanyahu has found the administration’s demands so beyond the pale he has more or less has withstood the pressure applied against him. True in the Bar Ilan University speech the Prime Minister accepted the notion of a two state solution and even if that acceptance is so qualified that acceptance is restricted to February 30, 2011 at 13:00 am. Even so the hypothetical change is an ideological breach which is enough to start down a slippery slope
The Rabbis in the Talmudic tractate Megila observe the threat posed by the Persian King Achashveirosh authorizing Haman to attack and slaughter the Jews aroused more repentance that all the rebuke given by all the Prophets. Maybe this is the time for those who are apathetic to step up and claim their identity and heritage. Maybe a powerful person’s hubris is so powerfully disdain by a free people that it can galvanize a population to say a resounding “NO!!!!” So too it is time for Israel’s place among the nations is as an equal, a people of history , culture and destiny all their own. It is time for Israel to champion it own values, mores and sensibilities and stop aping what others’ hold dear.
Maybe this is the sliver lining both for the American and Israeli peoples attempts to demand a people abandon their unique character, values, mores, heritage or destiny will not succeed. The human spirit, the soul does not abide falsehood.
Blessings for being signed and sealed for a year full of blessings
Friday, August 07, 2009
SUBTLE SNUB or Business as Usual
Remarkable, An American Jew living in Jerusalem cannot have his child'S Passport list the place of Birth as Jerusalem,Israel,contrary to Fedral law nor will the Courts exercise jurisdiciton over the matter, As this touches on foregin policy which is exclusively part of the Executive Branch and may affect “peace” talks. Yet, from the Consulate's web site one would think the city is totally Arab as if like there are no Jews in the Holy City.
How much insult to the Jewish self esteem will it take untill we all call out "No More!!!!" ?
How much insult to the Jewish self esteem will it take untill we all call out "No More!!!!" ?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Firstly, this latest incident (2 Menachem Av 5769) should be viewed in context with the Rubashkin/agriprocessors matter, the rioting and violence by elements of the Charedi community plus assorted child molestation charges against various individuals and institutions. Certainly regarding any one case no one should rush to judgment. Truly except for the participants and Hashem who really knows what happened and whether anyone intended to commit crimes.
Even if each and every religious looking person arrested Thursday 2 Menachem Av 5769 is 100% guilty G-D forbid temper one’s personal disdain by asking “If I were in these persons’ position would I reject the cooperating witness’ money?”
Would one be tempted by an offer of cash? Hopefully the temptation would be fleeting and one would not succumb. Therefore, strain one’s outrage through that thought and recall that one who judges others favorably s/he will judged favorably as well.
Further as far the public face of religious Jewry in the public mind innocence or guilt is all but irrelevant. Though it is pure speculation one cannot but wonder effect these shenanigans has on the public perception of religious Jews especial those interacting with societal institutions where impressions of integrity are key, such as lawyers or accountants. The Assistant US Attorney’s remarks at the press conference announcing the indictments and arrests could not contain his revulsion over religious leaders using their office and prestige to cover the alleged illegal activities. The AUSA’S remarks might have reflected animus but it seemed like a genuine sense of disgust against influential persons misusing their position calling them as those living in a “Ethics Free Zone”
How could any person who takes pride in their D-viely bestowed heritage not cringe at such statements.
What remains is what message is Hashem sending the Jewish nation? Analyzing what is the message is especially important for those who profess fidelity to His Torah both letter and spirit.
Without wagging a finger at any individual maybe the community’s priorities should be redirected. Instead of making internet or TV sins warranting rejection from an elementary of High School Yeshiva or Beit Yaakov maybe emphasize values of honesty, integrity and faithfulness instead.
Maybe all Torah based schools should incorporate ethics as part of the curriculum as well as introducing students to the basics of Jewish Law-Halacha regarding business, contract, torts lending etc…
Maybe all institutions before selecting honorees for their dinners or other function decide if they are personally worthy. Maybe to the extent possible only accept Kosher money.
Maybe this should be when a voice should rise up as a ground swell towards those who sit at the dais as leaders of those faithful to Torah that they behave beyond reproach as Rav Hench Liebowitz ZT’L ZY’A told his students “Never do anything on behalf of your institution or personally that you do not want on the front page of the New York Times”
True enough it is improper to rush to judgment about any media reportage about shortcomings within the community but that does not mean it should written off as anti-Semitism or it is a few bad eggs. There is a message from G-D Himself for the community to correct what is wrong and thereby behold the coming 5770 as a year crowned with Mashiach’s arrival.
Even if each and every religious looking person arrested Thursday 2 Menachem Av 5769 is 100% guilty G-D forbid temper one’s personal disdain by asking “If I were in these persons’ position would I reject the cooperating witness’ money?”
Would one be tempted by an offer of cash? Hopefully the temptation would be fleeting and one would not succumb. Therefore, strain one’s outrage through that thought and recall that one who judges others favorably s/he will judged favorably as well.
Further as far the public face of religious Jewry in the public mind innocence or guilt is all but irrelevant. Though it is pure speculation one cannot but wonder effect these shenanigans has on the public perception of religious Jews especial those interacting with societal institutions where impressions of integrity are key, such as lawyers or accountants. The Assistant US Attorney’s remarks at the press conference announcing the indictments and arrests could not contain his revulsion over religious leaders using their office and prestige to cover the alleged illegal activities. The AUSA’S remarks might have reflected animus but it seemed like a genuine sense of disgust against influential persons misusing their position calling them as those living in a “Ethics Free Zone”
How could any person who takes pride in their D-viely bestowed heritage not cringe at such statements.
What remains is what message is Hashem sending the Jewish nation? Analyzing what is the message is especially important for those who profess fidelity to His Torah both letter and spirit.
Without wagging a finger at any individual maybe the community’s priorities should be redirected. Instead of making internet or TV sins warranting rejection from an elementary of High School Yeshiva or Beit Yaakov maybe emphasize values of honesty, integrity and faithfulness instead.
Maybe all Torah based schools should incorporate ethics as part of the curriculum as well as introducing students to the basics of Jewish Law-Halacha regarding business, contract, torts lending etc…
Maybe all institutions before selecting honorees for their dinners or other function decide if they are personally worthy. Maybe to the extent possible only accept Kosher money.
Maybe this should be when a voice should rise up as a ground swell towards those who sit at the dais as leaders of those faithful to Torah that they behave beyond reproach as Rav Hench Liebowitz ZT’L ZY’A told his students “Never do anything on behalf of your institution or personally that you do not want on the front page of the New York Times”
True enough it is improper to rush to judgment about any media reportage about shortcomings within the community but that does not mean it should written off as anti-Semitism or it is a few bad eggs. There is a message from G-D Himself for the community to correct what is wrong and thereby behold the coming 5770 as a year crowned with Mashiach’s arrival.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
The recent reformulation of US policy towards Israel especially regarding growth within its settlements is not directed just against the Jews of Beit EL, Hevron or Jerusalem’s post 5727 boundaries. Please ponder this, the. Demonstrators in Iran protest against Islamic tyranny receive from the White House a “we don’t meddle in another country’s internal affairs” response whereas if a young parent were to build a swing set or if this couple were to have additional children akin to a crime against humanity, the right to marry and procreate being fundamental human rights.
Now then, is the President Obama’s fatwa against natural expansion of Jewish settlements is applicable only to the current residents of Yehsa’s communities and greater Jerusalem or did he have more in mind? After all President Obama is most likely aware of the Israeli Law of return Therefore, maybe the President or Secretary Clinton wishes to include all who could possibly take up residence in Yehsa i.e. The decree applies not just Lea Bat Zion’s, parents, friends and neighbors but to Jews living in Antwerp, London, Buenos Ares , Sherman, TX, Wayne, NJ, The Five Towns, Willamsburg and even Lakewood!!!
Most likely Ms. Clinton has no immediate designs on including all Jews as potential settlement expanders but the possibility that this is indeed what the American Administration intended to communicate. Therefore, the requirement that an Israeli Prime Minister call the white House or State Department for a hall pass each time he or she needs the facilities is hardly anything new. What is new is that the administration wishes to hang a “NO JEWS ALLOWED ” sign on Yesha and Jerusalem.
This is not all, this policy of ethnic and religious discrimination applies not just to the Fleisher family but to myself as well, true the actual place where you live is in immediate danger but this is just the beginning if Jews do not belong in Beit EL why do Jews have any greater right to be in Tel Aviv or Los Angeles?
Recently a survey taken in the United States found that since January 20, 2009 public support for Israel has declined as well there having been several high profile Hate crimes/ terrorist activities directed against Jewish institutions and Jews
What adds insult to injury is the apparent atmosphere of hostility and bias against Judaism in general and Settlement activity particular that exists in the Israeli Judicial System especially President Benish and the Supreme Court lends a Hechsher to the positions articulated by those who advocate animus to Israel, Zionists and Zionism to mask bold face anti-Semitism.
Now before the national mourning of the three weeks between the breeching of Jerusalem’s walls on 17 Tamuz and the Temples’ destruction on 9 Av it is the time to overcome from within by Jews strengthening their identity and true national interest.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
One of the Baal Shem Tov’s primary teachings is how G-D’s providence reaches to the smallest details; consequently there is no such thing as coincidence. Therefore, the internal challenges to Jerusalem’s character, the parade and Shabbat opening of parking lots are symptomatic of the long standing tension whether the national soul is best called Israeli or Jewish.
The impurade as Rav Lazer Brody Shlita calls it imposes on the city, viewed as uniquely spiritual and sacred to most of humanity and in particular to Jewry as an old Zionist saying goes “Tel Aviv plays, Haifa works and Jerusalem studies /prays” The parade should be banned as this is an activity which violates community standards for obscenity. However, it is the failure to recognize that advocacy on behalf of same gender intimacy is contrary to the essential character of Jerusalem is truly tragic.
Similarly under the guise of promoting tourism, Mayor Barakat seeks to arrange for Safra Square parking lot remain open during Shabbat. Even if this parking lot is owned and operated used exclusively by Non-Jews the Shabbat experience in Jerusalem is diluted to some extent. All the more when the parking facility in question is in the shadow of the Old City. To be sure Jerusalem is not yet a fully Shabbat observant city, yet Shabbat in Jerusalem stand apart from Shabbat any other place on the planet. As Friday afternoon drifts towards evening one can see the city winding down. Big city hustle and bustle is replaced with a different type of rushing about. Those attending the Mikva replace the heavy foot traffic moving in and out of stores and markets. The home though it may be hectic down to the last minute is brought to an otherworldly calm as the candles are lit ushering in the Shabbat. As the siren heralds Shabbat’s arrival in Jerusalem pierces the air, people scurry about filling local synagogues. An after dinner stroll along the quiet Jerusalem streets, chance meetings between friends and neighbors further enhance the relaxed nature of the day. Or, if one is so inclined, attend a Chassidic Rebbe’s Tisch, table one can see an amazing display of camaraderie and spirituality not to mention Yerushalmi kugel.
After Shabbat the city springs back to its weekday mode but during the day of rest Shabbat is not just a place in time. Shabbat in Jerusalem is a presence that is experienced with all of one’s faculties. Needless to say, the stray vehicle traveling on Shabbat through Jerusalem is like a razor ripping fabric apart. Opening up a parking lot to accommodate large numbers of visitors on Shabbat may increase the numbers of tourist but will cause those who do come to miss the point of coming to Jerusalem in the first place.
What is disturbing is that to miss what is wrong with both the impurade and the Shabbat parking one is missing fundamental Jewish sensibilities which are learnt at home or as part of what would be called for lack of a better term, the national culture. What would be an axiomatic expression of Jewish pride and consciousness becomes lost when there is conscious decision by parents to transmit a generic set of liberal western democratic values to their children instead of the national heritage. Certainly, to assert a claim to Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people with Jerusalem as its Eternal capital there has to be substance in the national persona both on a de facto and de jure basis.
Several years ago when touring the Tower of London, George the Beefeater who was leading our tour took pride in describing the places reserved for beheading commoners and the more concealed area reserved for the nobility as well as some of the more notable guests imprisoned within. George took pride in these ghastly goings on not because of some macabre fascination with death but because it was part of English history. How many American families from all types of backgrounds take pride in their ancestors part in building and defending their country as well as their way of life? Pride in one’s heritage and its values are the basis for a national identity that cannot be undermined.
Therefore, opening Jerusalem to the impurade and opening the Safra Square parking lot on Shabbat are not as intended, acts of inclusion but instead serve to make the Jewish claim to the Land and to the City ring hollow.
However, maybe the answer is education and outreach. Shabbat does not belong only to Charidim nor is opposition to an impurade in Jerusalem limited to the narrow minded. It is telling the effect of the apolitical efforts of Chabad Lubavitch whose Rebbe’s 15th Yharzeit is on 3 Tamuz (June 25, 2009). Maybe each Jew who takes pride in his or her heritage must do what they can to reach out to family members, acquaintances, business associates and community generally to articulate what true Jewish values are and to convey the Heritage is truly the inheritance of all “Congregation of Jacob” .
The impurade as Rav Lazer Brody Shlita calls it imposes on the city, viewed as uniquely spiritual and sacred to most of humanity and in particular to Jewry as an old Zionist saying goes “Tel Aviv plays, Haifa works and Jerusalem studies /prays” The parade should be banned as this is an activity which violates community standards for obscenity. However, it is the failure to recognize that advocacy on behalf of same gender intimacy is contrary to the essential character of Jerusalem is truly tragic.
Similarly under the guise of promoting tourism, Mayor Barakat seeks to arrange for Safra Square parking lot remain open during Shabbat. Even if this parking lot is owned and operated used exclusively by Non-Jews the Shabbat experience in Jerusalem is diluted to some extent. All the more when the parking facility in question is in the shadow of the Old City. To be sure Jerusalem is not yet a fully Shabbat observant city, yet Shabbat in Jerusalem stand apart from Shabbat any other place on the planet. As Friday afternoon drifts towards evening one can see the city winding down. Big city hustle and bustle is replaced with a different type of rushing about. Those attending the Mikva replace the heavy foot traffic moving in and out of stores and markets. The home though it may be hectic down to the last minute is brought to an otherworldly calm as the candles are lit ushering in the Shabbat. As the siren heralds Shabbat’s arrival in Jerusalem pierces the air, people scurry about filling local synagogues. An after dinner stroll along the quiet Jerusalem streets, chance meetings between friends and neighbors further enhance the relaxed nature of the day. Or, if one is so inclined, attend a Chassidic Rebbe’s Tisch, table one can see an amazing display of camaraderie and spirituality not to mention Yerushalmi kugel.
After Shabbat the city springs back to its weekday mode but during the day of rest Shabbat is not just a place in time. Shabbat in Jerusalem is a presence that is experienced with all of one’s faculties. Needless to say, the stray vehicle traveling on Shabbat through Jerusalem is like a razor ripping fabric apart. Opening up a parking lot to accommodate large numbers of visitors on Shabbat may increase the numbers of tourist but will cause those who do come to miss the point of coming to Jerusalem in the first place.
What is disturbing is that to miss what is wrong with both the impurade and the Shabbat parking one is missing fundamental Jewish sensibilities which are learnt at home or as part of what would be called for lack of a better term, the national culture. What would be an axiomatic expression of Jewish pride and consciousness becomes lost when there is conscious decision by parents to transmit a generic set of liberal western democratic values to their children instead of the national heritage. Certainly, to assert a claim to Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people with Jerusalem as its Eternal capital there has to be substance in the national persona both on a de facto and de jure basis.
Several years ago when touring the Tower of London, George the Beefeater who was leading our tour took pride in describing the places reserved for beheading commoners and the more concealed area reserved for the nobility as well as some of the more notable guests imprisoned within. George took pride in these ghastly goings on not because of some macabre fascination with death but because it was part of English history. How many American families from all types of backgrounds take pride in their ancestors part in building and defending their country as well as their way of life? Pride in one’s heritage and its values are the basis for a national identity that cannot be undermined.
Therefore, opening Jerusalem to the impurade and opening the Safra Square parking lot on Shabbat are not as intended, acts of inclusion but instead serve to make the Jewish claim to the Land and to the City ring hollow.
However, maybe the answer is education and outreach. Shabbat does not belong only to Charidim nor is opposition to an impurade in Jerusalem limited to the narrow minded. It is telling the effect of the apolitical efforts of Chabad Lubavitch whose Rebbe’s 15th Yharzeit is on 3 Tamuz (June 25, 2009). Maybe each Jew who takes pride in his or her heritage must do what they can to reach out to family members, acquaintances, business associates and community generally to articulate what true Jewish values are and to convey the Heritage is truly the inheritance of all “Congregation of Jacob” .
Friday, June 05, 2009
President Obama’s speech at Cairo University on June 4, 2009 evoked this simple reaction “Today for the first time in my life I am ashamed to be an American”
Whatever the reasoning the President of the United States and thereby, the executive branch of the government and even the Democratic Party has adopted the Arab narrative. Israel’s establishment was not as the President asserts, a haven for Europe’s displaced Jews. Jews pray several times daily to return from exile home to Israel. Even the casual scholar would recognize the city’s residents during the Second Temple period lead a Torah /Jewish Law based lifestyle. David and son Solomon who ruled in Jerusalem were not Shia or Baptists, they were more than Jews they are either my ancestors or the Kings to whom my ancestors were loyal to. To ignore or even deny a connection going back to antiquity between Jewry and Eretz Yisrael denies truth and embraces a falsehood so harmful that it approaches holocaust denial.
When modern Israel’s roots are presented as being out of the ashes of Auschwitz and the other factories of death the Arab experience can be examined in comparison. After all if one relies primarily on a recent default connection to the land, how does that in a world that rejects racism create moral authority for a superior claim to the land?
Consequently, how can there be any moral authority to occupy lands not sanctioned by the international community especially those places with populations that claim prior residency? Therefore following this reasoning a Jewish presence in Yehudah, Shomron and Jerusalem would indeed be illegitimate.
The Arab claims of a distinct national identity or a connection with the Canaanites or Philistines , Temple denial and so become secondary arguments that merely provide a basis to justify rejection of even an ancient Jewish claim to the land and weaken a claim resting on the authority of British Home Office or the UN. Therefore, struggle to liberate the land from this third party allocation has moral justification that defies serious scrutiny.
Condemnation of Anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and Terrorist violence can be articulated but does not dislodge the line of reasoning stated above. Righteous indignation over these Arab excesses justifies the silencing of strident assertion of Jewish claims to the land. Thus a comparison can be made between installing a swing set in a Beit El or Efrat backyard and grad missles being fired in to Ashdod or Sederot.
The logic apparently embraced by the President is painfully ignorant of history and fact. The logic apparently embraced by the President is painfully ignorant of how much of the Arabs’ present situation is self inflicted. If there were no security concerns regarding the Arab population would Arabs living under the PA have to endure check points or border closure? If were it not because of rampant corruption both under Hamas and Fatah spheres of influence would the PA area economy be in shambles or would there be wide spread poverty or unemployment?
Lastly, by embracing the Arab narrative leaves open the question “what compromise
would satisfy the Arabs? The question presumes there is a possible point of compromise. This is not a mere rhetorical straw man as each offer of territory for a 23rd Muslim state was rebuffed in 1947, 2000 or during the waning days of President Bush (43) Prime Minister Olmert’s terms of office, not to mention the inaction by Jordan and Egypt between 1948-1967 on behalf of their brethren in creating a State as contemplated presently. The concern that tolerance of a Jewish State within the borders of Eretz Yisrael maybe an act of heresy offensive to Islam is ignored . In which case can anything short of complete capitulation i.e. the removal of Israel and Jewish presence in the land be acceptable?
Frankly it is doubt Prime Minister Netanyahu has any greater fortitude or backbone than his predecessors including his own first go round as Prime Minister so rejecting Mr. Obama’s dictates underscores how totally absurd and how nationally suicidal accepting then would be. Denying settlement growth including natural growth taken literally would ban people from having children or keeping generations together, positions that offend any notions of human rights and calls upon the Jewish State to adopt a racially restrictive policy against its own population. Adopting the Zero tolerance to growth and declaring the settlements as illegitimate is more than discriminatory if creates the absurd result that America has endorsed a policy the excludes the Biblical people from Biblical lands.
Remember this analysis has not begun to include the nod to Iran’s right to develop nuclear power.
Any expectation that the President’s Hoiff Yidden (Court Jews) do not agree or fully support their boss is a redefinition of naïve.
Quite simply Israel’s survival and that of all Jewry rests with our faith and the nation’s embrace of its history and heritage. The call from Cairo can be turned to a mere footnote let Jewish Hearts and all who are devoted to G-D meet the Present ‘s call with prayer , principle and persistence.
Whatever the reasoning the President of the United States and thereby, the executive branch of the government and even the Democratic Party has adopted the Arab narrative. Israel’s establishment was not as the President asserts, a haven for Europe’s displaced Jews. Jews pray several times daily to return from exile home to Israel. Even the casual scholar would recognize the city’s residents during the Second Temple period lead a Torah /Jewish Law based lifestyle. David and son Solomon who ruled in Jerusalem were not Shia or Baptists, they were more than Jews they are either my ancestors or the Kings to whom my ancestors were loyal to. To ignore or even deny a connection going back to antiquity between Jewry and Eretz Yisrael denies truth and embraces a falsehood so harmful that it approaches holocaust denial.
When modern Israel’s roots are presented as being out of the ashes of Auschwitz and the other factories of death the Arab experience can be examined in comparison. After all if one relies primarily on a recent default connection to the land, how does that in a world that rejects racism create moral authority for a superior claim to the land?
Consequently, how can there be any moral authority to occupy lands not sanctioned by the international community especially those places with populations that claim prior residency? Therefore following this reasoning a Jewish presence in Yehudah, Shomron and Jerusalem would indeed be illegitimate.
The Arab claims of a distinct national identity or a connection with the Canaanites or Philistines , Temple denial and so become secondary arguments that merely provide a basis to justify rejection of even an ancient Jewish claim to the land and weaken a claim resting on the authority of British Home Office or the UN. Therefore, struggle to liberate the land from this third party allocation has moral justification that defies serious scrutiny.
Condemnation of Anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and Terrorist violence can be articulated but does not dislodge the line of reasoning stated above. Righteous indignation over these Arab excesses justifies the silencing of strident assertion of Jewish claims to the land. Thus a comparison can be made between installing a swing set in a Beit El or Efrat backyard and grad missles being fired in to Ashdod or Sederot.
The logic apparently embraced by the President is painfully ignorant of history and fact. The logic apparently embraced by the President is painfully ignorant of how much of the Arabs’ present situation is self inflicted. If there were no security concerns regarding the Arab population would Arabs living under the PA have to endure check points or border closure? If were it not because of rampant corruption both under Hamas and Fatah spheres of influence would the PA area economy be in shambles or would there be wide spread poverty or unemployment?
Lastly, by embracing the Arab narrative leaves open the question “what compromise
would satisfy the Arabs? The question presumes there is a possible point of compromise. This is not a mere rhetorical straw man as each offer of territory for a 23rd Muslim state was rebuffed in 1947, 2000 or during the waning days of President Bush (43) Prime Minister Olmert’s terms of office, not to mention the inaction by Jordan and Egypt between 1948-1967 on behalf of their brethren in creating a State as contemplated presently. The concern that tolerance of a Jewish State within the borders of Eretz Yisrael maybe an act of heresy offensive to Islam is ignored . In which case can anything short of complete capitulation i.e. the removal of Israel and Jewish presence in the land be acceptable?
Frankly it is doubt Prime Minister Netanyahu has any greater fortitude or backbone than his predecessors including his own first go round as Prime Minister so rejecting Mr. Obama’s dictates underscores how totally absurd and how nationally suicidal accepting then would be. Denying settlement growth including natural growth taken literally would ban people from having children or keeping generations together, positions that offend any notions of human rights and calls upon the Jewish State to adopt a racially restrictive policy against its own population. Adopting the Zero tolerance to growth and declaring the settlements as illegitimate is more than discriminatory if creates the absurd result that America has endorsed a policy the excludes the Biblical people from Biblical lands.
Remember this analysis has not begun to include the nod to Iran’s right to develop nuclear power.
Any expectation that the President’s Hoiff Yidden (Court Jews) do not agree or fully support their boss is a redefinition of naïve.
Quite simply Israel’s survival and that of all Jewry rests with our faith and the nation’s embrace of its history and heritage. The call from Cairo can be turned to a mere footnote let Jewish Hearts and all who are devoted to G-D meet the Present ‘s call with prayer , principle and persistence.
Monday, June 01, 2009
National leaders privy to information from many more sources than the man or woman in the street or os it would seem. Therefore,if national policy defies logic one could believe the chices made are based on comprehensive intelegence and the promotion of national interest. Then again there is Israel.
If a Jewish resident in Yehudah and Shomron installs a awing set or baseketball hoop it is an obsticale to peace. Jewish Parents building housing for their married children is a hostile act. A group of scholar farmers more interested in meditation than munitions, genorah and granola over guns are viewed as an occupying military force.
These other worldly folks are villified not just by those who preach the virtues of violence as an element of policy but even by those who feel threatened by the settlers' belief in eternal principles and maintaining fidelity to their national heritage.
The willingness of those in charge to shed their heritage or minmize its influence in terms of pragmatic realities where red lines are penciled in pink and can be erassed with ease.
The Obama Administration recent assertion that Israel adopt a Zero Growth policy in Yesha including Jerusalem was so blatantly offensive to Israel that Prime Minister Netanyahu rebuffed, albeit for the time being Washington's demands.
Even if one is ideologically oopposed to the Settler enterprise there can be no justification to discriminate against where Jews may choose to male their lives. just on the basis of one's faith.
Maybe there is something far more worriesome than oopposition to Jews settling throughout their ancestral homeland. It is opposition to the underlying ideology that underlies the national return to Zion. There is hostility to Judaism, as its beliefs takes away power and position from those holding power and prestidge.
A Jew praying on a hilltop in serene conversation with G-D is precieved as the enbodiment of all the region's and world's problems, evils.
What is threatened is arrogance which abhorrs truth, like darkness cannot tolerate light. Rabbi Nachman of Breslev ZT'L taught that just before Mashiach's arrival there would be a generalized intolerance to faith. Faith requires humility, arrogance consequently rejects faith and the faithfull as well.
If a Jewish resident in Yehudah and Shomron installs a awing set or baseketball hoop it is an obsticale to peace. Jewish Parents building housing for their married children is a hostile act. A group of scholar farmers more interested in meditation than munitions, genorah and granola over guns are viewed as an occupying military force.
These other worldly folks are villified not just by those who preach the virtues of violence as an element of policy but even by those who feel threatened by the settlers' belief in eternal principles and maintaining fidelity to their national heritage.
The willingness of those in charge to shed their heritage or minmize its influence in terms of pragmatic realities where red lines are penciled in pink and can be erassed with ease.
The Obama Administration recent assertion that Israel adopt a Zero Growth policy in Yesha including Jerusalem was so blatantly offensive to Israel that Prime Minister Netanyahu rebuffed, albeit for the time being Washington's demands.
Even if one is ideologically oopposed to the Settler enterprise there can be no justification to discriminate against where Jews may choose to male their lives. just on the basis of one's faith.
Maybe there is something far more worriesome than oopposition to Jews settling throughout their ancestral homeland. It is opposition to the underlying ideology that underlies the national return to Zion. There is hostility to Judaism, as its beliefs takes away power and position from those holding power and prestidge.
A Jew praying on a hilltop in serene conversation with G-D is precieved as the enbodiment of all the region's and world's problems, evils.
What is threatened is arrogance which abhorrs truth, like darkness cannot tolerate light. Rabbi Nachman of Breslev ZT'L taught that just before Mashiach's arrival there would be a generalized intolerance to faith. Faith requires humility, arrogance consequently rejects faith and the faithfull as well.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Moshe Feglin in the D
Sorry for not post is so long but what happened since Chanukah anyway?Moshe Feglin spoke in Oak Park tonight. Most likely this was a canned speech for public relations. With dignity and tact Moshe explained his vision which at the end of the day is a common sense approach. As much as one may prize democracy and freedom these values cannot swallow up and overwhelm the G-D given values expressed in Tanach and expounded by the Rabbis..
After all no matter how much I like Sushi I will never be Japanese. Even if I have surgery to alter my appearance to look Asian and become proficient in Japanese language and culture, it will not change anything . For no matter how much I want, no matter how hard I try I cannot and will not be Japanese. To attempt to do so is to lie to myself and appear delusional to the rest of the world.
Similarly as much as Israel wants to escape its heritage and seek acceptance as a generic western style socialist democracy with a slight nod to Judaism it just does not work. The absurd nature of an Israeli state actively to shirk its historical connection to the nation’s Biblical roots and the rich resource of guidance and direction to be culled from the wealth of Torah /Rabbinic scholarship that is the source of Jewry’s values and beliefs.
The point that Mr. Feglin made that distinguishes his approach from others like Katzeleh or Effie Eitan is that Jewish Leadership is directed to the whole nation and not just a particular sector of nation. Mr. Feglin’s position may not be shared by these two other political figures but there is something that rings true about the Jewish Leadership approach.
Representing only a segment of the population then the message no matter how similar is limited to that constituently which would not be the case in a major party like Likud.
Though the purity of one’s soul is tainted by engaging in politics but with the fear of G-D can one remain true before the G-D of Israel and the Jewish People.
Happy and Kosher Pesach.
After all no matter how much I like Sushi I will never be Japanese. Even if I have surgery to alter my appearance to look Asian and become proficient in Japanese language and culture, it will not change anything . For no matter how much I want, no matter how hard I try I cannot and will not be Japanese. To attempt to do so is to lie to myself and appear delusional to the rest of the world.
Similarly as much as Israel wants to escape its heritage and seek acceptance as a generic western style socialist democracy with a slight nod to Judaism it just does not work. The absurd nature of an Israeli state actively to shirk its historical connection to the nation’s Biblical roots and the rich resource of guidance and direction to be culled from the wealth of Torah /Rabbinic scholarship that is the source of Jewry’s values and beliefs.
The point that Mr. Feglin made that distinguishes his approach from others like Katzeleh or Effie Eitan is that Jewish Leadership is directed to the whole nation and not just a particular sector of nation. Mr. Feglin’s position may not be shared by these two other political figures but there is something that rings true about the Jewish Leadership approach.
Representing only a segment of the population then the message no matter how similar is limited to that constituently which would not be the case in a major party like Likud.
Though the purity of one’s soul is tainted by engaging in politics but with the fear of G-D can one remain true before the G-D of Israel and the Jewish People.
Happy and Kosher Pesach.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It would be so easy to write a post decrying how the Israeli leadership snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by aborting Operation Cast Lead before finishing off Hamas. If even after unleashing the full power of the IDF against Gaza for 3 weeks Hamas remained able to fire ordinance at Israel. This would imply that after making Gaza Jew free and a prolonged truce period Hamas had so militarized the region that Hamas’ military capacity remains a threat. So by failing to eliminate Hamas the threat to Israel not only remains but is increased.
However, to go off on how surreal the antics of Olmert, Livni and Barak et al are misses the reality of the situation. Unlike the Summer 2006 war the unity between Jews is very high. The Soldiers’ morale was strong there was a sense that they understood their mission and that effort was made to integrate events in the South with the whole of the nation so it was our fight and not just the South’s problem. The Israeli government and IDF speaking with a single voice waged the war of public opinion. Even new technology like You Tube was employed to make the case for Israel.
Together soldiers were joined on the battlefield with more that 100,000 others who volunteered to backup soldiers in the field and civilians in harm’s way with Torah and Prayer. All the positive factors for victory seemed to be in place.
Yet after all the effort both this and otherworldly, Hamas can still set off rockets and missiles and Gilad has not come home. The fact that the first articulation of a willingness by Israel to let up it’s attack should have seen Hamas offer the location and time a healthy, well fed Mr. Shalit would be delivered to the Israeli border and turned over, but that well as many common sense actions evaded the great minds of Israel’s leadership. Why?
To simply condemn the naïve or self serving liberal suicidal appeasement orientation of Mr. Olmert, Ms. Livni and the rest would mean the spiritual efforts of nation are not a powerful as the elected officials. Truly there were more than a few miraculous incidents during Cast Lead from the low casualty numbers to Mama Rachel personally going to Gaza to protect soldiers. So analysis of Cast Lead in geopolitical terms would clearly be misplaced.
The sudden start and stop of the campaign belies that the purpose, the goals to be achieved were not to be found in the Kiriya or any Earthly war room. The lessons learnt are the connection between national unity, exercising faith and success. Cast Lead succeeded not because of better training or supply lines. Clearly the lessons learnt are to communicate the value of faith to the whole of Israel wherever they are located, wherever they are situated.
It should be prayed for that the lessons of Cast Lead not be lost.
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