There really may be not too much to say. It would seem the Obama administration’s arrogant and paternalistic approach to Israel has crossed the line when Jewish parts of Jerusalem are called "settlements".
Certainly the United States needs to act in its own interests even if they are contrary to Israel's. Certainly, it cannot be expected that any two countries agree bout everything. However, for one country to speak paternally to another, effectively one country to dictate the other's policies offends notions of democracy and sovereignty. Therefore the United State, EU the UN are within their rights to be comment on Israel's policies, even if the statements are wrong headed. Such comments are one side of a debate. However when the tone taken is one of "We know better what is in your interest" Friends can be critical but friends cannot dictate.
However being told what to do may arise from a perception of lost direction and principle. When the vision of a Jewish State was not merely a demographic one but the fulfillment albeit secular of the redemption. As long as the State is recognized as the long yearned for return of the Jews to their historic homeland, return to anything less than the whole of the Biblical borders of Israel would be inadequate. The willingness to live with Arab neighbors was rooted in generosity and tolerance and not surrender, acquiescence or retreat. Acknowledging anything other than an exclusive Jewish claim to the land constitutes wavering on the Jewish claim to the whole of the homeland. Maybe the equivocation that began at Camp David and continued in Madrid, Oslo, Wye and Annapolis has left Israel open to the rest of the world to do with it as the nations' please.
The most disturbing may well be the attempts by Jewish leaders to dance at two weddings. Such as Eric Yoffe of the Central Conference of American Rabbis by defending both Israel’s right to build while agreeing with the Obama Administration that building now may not be good idea. Such thinking is muddled and only emboldens an opponent who is laser focused to remain on message.
As the Holiday of Passover approaches may all Jews gathered at the Seder declare not just "Next Year In Jerusalem" But a Jerusalem fully rebuilt, whole and unabashedly as well as stridently Jewish. Kudos Mr. Netanyahu for speaking truth to power please sir act with that same moral grounding when dealing with President Obama or Ms. Clinton. Mr. Prime Minister G-D has placed you were you are for a purpose. Mr. Prime Minister do not fear the Nations side with G-D , His Torah His People and the promises, heritage and history of the Jewish People.