The article pretty much speaks for itself.Though the United States needs to pursue its national interests to the exclusion of any other consideration. Acting in self interest is critical a country's survival. However when acting in national self interest involves bullying allies not just to get on board with the larger ally's policies but to engage in acts that are simply humilating. Similarly it is unacceptable for the larger ally to deny its freind the dignity of its own soverginty.
It is ibad enough that Washington refuses to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Indeed there is opinion that U.S policy denies the notion of there being a conpect of Jewish peoplehood. Further US State Department personnel are regularly deployed throughout Judea Samaria and Jerusalem to monitor Jewish construction. Ut us dusheartening to think American diplomats are being assigned the duties of a suburban code enforcement officer within another country.
Now to ask Israel to apologize to Turkey for defending itself against the armed persons aboard the infamous flotila borders on the absurd and is akin to the German government billing the Jewish community for the clean up after the debris caused by Kristalnacht. Asking Israel to apologize under the circumstances is insulting, demeaning and an expression of unbriddled arrogance that is inappropriate in international relations.
Shame on Washington for making the request Shame on Israel if they aquiese.
Washington - US to Israel: Apologize to Turkey, or Else; But Netanyahu Says No --