Sunday, November 04, 2012


Sandy arrived just about a week before the national elections and left behind a level of devastation which could be reasonably described as being of Biblical proportions. Such an event cannot go without reflection and comment.

Maybe the first thing to notice is the relatively small loss of life in relation to the extent of property damage and disruption Sandy left behind. Zev Brenner of Talkline Communications offered that Sandy's legacy is to remind everyone that what matters is what binds us together and not what separates us.

Maybe there are some lessons to take away from Sandy First and foremost everything comes from G-D and therefore even natural phenomena are part of Providence, G-D is sending a message and has a purpose.

Possibly there was decree against the US to suffer devastation and Sandy was sent in place of an Iranian Biological or Nuclear weapons.

Additionally in a but for the Grace of G-D go I  perspective the mistake one  makes in taking the circumstances of one's life for granted. Failing to see one's stuff as on loan or as D-vine gifts  maybe why G-D needed the send a wake up call, that houses, furnishings, cars, gadgets and toys are here to make life  easier and more comfortable but not just to provide pleasure but to facilitate our growth and further fulfill one's D-vinely given role in G-D's design.

Lastly before anyone criticizes Government's response to Sandy bear in mind the level of devastation was unprecedented. Certainly a multi state disaster is a situation that even proponents of small government acknowledge rightly falls under the jurisdiction of a Federal-Local partnership. As Katrina showed in the past and now with Sandy a doomsday plan needs to be in place so that those isolated by a Sandy like storm need not suffer unnecessarily. Friday November 2, 2012 on Red Eye Radio a caller from Manhattan spoke how he was sitting in a dark apartment, cold without food or water and with no inkling of help , not FEMA, National Guard or NYPD or FD the desperation was as frightening as it was heart wrenching. It is doubtful this fellow is alone.

Additionally, a report came out that electric workers came from Alabama to work on restoring service to stricken areas only to be turned back because they were not union. Imagine in the face of massive suffering on the most basic level  protecting one's economic interest remains more important-shame on you! The organizations designed to protect the average working man from exploitation would in turn use their power to exploit their power.

Though at the end of the election cycle maybe an issue for the coming year's agenda is how to prepare for the unimaginable a nation, region, State, City, community and as individuals.
This needs to go beyond  suggestions at but encourage creation legions of first responders and channels of communications etc. with periodic drills etc. show just in case . Although ultimately one must remember life is  G-D's blessing along with all the world has to offer when used according to His design.