An update to the 11/27/2006 post.
indeed Agudath Israel of America is named as a Defendant along with Yeshivath Torah Temimah for $20,000,000.00 ($10M apeice ). The Rebbe himself was aressted on December 7, 2006.
Though a rush to judgment is not prudent. An accussation may not have any basis in fact. Rash action could needlessly harm innocent people and unravel families.
However far worse and more far reaching is an exercise of caution that rises to the appearance of institutional tolerance. Instead of a family, institutions, their staffs, students their families and the integrity of institutional / establishment Torah Judaism is tainted. The moral authority which is invested with the generation's leadership is comprimised and diminished, as it appears the indefensible is being defended by those who deemed this behavior is indefensible in the first place.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
This was in the December 6, 2006 Israel National News email
Official recognition of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel as a national, native minority, including its special connection to its homeland and its historic rights to it.
Arabic, already recognized as an official language, must be granted equal status to Hebrew in every aspect of public life, just as English and French are recognized in Canada. As a truly bilingual country, Israel must grant appropriate expression to the Arab-Palestinian culture in the public sphere, including noting the Arabic names of various places and giving Arabic names to public buildings, streets, etc.
Total autonomy in the spheres of education, religion and culture. At the root of this right lies the recognition of the nativity of the Arab population in Israel and its right to self-definition in these areas.
Proportionate representation in decision-making and policy-setting bodies, including all government offices and ministries, planning and construction authorities, government companies, public councils, the Civil Service, ad-hoc committees, and the like.
Extra allotments of resources such as budget allocations, land and housing, to compensate for past discrimination.
Changes to national symbols, including the flag and anthem, as emotionally-charged public resources that have a special impact on minority sectors. The State must grant appropriate expression to the presence of Israeli-Arab citizens and to their historic ties to the land. Israel's array of symbols must reflect an equal approach to both its Jewish and Arab citizens.
Equality in immigration and citizenship rights. The allocation of quotas in these areas is an expression of the country's strength, and the country must apportion them fairly, justly and equally.
Protection of the special ties of the Palestinian people with the greater Arab nation. The Palestinian population in Israel must be enabled to freely maintain and develop special ties - family, cultural, economic and the like - with the other members of the Palestinian people and the Arab nation.
Historic rights. Corrective justice demands that Israel must officially apologize and recognize the Nakba - national Arab-Palestinian catastrophe - of 1948 when the Arabs were removed from their lands. Among the issues addressed in this point are the uprooted Palestinians - 25% of the current Arab population in Israel - and their return to their original villages, such as Ikrit, Al-Ghabasaya, Al-Lajun, and others, as well as assets of the Moslem Waqf that must be administered by the Moslems
(Arutz Sheva, Hillel Fendel, Israeli-Arabs Demand National Recognition Dec 05, '06 / 14 Kislev 5767)
These Arab demands listed in the article are just, if viewed in the context of a diverse democracy. A mere Jewish majority does not justify an exclusively Jewish anthem or national emblem reflecting the common history of the country. Similarly, except for extreme circumstances a hallmark of democracy is the equal protection doctrine. Laws, legislated rights and obligations need to apply to al people under a government’s jurisdiction equally. Therefore to treat Jewish return differently than Arab return is little more than institutional racism.
However, in the context of Jewish identity does this list of demands morph from a reasonable call for equality to a cynical denial not just of a Jewish State but of a Jewish identity as well. Regardless of what anyone else thinks Israel is the eternal homeland of the Jewish people. My Mother often quoted this old pre state slogan:
For some it is Palestine
For others holy land
For us it is Eretz Yisrael
On that we make our stand.
By the way mother may she live and be belonged to HaShomer HaZair a leftist movement not the rightist Betar or Herut. If Zionism means anything anymore to the general public it is time to step up and as a matter of policy legislate the Jewish character desired in the state TODAY. Yesterday was already too late
Official recognition of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel as a national, native minority, including its special connection to its homeland and its historic rights to it.
Arabic, already recognized as an official language, must be granted equal status to Hebrew in every aspect of public life, just as English and French are recognized in Canada. As a truly bilingual country, Israel must grant appropriate expression to the Arab-Palestinian culture in the public sphere, including noting the Arabic names of various places and giving Arabic names to public buildings, streets, etc.
Total autonomy in the spheres of education, religion and culture. At the root of this right lies the recognition of the nativity of the Arab population in Israel and its right to self-definition in these areas.
Proportionate representation in decision-making and policy-setting bodies, including all government offices and ministries, planning and construction authorities, government companies, public councils, the Civil Service, ad-hoc committees, and the like.
Extra allotments of resources such as budget allocations, land and housing, to compensate for past discrimination.
Changes to national symbols, including the flag and anthem, as emotionally-charged public resources that have a special impact on minority sectors. The State must grant appropriate expression to the presence of Israeli-Arab citizens and to their historic ties to the land. Israel's array of symbols must reflect an equal approach to both its Jewish and Arab citizens.
Equality in immigration and citizenship rights. The allocation of quotas in these areas is an expression of the country's strength, and the country must apportion them fairly, justly and equally.
Protection of the special ties of the Palestinian people with the greater Arab nation. The Palestinian population in Israel must be enabled to freely maintain and develop special ties - family, cultural, economic and the like - with the other members of the Palestinian people and the Arab nation.
Historic rights. Corrective justice demands that Israel must officially apologize and recognize the Nakba - national Arab-Palestinian catastrophe - of 1948 when the Arabs were removed from their lands. Among the issues addressed in this point are the uprooted Palestinians - 25% of the current Arab population in Israel - and their return to their original villages, such as Ikrit, Al-Ghabasaya, Al-Lajun, and others, as well as assets of the Moslem Waqf that must be administered by the Moslems
(Arutz Sheva, Hillel Fendel, Israeli-Arabs Demand National Recognition Dec 05, '06 / 14 Kislev 5767)
These Arab demands listed in the article are just, if viewed in the context of a diverse democracy. A mere Jewish majority does not justify an exclusively Jewish anthem or national emblem reflecting the common history of the country. Similarly, except for extreme circumstances a hallmark of democracy is the equal protection doctrine. Laws, legislated rights and obligations need to apply to al people under a government’s jurisdiction equally. Therefore to treat Jewish return differently than Arab return is little more than institutional racism.
However, in the context of Jewish identity does this list of demands morph from a reasonable call for equality to a cynical denial not just of a Jewish State but of a Jewish identity as well. Regardless of what anyone else thinks Israel is the eternal homeland of the Jewish people. My Mother often quoted this old pre state slogan:
For some it is Palestine
For others holy land
For us it is Eretz Yisrael
On that we make our stand.
By the way mother may she live and be belonged to HaShomer HaZair a leftist movement not the rightist Betar or Herut. If Zionism means anything anymore to the general public it is time to step up and as a matter of policy legislate the Jewish character desired in the state TODAY. Yesterday was already too late
Monday, November 27, 2006
Gedolei Yisrael
The Charedi world is abuzz about last Thursday'ss Agudath Israel convention. The opening session was dedicated to the blogosphereee. Recently information is circulating through the community of Charedi bloggers about a situation which could only have arisen with the complicity of rabbinic leadership. A rebbe at a prominent Brooklyn Yeshiva was acaccused of molesting students over a period of decades. Suit was filed against the school for $20,000,000.00 (the details are readily available elsewhere and not necessary to repeat ). The situation has received the major part of its publicity through the work of bloggers.
Now for the punch line, the accused rebbe worked summers for Camp Agudah, a division of Agudath Israel of America. Therefore, if a former camper came forward the Agudah is squarely in the crosshairs. Thus, the speeches given at the opening session were an attempt to deflect potential liability. Torah Nobility behaving like tobacco Industry executives denying the carcinogenic properties of tobacco is an inescapable conclusion. Or is it?
These types of situations are so repugnant and contrary to aTorah centered way of life that this would not be the topic of everyday conversation. Additionally, an acaccusation is not a fact and not every pointing finger is an ensign of truth. Therefore, in the interest of protecting all involved, when serious charges made against an educator, or an institution an investigation is called for. In fact a through background check should be conducted prior any new hire at a synagogue or Yeshiva or Beth Jacob school. Unfortunately, it has come to this but better an ounce of prevention. An attempt to act with discretion evidently has the effect of allowing an intolerable situation to fester and an impression is created that the chinuch professional's conduct is condoned by his/her employer(s). This last result not only causes a chillul Hashem but magnifies the chillul Hashem exponentially.
It would be irresponsible to assert Gedolei Torah were actively aware about this or other similarly deplorable situations. However, Gedolei Yisrael's behavior must be above reproach. A Rav or Rosh Yeshiva or Admor may not be not exemplars of perfection but as leaders these people are role models. Persons who influence young people whose skills of critical thought are still developing have an especially great responsibility.
No sheker, falsehood is tolerated throughout the community of Torah study from Talmudic times to an opinion expressed in a contemporary yeshiva. Any statement made by sage or student is subjected to extensive review. Every yeshiva student knows any opinion or observation he may offer is open to question. The transmission of Torah both scripture and oral law was not limited to any scholarly caste but to the whole nation. The trtransparencyf Torah knowledge's transmission is often cited as the basis for its validity. The greatest are not just the smartest but must be the best all around. Anyone who presents his position as borne of a G-D/Torah based consciousness, Daath Torah demands obedience because it strikes a chord of truth not because of is a proclamation or promulgation by persons who occupy positions of leadership.
It is precisely because a leader pepersonifies the Torah's truth do his words and actions carry weight. True stories are legion of behavior may not be readily understood{a leader may have deeper perception of Torah than a layperson] however there exists a fine line between dedeferring to a greater person's perception and the exploitation and manipulation of the community through the aegis of religious authority and the laity's sincere belief.
G-D forbid, to think that there is no leadership in our generation in our country or this lapse disqualifies Gedolei Yisrael from being heeded. On the other hand the community must demand the best and unassailable behavior from those who teach, transmit and bear testimony through their lives to Torah's D-vine character.
Now for the punch line, the accused rebbe worked summers for Camp Agudah, a division of Agudath Israel of America. Therefore, if a former camper came forward the Agudah is squarely in the crosshairs. Thus, the speeches given at the opening session were an attempt to deflect potential liability. Torah Nobility behaving like tobacco Industry executives denying the carcinogenic properties of tobacco is an inescapable conclusion. Or is it?
These types of situations are so repugnant and contrary to aTorah centered way of life that this would not be the topic of everyday conversation. Additionally, an acaccusation is not a fact and not every pointing finger is an ensign of truth. Therefore, in the interest of protecting all involved, when serious charges made against an educator, or an institution an investigation is called for. In fact a through background check should be conducted prior any new hire at a synagogue or Yeshiva or Beth Jacob school. Unfortunately, it has come to this but better an ounce of prevention. An attempt to act with discretion evidently has the effect of allowing an intolerable situation to fester and an impression is created that the chinuch professional's conduct is condoned by his/her employer(s). This last result not only causes a chillul Hashem but magnifies the chillul Hashem exponentially.
It would be irresponsible to assert Gedolei Torah were actively aware about this or other similarly deplorable situations. However, Gedolei Yisrael's behavior must be above reproach. A Rav or Rosh Yeshiva or Admor may not be not exemplars of perfection but as leaders these people are role models. Persons who influence young people whose skills of critical thought are still developing have an especially great responsibility.
No sheker, falsehood is tolerated throughout the community of Torah study from Talmudic times to an opinion expressed in a contemporary yeshiva. Any statement made by sage or student is subjected to extensive review. Every yeshiva student knows any opinion or observation he may offer is open to question. The transmission of Torah both scripture and oral law was not limited to any scholarly caste but to the whole nation. The trtransparencyf Torah knowledge's transmission is often cited as the basis for its validity. The greatest are not just the smartest but must be the best all around. Anyone who presents his position as borne of a G-D/Torah based consciousness, Daath Torah demands obedience because it strikes a chord of truth not because of is a proclamation or promulgation by persons who occupy positions of leadership.
It is precisely because a leader pepersonifies the Torah's truth do his words and actions carry weight. True stories are legion of behavior may not be readily understood{a leader may have deeper perception of Torah than a layperson] however there exists a fine line between dedeferring to a greater person's perception and the exploitation and manipulation of the community through the aegis of religious authority and the laity's sincere belief.
G-D forbid, to think that there is no leadership in our generation in our country or this lapse disqualifies Gedolei Yisrael from being heeded. On the other hand the community must demand the best and unassailable behavior from those who teach, transmit and bear testimony through their lives to Torah's D-vine character.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Arutz Sheva reported the Geulat Yisrael Synagogue had its windows broken out with the Graffiti "If we can't march in Jerusalem, You will not walk in Tel Aviv"
If there is any doubt that the arrogance pride parade is not a bid for tolerance or acceptance but a militant threat. This is not a group of folks expressing a point of view.
Reasonable people can disagree but threats must be defeated without compromise.
If there is any doubt that the arrogance pride parade is not a bid for tolerance or acceptance but a militant threat. This is not a group of folks expressing a point of view.
Reasonable people can disagree but threats must be defeated without compromise.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
There are rules allowing for mutiny.
1 If commanders give conflicting/ confusing orders
2 Or soldiers are commanded to carry out orders that spell near certain death and that this will serve no military purpose.
3 When in the field a commander emotionally/mentally falls apart and cannot coherently lead.
4 If orders are given that go against all decency or morality, - killing unarmed prisoners, an order to rape enemy females etc . . . . Orders that reduce soldiers beyond the role of warriors to amoral thugs and sadists.
Violence as a response to the arrogance parade scares. It would be unfortunate for violence to break out. However, despite how distasteful it may be violence may be the only appropriate response to this parade. The paraders are not participating in mere advocacy but in an in your face challenge, calculated to offend and provoke. The paraders' agenda is not the assertion of civil rights but to rewrite the moral foundations of Torah (see what Rabbi Fienstein ZZVK'L wrote in the Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim IV:115 ) and the standard adopted by most of the civilized world.
Those who seek to decivilize society and make it less holy (Rashi beginning of Parashat Kedoshim) have to be stopped even with some force as necessary
Who will the police protect? Where does duty lie, both the police and the government? In protecting those who believe in civility and morality or with those who seek to destroy.
Similarly, soldiers have their job to do, their commanders and civilian leaders must lead in a manner that builds a united force bound by Jewish history and Jewish values the same as the government by guided by Torah based values.
1 If commanders give conflicting/ confusing orders
2 Or soldiers are commanded to carry out orders that spell near certain death and that this will serve no military purpose.
3 When in the field a commander emotionally/mentally falls apart and cannot coherently lead.
4 If orders are given that go against all decency or morality, - killing unarmed prisoners, an order to rape enemy females etc . . . . Orders that reduce soldiers beyond the role of warriors to amoral thugs and sadists.
Violence as a response to the arrogance parade scares. It would be unfortunate for violence to break out. However, despite how distasteful it may be violence may be the only appropriate response to this parade. The paraders are not participating in mere advocacy but in an in your face challenge, calculated to offend and provoke. The paraders' agenda is not the assertion of civil rights but to rewrite the moral foundations of Torah (see what Rabbi Fienstein ZZVK'L wrote in the Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim IV:115 ) and the standard adopted by most of the civilized world.
Those who seek to decivilize society and make it less holy (Rashi beginning of Parashat Kedoshim) have to be stopped even with some force as necessary
Who will the police protect? Where does duty lie, both the police and the government? In protecting those who believe in civility and morality or with those who seek to destroy.
Similarly, soldiers have their job to do, their commanders and civilian leaders must lead in a manner that builds a united force bound by Jewish history and Jewish values the same as the government by guided by Torah based values.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
During Rosh HaShanah services this year a Jew blowing the Shofer at the Kotel Katan (the small wall, a portion of the Western Wall located to the north of the main Western Wall plaza.) Whatever version of events one wishes to accept the fact is the police disrupted peaceful Jewish worship, in Jerusalem on the Jewish New Year. Arutz Sheva reported that the matter came to debate in the Knesset on October 25, 2006
Police Minister Avi Dichter's response to MKs concerns arising from the Rosh HaShanah Shofar incident should leave one as uneasy at the very least..
OK, in fairness Minister Dichter has to support his people. But . . . there is a disturbing undercurrent. Policy is not being dictated by acceptance or tolerance. Rather it is the fear of perceived Islamic volatility that encourages the Israeli police to treat otherwise peaceful Jewish behavior as a threat to public safety. Instead Israel chooses to indulge Islamic bullying like other Western democracies. Preserving public safety cannot be motivated by fear or by appeasing potential violent actors. The police should be there to protect and serve. The Police should protect the law abiding and act against law breakers. It is shocking that the same Law Enforcement infrastructure that acted aggressively against the protestors in Amona could not be used to quell Islamic protesters or rioters?
Maybe it is time for Israel and the non Islamic world to say, enough! If Islam wishes to live among the diverse community of humanity, fine. If not then the right of Islam to stand as among equals should be deemed as forfeit. The non Islamic world should say simply Âwe are tired of being afraid  Take away their power, one cannot threaten those who one does not control and fear is a powerful tool of control.
Mr. Dichter policy should promote tolerance but not at the expense of oneÂs own self respect.
Police Minister Avi Dichter's response to MKs concerns arising from the Rosh HaShanah Shofar incident should leave one as uneasy at the very least..
OK, in fairness Minister Dichter has to support his people. But . . . there is a disturbing undercurrent. Policy is not being dictated by acceptance or tolerance. Rather it is the fear of perceived Islamic volatility that encourages the Israeli police to treat otherwise peaceful Jewish behavior as a threat to public safety. Instead Israel chooses to indulge Islamic bullying like other Western democracies. Preserving public safety cannot be motivated by fear or by appeasing potential violent actors. The police should be there to protect and serve. The Police should protect the law abiding and act against law breakers. It is shocking that the same Law Enforcement infrastructure that acted aggressively against the protestors in Amona could not be used to quell Islamic protesters or rioters?
Maybe it is time for Israel and the non Islamic world to say, enough! If Islam wishes to live among the diverse community of humanity, fine. If not then the right of Islam to stand as among equals should be deemed as forfeit. The non Islamic world should say simply Âwe are tired of being afraid  Take away their power, one cannot threaten those who one does not control and fear is a powerful tool of control.
Mr. Dichter policy should promote tolerance but not at the expense of oneÂs own self respect.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Whom to Talk To?

It is likely Yesha Council believes like Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zacki that all they can save is Yavne and its scholars even though the reality is much more is possible.
Also it seems this government operates based on what can be termed an alternative reality. Unfortunately the people living in Yesha and even pre-1967 Israel do not have the luxury of blissful oblivion.
Recent history should at the very least teach that this government's sole interest is self -preservation, not serving the public. How could the actions of the Sharon /Olmert/ Kadima government come about without Knesset Members selling out principal for a few shekel? The culture of quid pro quo reduces government to a fee for service basis instead of a public interest/ service basis.
The other by product of this present this government’s culture is their belief in their abilities despite an unavoidable lack of experience to comprehend and respond to crises, as was the case in Gaza, Armona and most recently Lebanon.
Yesha Council, how can these people currently in power be trusted with the future of the Land of Israel?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Jewish Rights in Jersualem
Israel National News, Arutz Sheva reported that on Sunday 24 September a Jew was hauled away from the Kotel Katan area (the Kotel Katan is a small section of the Western Wall running North of the main area.)The News report described police conduct as less than sensitive to the cultural sensibilities of Jewish worshippers.
If it was not true one would be certain it was parody. Someone complained about Shofar at 7:30am already daytime with all the noise associated with a weekday and she was not encouraged to embrace tolerance. Gay advocates are being allowed their parties and parade despite broad based opposition. The Jerusalem police on duty who most likely were not Jewish did not receive the appropriate sensitivity training. Or sadly this is yet another example how the Holy city of Jerusalem in the Jewish State, has sacrificed Jewish values and heritage on the altar of democracy.
If it was not true one would be certain it was parody. Someone complained about Shofar at 7:30am already daytime with all the noise associated with a weekday and she was not encouraged to embrace tolerance. Gay advocates are being allowed their parties and parade despite broad based opposition. The Jerusalem police on duty who most likely were not Jewish did not receive the appropriate sensitivity training. Or sadly this is yet another example how the Holy city of Jerusalem in the Jewish State, has sacrificed Jewish values and heritage on the altar of democracy.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Civil Rights belong to the whole population. The concept protects minority groups from discrimination and bias through society's institutions. A part of civil rights may well include a right of hasbara, advocacy. However, allowing a voice in the marketplace of ideas is not carte blanche to assault a community's sensibilities and moral standards. It is absurb to declare Jerusalem must submit itself to a message that goes beyond merely communicating a point of view but ridicules the community's values. Advocacy is not a license for incitement nor obscenity.
This is why the agreement to allow the World Pride event to take place in Jerusalem is misplaced tolerance at best and at worst the latest assault on Judaism and Jewish sensibilities by the Israeli government. For years the gap between the population and their governemnt has widened steadily the recent war in the North and this nearly universally condemed activity showed the gap has grown to abyssmal proportions.
May G-D have still more compassion on His People and land and send MSHIACH THERE IS NO OTHER VIABLE OPTION FOR THE FUTURE
This is why the agreement to allow the World Pride event to take place in Jerusalem is misplaced tolerance at best and at worst the latest assault on Judaism and Jewish sensibilities by the Israeli government. For years the gap between the population and their governemnt has widened steadily the recent war in the North and this nearly universally condemed activity showed the gap has grown to abyssmal proportions.
May G-D have still more compassion on His People and land and send MSHIACH THERE IS NO OTHER VIABLE OPTION FOR THE FUTURE
Monday, September 04, 2006
Someone I know had visited Eretz Yisrael recently. During the hostilities in the North against Hezbullah. He visited Hevron and was disturbed by the conditions. How could families live surrounded by hostile neighbors, some of whom want nothing better than to murder their Jewish neighbors? It seemed that the threat which is real and palpable was enough of a reason for the Jews to leave. Despite this fellow being a sincerely devout Jew he could not understand why live in Hevron?
Without a doubt those who live and learn in the holy city of Hevron are persons blessed with a profound faith that most people can only aspire to achieve. Yet is seems axiomatic the notion of a Jewish State without a Jewish Hevron is as alien as a re-divided Jerusalem. As a nine year old child in June 1967 the sense was we have come home, the rise of modern state of Israel must be connected to the redemption, yearned for over nearly two thousand years.
Jews living in Hevron is the natural state of affairs. Arab control of the Temple Mount is the aberration. Any Governmental hesitation or restraint on the observance of Judaism or the Jewish character of the State should seem antithetical and offend the subliminal bedrock of reason that articulates itself as logic.
The thought that Jews belong in the land is maybe hypocritical coming from someone sitting in the United States who has no real plans for Aliya in the near future. However even so as a Jew who believes in G-D and His Torah as taught through Prophets and sages, as one ordained as a Rav silence is not an option. Again the fellow Spoken of earlier is a wonderful sensitive soul who has no love for the Arabs but misplaced compassion. Truly, though the land is Jewry’s, without a doubt it is not a valuable as a single soul committed to follow G-D whether 7 for the nations or the 613 of the Torah and 7 Rabbinic commandments. How does one face threats?
As the world saw Hezbullah, Fatah and Hamas all members of hell spawned troika bravely swagger and boast their prowess while shielded by children. Their threat is real so is their cowardice. The greatest threat the Arabs face are Jews who know who they are, what they are and why they are. A purposeful Jew is the threat the evil ones cannot abide.
Maybe it is this self-understanding that motivated so much of the people during the recent conflict. The Government seemed prepared to abandon whole cities in the North and their people, the captive solders or serious will to prosecute the campaign to its conclusion.
Unlike Gush Katif where the government through the sela authority acted with an attitude that indifference would be hailed as a 110% improvement. People on their own or through local institutions made sure everyone was sheltered and fed.
Soldiers denied proper training is wrong but denying troop’s food and water even one platoon is inconceivable and cannot be tolerated.
People saw their strength and unity and the same qualities their leaders lack. Prime Minister Olmert and his government are deeply disconnected from the man or woman in the street to the point the government’s leadership and judgment can no longer be regarded as trustworthy.
As a New Year approaches one’s hope and prayer is for Mashiach, messiah’s arrival soon and if not at least leaders who lead without fear of anyone except G-D A-mighty.
Without a doubt those who live and learn in the holy city of Hevron are persons blessed with a profound faith that most people can only aspire to achieve. Yet is seems axiomatic the notion of a Jewish State without a Jewish Hevron is as alien as a re-divided Jerusalem. As a nine year old child in June 1967 the sense was we have come home, the rise of modern state of Israel must be connected to the redemption, yearned for over nearly two thousand years.
Jews living in Hevron is the natural state of affairs. Arab control of the Temple Mount is the aberration. Any Governmental hesitation or restraint on the observance of Judaism or the Jewish character of the State should seem antithetical and offend the subliminal bedrock of reason that articulates itself as logic.
The thought that Jews belong in the land is maybe hypocritical coming from someone sitting in the United States who has no real plans for Aliya in the near future. However even so as a Jew who believes in G-D and His Torah as taught through Prophets and sages, as one ordained as a Rav silence is not an option. Again the fellow Spoken of earlier is a wonderful sensitive soul who has no love for the Arabs but misplaced compassion. Truly, though the land is Jewry’s, without a doubt it is not a valuable as a single soul committed to follow G-D whether 7 for the nations or the 613 of the Torah and 7 Rabbinic commandments. How does one face threats?
As the world saw Hezbullah, Fatah and Hamas all members of hell spawned troika bravely swagger and boast their prowess while shielded by children. Their threat is real so is their cowardice. The greatest threat the Arabs face are Jews who know who they are, what they are and why they are. A purposeful Jew is the threat the evil ones cannot abide.
Maybe it is this self-understanding that motivated so much of the people during the recent conflict. The Government seemed prepared to abandon whole cities in the North and their people, the captive solders or serious will to prosecute the campaign to its conclusion.
Unlike Gush Katif where the government through the sela authority acted with an attitude that indifference would be hailed as a 110% improvement. People on their own or through local institutions made sure everyone was sheltered and fed.
Soldiers denied proper training is wrong but denying troop’s food and water even one platoon is inconceivable and cannot be tolerated.
People saw their strength and unity and the same qualities their leaders lack. Prime Minister Olmert and his government are deeply disconnected from the man or woman in the street to the point the government’s leadership and judgment can no longer be regarded as trustworthy.
As a New Year approaches one’s hope and prayer is for Mashiach, messiah’s arrival soon and if not at least leaders who lead without fear of anyone except G-D A-mighty.
Monday, August 14, 2006
A time to think, a time for change
The temptation to call names, engage in finger pointing and otherwise vent outrage against the Israeli government is strong but ultimately unsatisfying and unproductive.
The cease fire entered in to by the State of Israel, Lebanon and Hezbullah opens up an opportunity for introspection. The soldiers who were captured and being held hostage by Hezbullah and Hamas remain in captivity, their captors remain free and Hezbullah, Hamas and Fatah et al remain unbent and bravely swagger among their human bunkers.
The north of Israel was depopulated, people’s homes, property, livelihoods damaged or destroyed. Those who remained in the North were exposed to rockets landing at will for over a month. In April of 1978 as a Yeshiva student this writer heard a katusha launch from near his dormitory. Though a dud that did not detonate the sound of the launch was so loud so filled with violence that the sound remains some 28 years latter. Imagine when hearing this hellish din several if not tens of times a day day after day.
Therefore, to claim an Israeli victory at present is a pure product of spin. The goals of rescuing the captured soldiers and cutting down Hezbullah did not happen. Can Hezbullah even as a proxy for Syria and Iran be that powerful? Can Hezbullah be standing on firm moral ground to justify their hostilities? These questions are not relevant rather the query; Did they win or did we lose and if so why?, that is the proper question.
The unity among the people lending shelter, food all types of support spiritual,personal and financial are forthcoming throughout the county and the broader world of Jewish and gentile lovers of Israel is a victory. The sense of unity has to remain and color the tenor of the public debate on this matter. Yet, there is talk the IDF was constrained by the Prime Minister and his allies who may lack the ability to lead during wartime.
Prime Minister Olmert when speaking to Gush Katif evacues the Prime Minister chides their concerns about lost wages and property by reminding them government makes life and death choices and instead of compensation all one may receive is a coffin. Then in a latter address the Prime Minister cited the current action as a basis to defend Convergence. If the Arabs become too hostile we can hit them at will so more land can be ceded. This incoherent thinking that Arab or Islamic hostility should be allowed to stand? Were the lost opportunities to stop Hezbullah the cause of lives lost, maimed or damaged throughout Northern Israel. How many hundreds of rockets would not have fallen if instead of 10% of the IDF 50%, 75% of the Israel Defense Forces were committed to destroying evil?
Mr.. Olmert is not stupid or and idiot or even simply corrupt. Instead it seems Mr.. Olmert has exhibited behavior that calls in to question his perception of reality or at the least his ability / capacity to lead under the stress of war. Mr.. Olmert if he were a ship’s captain would be placed under arrest by his crew for putting them all in danger. This not a call for anything illegal or violent. Yet, if not stopped appeasement of Hezbullah means Israeli graves, it empowers Iran and all the other whose notion of victory is a planet reduced to a dead rock.
Olmert and his ilk must be replaced by those who understand the full historic and and cultural context of Jewry in its land means. Individuals need to look to heaven and rely only on G-D. Only G-D has power and control to guide the fate of nations and people. ‘Place your Hope in G-D take courage and strength and place your hope in G-D ’ (Psalms 27:14)
The cease fire entered in to by the State of Israel, Lebanon and Hezbullah opens up an opportunity for introspection. The soldiers who were captured and being held hostage by Hezbullah and Hamas remain in captivity, their captors remain free and Hezbullah, Hamas and Fatah et al remain unbent and bravely swagger among their human bunkers.
The north of Israel was depopulated, people’s homes, property, livelihoods damaged or destroyed. Those who remained in the North were exposed to rockets landing at will for over a month. In April of 1978 as a Yeshiva student this writer heard a katusha launch from near his dormitory. Though a dud that did not detonate the sound of the launch was so loud so filled with violence that the sound remains some 28 years latter. Imagine when hearing this hellish din several if not tens of times a day day after day.
Therefore, to claim an Israeli victory at present is a pure product of spin. The goals of rescuing the captured soldiers and cutting down Hezbullah did not happen. Can Hezbullah even as a proxy for Syria and Iran be that powerful? Can Hezbullah be standing on firm moral ground to justify their hostilities? These questions are not relevant rather the query; Did they win or did we lose and if so why?, that is the proper question.
The unity among the people lending shelter, food all types of support spiritual,personal and financial are forthcoming throughout the county and the broader world of Jewish and gentile lovers of Israel is a victory. The sense of unity has to remain and color the tenor of the public debate on this matter. Yet, there is talk the IDF was constrained by the Prime Minister and his allies who may lack the ability to lead during wartime.
Prime Minister Olmert when speaking to Gush Katif evacues the Prime Minister chides their concerns about lost wages and property by reminding them government makes life and death choices and instead of compensation all one may receive is a coffin. Then in a latter address the Prime Minister cited the current action as a basis to defend Convergence. If the Arabs become too hostile we can hit them at will so more land can be ceded. This incoherent thinking that Arab or Islamic hostility should be allowed to stand? Were the lost opportunities to stop Hezbullah the cause of lives lost, maimed or damaged throughout Northern Israel. How many hundreds of rockets would not have fallen if instead of 10% of the IDF 50%, 75% of the Israel Defense Forces were committed to destroying evil?
Mr.. Olmert is not stupid or and idiot or even simply corrupt. Instead it seems Mr.. Olmert has exhibited behavior that calls in to question his perception of reality or at the least his ability / capacity to lead under the stress of war. Mr.. Olmert if he were a ship’s captain would be placed under arrest by his crew for putting them all in danger. This not a call for anything illegal or violent. Yet, if not stopped appeasement of Hezbullah means Israeli graves, it empowers Iran and all the other whose notion of victory is a planet reduced to a dead rock.
Olmert and his ilk must be replaced by those who understand the full historic and and cultural context of Jewry in its land means. Individuals need to look to heaven and rely only on G-D. Only G-D has power and control to guide the fate of nations and people. ‘Place your Hope in G-D take courage and strength and place your hope in G-D ’ (Psalms 27:14)
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Lessons From Lebanon
There are important lessons to be gleaned from Lebanon situation. If one acknowledges many Lebanese civilians have been affected ABC news saying some 20% of the population is displaced and/or homeless. Additionally, it seems that Israel is not targeting civilians. So what does it mean then that civilians are not in the crosshairs yet so many affected and so much destroyed?
These are two basic conclusions one can draw. First, Hezbollah has made its way in to Lebanon to the extent it has intertwined and enmeshed itself throughout the Lebanese political and physical infrastructure.
The next conclusion lies in the basis of Hezbullah’s infiltration throughout Lebanese society and infrastructure is the product of democratic tolerance or terrorist thugory or some combination thereof ? There should be no mistake what can be said about Hezbullah can be said for Hamas, Fatah, Al Qeda et al.
The remaining question is how does a liberal democracy like the United States defend itself from this threat while preserving civil liberties?
These are two basic conclusions one can draw. First, Hezbollah has made its way in to Lebanon to the extent it has intertwined and enmeshed itself throughout the Lebanese political and physical infrastructure.
The next conclusion lies in the basis of Hezbullah’s infiltration throughout Lebanese society and infrastructure is the product of democratic tolerance or terrorist thugory or some combination thereof ? There should be no mistake what can be said about Hezbullah can be said for Hamas, Fatah, Al Qeda et al.
The remaining question is how does a liberal democracy like the United States defend itself from this threat while preserving civil liberties?
Monday, July 17, 2006
True strength true resolve
Prime Minister Olmert today spoke in keenest and exhibited sensitivity, purpose, commitment and a recognition of D-vine guidance directing the affairs of Jewry. Prime Minister Olmert has not yet fully atoned for his past and possibly continuing misdeeds but the keenest speech was a start. It offers hope even Mr. Olmert has a Pintle Yid, a part of himself that is loyal to Torah, Jewry and G-D.
Now is a time for prayer and strength but not of the this worldly type as Rabbi Lazer Brody Shilita suggests each person should take a mitzva and undertake to observe it more deeply. Reaching within the Jewish heritage finding one's identity links each Jew together with generations past and future. Being the Jew G-D wishes, each Jew can stand strong and unafraid of anything but G-D. A claim to strength that does not come from G-D is false. A history without Jews can never be. May G-D grant Jewry the resolve and dedication to take the necessary actions and protect the land promised to Avraham, Yizhak and Yaakov
With everything that has gone on Mr. Olmert speaking in Nitzan still insists the disengagement was correct and further expulsion of Jewish communities and relinquishing of more territory can be expected. To believe that convergence is an option implies the action in Gaza and Lebanon may end inconclusively. The unthinkable that after all of the events during the last thirteen days that Hamas and Hezbollah still exist means their threat and by extention their Iranian benefactors will only be delayed in their desire to render the planet a dead rock. As Bill O'Rielly who never impressed this writer as being philosemitic put it "If Hamas and Hezbollah put down their arms , there would be quiet if Israel put down her weapons there would be a new holocaust." Avery simple truth yet one which eludes most of the world.
The complexity of the human psyche defies explanation. Indeed the situation has only one solution beyond addressing the obvious and immediate needs of removing the threat borne by Hezbollah , Hamas along with the needs of those displaced by the Arab terror. That solution is the source of solutions, G-D A-mighty and His Torah. Jewry draw its strength from Him and Him alone.
May He protect the Jewish nation throughout the world and especially in the land of Israel. May the captives
Galid be Aviva
Ehud ben Malkah
Eldad ben Tova
be restored to their families safe and sound very soon
Now is a time for prayer and strength but not of the this worldly type as Rabbi Lazer Brody Shilita suggests each person should take a mitzva and undertake to observe it more deeply. Reaching within the Jewish heritage finding one's identity links each Jew together with generations past and future. Being the Jew G-D wishes, each Jew can stand strong and unafraid of anything but G-D. A claim to strength that does not come from G-D is false. A history without Jews can never be. May G-D grant Jewry the resolve and dedication to take the necessary actions and protect the land promised to Avraham, Yizhak and Yaakov
With everything that has gone on Mr. Olmert speaking in Nitzan still insists the disengagement was correct and further expulsion of Jewish communities and relinquishing of more territory can be expected. To believe that convergence is an option implies the action in Gaza and Lebanon may end inconclusively. The unthinkable that after all of the events during the last thirteen days that Hamas and Hezbollah still exist means their threat and by extention their Iranian benefactors will only be delayed in their desire to render the planet a dead rock. As Bill O'Rielly who never impressed this writer as being philosemitic put it "If Hamas and Hezbollah put down their arms , there would be quiet if Israel put down her weapons there would be a new holocaust." Avery simple truth yet one which eludes most of the world.
The complexity of the human psyche defies explanation. Indeed the situation has only one solution beyond addressing the obvious and immediate needs of removing the threat borne by Hezbollah , Hamas along with the needs of those displaced by the Arab terror. That solution is the source of solutions, G-D A-mighty and His Torah. Jewry draw its strength from Him and Him alone.
May He protect the Jewish nation throughout the world and especially in the land of Israel. May the captives
Galid be Aviva
Ehud ben Malkah
Eldad ben Tova
be restored to their families safe and sound very soon
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Israel, almost eleven months to the day has returned to Gaza. The capture of Cpl Gilad Shalit the endless rain of rockets in Sedrot and now the attacks on Ashkelon have finally moved the Olmert government to take action.
However, this is the 5760's and war is not what is used to be. Minister Ben Eliezer who had served as Defense Minister assured all that this was not a reconquest of Gaza but a search for Shalit and to silence the rockets. Additionally except for brief necessary raids the IDF would not enter populated areas of Gaza. So at great expense and possible death of Jewish soldiers battles are being waged that at best will provide a temporary solution to what Deputy Prime Minister Peres called Kassam Shazams. Truth is despite the big show of force there are still rockets.
If anything the Arabs are acting bolder demanding prisoner releases and taking credit for the attacks. What will it take for Israel to act? Will it be a kassam landing at night on Dizinghoff? Or a missile carrying biological or chemical wmd lands in Sderot or Ashkelon?
Certainly no sane person wishes to see innocents harmed. Yet the cowardice which motivates the enemy has these soldiers billeted within the civilian population
Even without uniforms or governmental infrastructure the nature of the conflict transcends mere isolated acts of terror but a sustained campaigns to wear down the State of Israel and its people's resolve.
As hard as it is to write it must be obvious that concluding one cannot stop all terror is wrong. Placing the welfare of the Arab population hosting the combatants ahead of the welfare of Israelis is not compassion but unspeakable cruelty. If action is taken it must be decisive and complete. There can be no tolerance for any attack, there can be no distribution of Israelis' lives.
If there are calls for restraint or denizens Israel these are but the latest lyrics to an old song whose tune Jewry has heard and ignored. A noise that chills the senses to be replaced by the D-vine universal symphony, with Mashiach, speedily in our lifetime.
However, this is the 5760's and war is not what is used to be. Minister Ben Eliezer who had served as Defense Minister assured all that this was not a reconquest of Gaza but a search for Shalit and to silence the rockets. Additionally except for brief necessary raids the IDF would not enter populated areas of Gaza. So at great expense and possible death of Jewish soldiers battles are being waged that at best will provide a temporary solution to what Deputy Prime Minister Peres called Kassam Shazams. Truth is despite the big show of force there are still rockets.
If anything the Arabs are acting bolder demanding prisoner releases and taking credit for the attacks. What will it take for Israel to act? Will it be a kassam landing at night on Dizinghoff? Or a missile carrying biological or chemical wmd lands in Sderot or Ashkelon?
Certainly no sane person wishes to see innocents harmed. Yet the cowardice which motivates the enemy has these soldiers billeted within the civilian population
Even without uniforms or governmental infrastructure the nature of the conflict transcends mere isolated acts of terror but a sustained campaigns to wear down the State of Israel and its people's resolve.
As hard as it is to write it must be obvious that concluding one cannot stop all terror is wrong. Placing the welfare of the Arab population hosting the combatants ahead of the welfare of Israelis is not compassion but unspeakable cruelty. If action is taken it must be decisive and complete. There can be no tolerance for any attack, there can be no distribution of Israelis' lives.
If there are calls for restraint or denizens Israel these are but the latest lyrics to an old song whose tune Jewry has heard and ignored. A noise that chills the senses to be replaced by the D-vine universal symphony, with Mashiach, speedily in our lifetime.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
If You will it . . .,and if not . . .
Prime Minister Olmert today at the World Zionist Congress while claiming sympathy for the rain of rockets landing in Sedrot and other border areas created by the departure from Gaza in 2005. The Prime Minister asserted there was no solution available in the blink of an eye.
Mr. Prime Minister ,when I spent the 1977-1978 academic year as a Yeshiva student in Jerusalem. On a Sunday night right after Passover terrorist launched a katusha near the yeshiva, which at that time was towards the boundaries of the city. The rocket was thankfully a dud but the noise was so loud I still hear it. That was a single launch imagine a the effect on those who hear Kassamim on a daily basis.
What seems most bewildering is the Israeli government's apparent lack of will to solve the problem. After all these are not a few extremists but part and parcel of the PA governmental/organizational infrastructure. The nature of these attacks and their frequency belie a graduation from terror to war. How absurd is it to demand recognition of Israel's right to exist and ignore the obligation a government has to defend its population from aggressor forces. Throwing up one's hands and tossing in the towel is not an answer. Concentrating, converging, congregating the population will not solve the problem. Kassam launches and other attacks must be made costly to the enemy, so costly that message is clear further actions will bring disaster. The fact that this enemy force may not wear uniforms or chooses to base itself within civilian population centers cannot diminish the Israeli government's resolve. It should offend every notion of civilization to use decency as an offensive weapon. No one wants innocents in harm's way, but it is beyond reason for the government of the State of Israel to put the welfare of Arab civilians in yesha over Jewish life and lives of all living under the government of the State of Israel. This is not a call for wanton violence but for the government of Israel to take the normal, natural steps necessary, short of prayer to for the state to protect its people .
Mr. Olmert , if you are a leader then lead, show your resolve to defend your people. The kassamim need to be quieted and seder restored to Sedrot.
Mr. Prime Minister ,when I spent the 1977-1978 academic year as a Yeshiva student in Jerusalem. On a Sunday night right after Passover terrorist launched a katusha near the yeshiva, which at that time was towards the boundaries of the city. The rocket was thankfully a dud but the noise was so loud I still hear it. That was a single launch imagine a the effect on those who hear Kassamim on a daily basis.
What seems most bewildering is the Israeli government's apparent lack of will to solve the problem. After all these are not a few extremists but part and parcel of the PA governmental/organizational infrastructure. The nature of these attacks and their frequency belie a graduation from terror to war. How absurd is it to demand recognition of Israel's right to exist and ignore the obligation a government has to defend its population from aggressor forces. Throwing up one's hands and tossing in the towel is not an answer. Concentrating, converging, congregating the population will not solve the problem. Kassam launches and other attacks must be made costly to the enemy, so costly that message is clear further actions will bring disaster. The fact that this enemy force may not wear uniforms or chooses to base itself within civilian population centers cannot diminish the Israeli government's resolve. It should offend every notion of civilization to use decency as an offensive weapon. No one wants innocents in harm's way, but it is beyond reason for the government of the State of Israel to put the welfare of Arab civilians in yesha over Jewish life and lives of all living under the government of the State of Israel. This is not a call for wanton violence but for the government of Israel to take the normal, natural steps necessary, short of prayer to for the state to protect its people .
Mr. Olmert , if you are a leader then lead, show your resolve to defend your people. The kassamim need to be quieted and seder restored to Sedrot.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Concerning the World Pride parade scheduled for Jerusalem this Summer it is hard to understand how the notion of community standards would allow the parade to take place. To impose on a community something it believes to be odious and contrary to the majority's moral standards is not protecting the rights of minorities but curtailing the freedom of the majority.
Unlike Collins v. Smith (Skokie case ) where the US Supreme Court held the right of free speech does not require anyone to hear the message. However, this event is more than mere message it is an insertion and challenge to what is fundamental to people's world view.
Certainly boycotting hotels accommodating guests for the event is a good idea. Additionally, given the poverty existent in Jerusalem spending public money on this event is a waste. Councilwoman Fenton on Arutz Sheva explained the police are the sole decision makers regarding the parade then let them be the sole agency to fund the public outlays for the proposed week of events. Maybe the specture of the GLBT agenda looming over the holy city be shouted down by Sting's call for MASHIACH .
Unlike Collins v. Smith (Skokie case ) where the US Supreme Court held the right of free speech does not require anyone to hear the message. However, this event is more than mere message it is an insertion and challenge to what is fundamental to people's world view.
Certainly boycotting hotels accommodating guests for the event is a good idea. Additionally, given the poverty existent in Jerusalem spending public money on this event is a waste. Councilwoman Fenton on Arutz Sheva explained the police are the sole decision makers regarding the parade then let them be the sole agency to fund the public outlays for the proposed week of events. Maybe the specture of the GLBT agenda looming over the holy city be shouted down by Sting's call for MASHIACH .
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Sometimes It is Simple
So Sometimes the very complicated can be broken down to something very simple. Sometimes so simple that it totally eludes the observer. Recently C-SPAN ran a session given by members of the Palestinian negotiating support unit. The topic was the future of the West Bank, more specifically, the effect of Prime Minister Olmert proposed convergence plan. All three speakers were well dressed, well spoken only one with an accent and all very smart sounding, the typical Washington type denizens of Think Tankdom.
Each spoke concerning the difficulties posed by the Olmert plan for the formation of a future state and the convergence plan was viewed as designed to frustrate Palestinian national aspirations. The Ernestness with which these folks talked one thing became clear. Actually two though not articulated the tone eloquently conveyed the sense that displacing Jews from their home was irrelevant as they did not belong in the area anyway. The corollary is their belief that they indeed do belong to the land and they ain't planing on goin' any time soon. Why leave the place where one belongs, that one feels a part of etc...
It becomes clear the whole Arab-Israel conflict is dependent on who wants the land more ? Who is more connected to The Land? Us or them? Nothing More. How dare any Jew in or out of the diaspora waiver in their dedication to the Land remaining Jewish in character. The last man standing will be Jewry united by Mashiach this is how it will end . For the sake of Holy Jews buried in the Land, For the sake of the holly Jews living in the Land of Israel for the sake of every Jew may the Land remain free of the enemies' evil designs no one dare remain silent.
Each spoke concerning the difficulties posed by the Olmert plan for the formation of a future state and the convergence plan was viewed as designed to frustrate Palestinian national aspirations. The Ernestness with which these folks talked one thing became clear. Actually two though not articulated the tone eloquently conveyed the sense that displacing Jews from their home was irrelevant as they did not belong in the area anyway. The corollary is their belief that they indeed do belong to the land and they ain't planing on goin' any time soon. Why leave the place where one belongs, that one feels a part of etc...
It becomes clear the whole Arab-Israel conflict is dependent on who wants the land more ? Who is more connected to The Land? Us or them? Nothing More. How dare any Jew in or out of the diaspora waiver in their dedication to the Land remaining Jewish in character. The last man standing will be Jewry united by Mashiach this is how it will end . For the sake of Holy Jews buried in the Land, For the sake of the holly Jews living in the Land of Israel for the sake of every Jew may the Land remain free of the enemies' evil designs no one dare remain silent.
Monday, May 15, 2006
G-D RULES no matter how hard you try Ehud
Listening to the voices coming out of Israel one is left dumbstruck. The connection between Jewry and the Land of Israel is more natural than bagel and lox, it is more like breath and life.
Jewish life is punctuated by the yearning for redemption.
The daily amida prayer where each Jew in intimate moments of devotion before G-D expresses his or her deepest yearnings both as an individual and as part of a nation. The notion of redemption is intimately tied to return to the land, rebuilding Jerusalem and the Temple.
The amidah concludes with two wishes one realize their portion of Torah and the rebuilt Temple.
The spiritual high points of the year the end of Yom Kippur and the conclusion of the Passover Seder Jewry as one proclaims "Next Year in Jerusalem"
The departure from Gaza has only caused misery both for Jews and Arabs. The instability between Fatah and Hamas and the newly opened areas that were Gush Katif serve as launch sites for Kassam rockets. And that does not begin to address the shameful treatment of Gush Katif's population.
Despite the model failing, despite each step being contrary to logic and heritage Olmert's government with their fellow traverlers seek to undermine the whole Zionist enterprise and frustrate the Jewish destiny in the Holy Land of Eretz Yisrael.
The pitiful nature of Prime Minister Olmert's plans is that it has no support not from the Arabs, Europeans or Americans. Imagine the world clamors for Israeli withdrawal it is offered and rejected. Logic would dictate that if one takes a risk made up of painful choices and is rejected continuing down the same path is now masochism.
Olmert will fail only because his plans are against G-D's design for a world guided by truth a world lead by MASHIACH
Jewish life is punctuated by the yearning for redemption.
The daily amida prayer where each Jew in intimate moments of devotion before G-D expresses his or her deepest yearnings both as an individual and as part of a nation. The notion of redemption is intimately tied to return to the land, rebuilding Jerusalem and the Temple.
The amidah concludes with two wishes one realize their portion of Torah and the rebuilt Temple.
The spiritual high points of the year the end of Yom Kippur and the conclusion of the Passover Seder Jewry as one proclaims "Next Year in Jerusalem"
The departure from Gaza has only caused misery both for Jews and Arabs. The instability between Fatah and Hamas and the newly opened areas that were Gush Katif serve as launch sites for Kassam rockets. And that does not begin to address the shameful treatment of Gush Katif's population.
Despite the model failing, despite each step being contrary to logic and heritage Olmert's government with their fellow traverlers seek to undermine the whole Zionist enterprise and frustrate the Jewish destiny in the Holy Land of Eretz Yisrael.
The pitiful nature of Prime Minister Olmert's plans is that it has no support not from the Arabs, Europeans or Americans. Imagine the world clamors for Israeli withdrawal it is offered and rejected. Logic would dictate that if one takes a risk made up of painful choices and is rejected continuing down the same path is now masochism.
Olmert will fail only because his plans are against G-D's design for a world guided by truth a world lead by MASHIACH
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Satmar Rebbe OBM ZY'A
The news that a link to the previous generation has departed deserves mention. The Admor of Satmar, Rav Moshe Teitelbaum ZT'L ZY'A (May the memory of the righteous be for a blessing and his merit protect us) has left this world.Satmar, at once represents all kinds of images some flattering some not.
If one discounts those personal foibles that all too often pass for authentic representations of a particular group, leave in Satmar's case a society stepped in faith, fraternity and friendship. Satmar is opposed to Zionism and yet has a strong presence in Jerusalem and Israel. Satmar treats the outside world with extreme caution only partaking sparingly.
So, maybe a fair question to consider before dismissing Satmar as extreme or fanatic who is more entrenched in exile, a Zionist Modern Orthodox Jew or a Satmar family in Williamsburg?
If one discounts those personal foibles that all too often pass for authentic representations of a particular group, leave in Satmar's case a society stepped in faith, fraternity and friendship. Satmar is opposed to Zionism and yet has a strong presence in Jerusalem and Israel. Satmar treats the outside world with extreme caution only partaking sparingly.
So, maybe a fair question to consider before dismissing Satmar as extreme or fanatic who is more entrenched in exile, a Zionist Modern Orthodox Jew or a Satmar family in Williamsburg?
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
elections 2006
This letter though mentally composed many times in the last few weeks is hard to write. On the the one hand it is brazen for one living outside the land of Israel to offer political observations to those who are voting even when they are family members. Also at this point you may be sick of yet another political message. Therefore, at the risk of violating the rules of advocacy please accept in advance my apologies for any impropriety.
As you might guess I am more on the right than left but I hope we can talk and listen to each other because too much is at stake to ignore one another.
Also in fairness I will not tell you who to vote for but only offer some observations about my take on the situation. The next Kensset will have to with some very important issues.
The promise that seemed to flicker at Oslo is extinguished. The election of Hamas may have bee the Arab street’s rejection of Fatah’s kleptocratic rule but it has given the keys to Hamas, an Iranian surrogate. The PA is no longer as if it ever was an expression of a people’s aspirations for self determination but part of global Jihad.
To make things more complicated it is foolish to talk about the Arabs as though they do not exist. However, it is equally foolish to believe there is anyone on the PA side with the inclination and influence to promote any type of peace. The solution may need to be one sided as well but what.
Creating borders unilaterally by retreating to pre 1967 borders or by building fences akin to the Ghetto walls of Europe, walls that are not high enough to keep out Kassam rockets. The thought that proposed borders would be within 5km from Ben Gurion Airport when a Kassam’s range is 6km is irresponsible. To take action to reconfigure the Jewish population in Judea and Sameria only creating more displaced persons a la Gush Katif is cruel and inhuman.
The government’s actions in Gush Katif should give every Israeli concern consider not the destruction of communities and businesses but the insensitive and callous manner in which the former Gush Katif residents’ relocation and reintegration. Also now when Gaza is without Jews how much more of the surrounding area is vulnerable to attack. After Gaza the power station in Ashkelon is within reach. Please do not confuse Mazal with the fact the Ashkelon power plant is vulnerable. Whatever is done must be in the national interest of Jewry. No one wants suffering imposed on anyone but the Government of a Jewish state needs to act first last and always in the interest of Jewry. Retreat is viewed not as accommodation but weakness that only serves to whet Arab avarice.
Concerning Amona let me say attack against police cannot be tolerated especially if lethal force is used . However when of the 389 injuries reported at Amona only 45 where police and army excessive force was used. Certainly MK’S Eitan and Eldad who were wounded in Amona were not engaged in violence against the authorities. If anything Amona is a chilling warning calculated to silence protest.
The most subtle thing the lack of accountability any MK has to the people. When an individual’s position on a party list depends on party officiasl why should anyone care about the people? And if one falls out of favor one can change or create a party. Bibi opening up the Likud list is a positive step to an accountability.
Similarly the must be reform in the Judicial system. There have to be put in place limits on what types of cases and who may be bring cases before the Court. Advocacy groups like Peace Now without a plaintiff who is a party in interest should be barred from suing on behalf of persons they do not directly represent. Believing everything can come under the purview of The Court takes the concept of Judicial Review and stands it on its head. No matter how smart the Justices may be they cannot rewrite Halacha or act to subvert the kenesset without good cause. The Bagatz needs to act applying equal protection under the law. Illegal structures should be torn down but not only the Jewish ones and ignore Arab violations, unconscionable.
Moving the economy from a socialist to a capitalist model by Bibi has propelled the economy forward in a dramatic manner. However as Shas advocates a third of Israeli children live below the poverty line and 85% of those receiving child allowances where hard working persons who simply cannot command higher salaries is intolerable.
Some left parties see people like me as the greatest threat to the state, draining its resources holding back and dragging down the rest of society and not Hamas. This is so wrong and maybe this portrayal is not undeserved but instead of reaching out the only thing facing each other are pointed fingers. There has to be a change. A change from self interest and retreat but to take Israel’s place among nations.
The choice before you on 28.3.06 is monumental. Please dear family choose for the nation of Israel choose for State of Israel Choose for a Jewish Future and not for those who would undo 2000 years of waiting and yearning. My Savta A’H who most of you knew or heard of would often tell me when she saw a flower or garden how this was like what she saw in in Israel. Please vote for a future that connects today to our history and looks forward to the future.
with much love,
As you might guess I am more on the right than left but I hope we can talk and listen to each other because too much is at stake to ignore one another.
Also in fairness I will not tell you who to vote for but only offer some observations about my take on the situation. The next Kensset will have to with some very important issues.
The promise that seemed to flicker at Oslo is extinguished. The election of Hamas may have bee the Arab street’s rejection of Fatah’s kleptocratic rule but it has given the keys to Hamas, an Iranian surrogate. The PA is no longer as if it ever was an expression of a people’s aspirations for self determination but part of global Jihad.
To make things more complicated it is foolish to talk about the Arabs as though they do not exist. However, it is equally foolish to believe there is anyone on the PA side with the inclination and influence to promote any type of peace. The solution may need to be one sided as well but what.
Creating borders unilaterally by retreating to pre 1967 borders or by building fences akin to the Ghetto walls of Europe, walls that are not high enough to keep out Kassam rockets. The thought that proposed borders would be within 5km from Ben Gurion Airport when a Kassam’s range is 6km is irresponsible. To take action to reconfigure the Jewish population in Judea and Sameria only creating more displaced persons a la Gush Katif is cruel and inhuman.
The government’s actions in Gush Katif should give every Israeli concern consider not the destruction of communities and businesses but the insensitive and callous manner in which the former Gush Katif residents’ relocation and reintegration. Also now when Gaza is without Jews how much more of the surrounding area is vulnerable to attack. After Gaza the power station in Ashkelon is within reach. Please do not confuse Mazal with the fact the Ashkelon power plant is vulnerable. Whatever is done must be in the national interest of Jewry. No one wants suffering imposed on anyone but the Government of a Jewish state needs to act first last and always in the interest of Jewry. Retreat is viewed not as accommodation but weakness that only serves to whet Arab avarice.
Concerning Amona let me say attack against police cannot be tolerated especially if lethal force is used . However when of the 389 injuries reported at Amona only 45 where police and army excessive force was used. Certainly MK’S Eitan and Eldad who were wounded in Amona were not engaged in violence against the authorities. If anything Amona is a chilling warning calculated to silence protest.
The most subtle thing the lack of accountability any MK has to the people. When an individual’s position on a party list depends on party officiasl why should anyone care about the people? And if one falls out of favor one can change or create a party. Bibi opening up the Likud list is a positive step to an accountability.
Similarly the must be reform in the Judicial system. There have to be put in place limits on what types of cases and who may be bring cases before the Court. Advocacy groups like Peace Now without a plaintiff who is a party in interest should be barred from suing on behalf of persons they do not directly represent. Believing everything can come under the purview of The Court takes the concept of Judicial Review and stands it on its head. No matter how smart the Justices may be they cannot rewrite Halacha or act to subvert the kenesset without good cause. The Bagatz needs to act applying equal protection under the law. Illegal structures should be torn down but not only the Jewish ones and ignore Arab violations, unconscionable.
Moving the economy from a socialist to a capitalist model by Bibi has propelled the economy forward in a dramatic manner. However as Shas advocates a third of Israeli children live below the poverty line and 85% of those receiving child allowances where hard working persons who simply cannot command higher salaries is intolerable.
Some left parties see people like me as the greatest threat to the state, draining its resources holding back and dragging down the rest of society and not Hamas. This is so wrong and maybe this portrayal is not undeserved but instead of reaching out the only thing facing each other are pointed fingers. There has to be a change. A change from self interest and retreat but to take Israel’s place among nations.
The choice before you on 28.3.06 is monumental. Please dear family choose for the nation of Israel choose for State of Israel Choose for a Jewish Future and not for those who would undo 2000 years of waiting and yearning. My Savta A’H who most of you knew or heard of would often tell me when she saw a flower or garden how this was like what she saw in in Israel. Please vote for a future that connects today to our history and looks forward to the future.
with much love,
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Lessons Learnt
After Gush Katif it became evident arguing, crying and hugging the soldiers would not stop expulsion. After Amona standing up to Yassamnikim et. al. Only earns one a bloody head and broken bones and the houses are still destroyed. More places are on the chopping block and on and on. Maybe the problem is limited to Olmert and Kadima but when the only difference between speakers at the Hertzaliya Conference was how much territory to cede. Where will the divide between the Government and Settlers go next? The direction things are heading is obvious and at the same time unthinkable. Now is the time to reflect and find a strategy that has a chance. OK , I would be in a better position to give advice writing in ModiÂim that Michigan but silence is not an option.
Yesterday, Shabbat we went to a neighbor who is a true Yireh Shamayim who was decrying the Hilul Hashem in Amona. However, his concern was for the soldiers who had rocks thrown at them or the soldier who allegedly knifed. The reports from Arutz Shevaradioo and TV froze in my mindÂs eye. How could any sane human being and especially a Jew committed to Torah and Mitzvot not be traumatized by those sounds and images, I lost it. Frankly writing about the incident frustrates me no end. Unfortunately my friend believes what The New York Times fits in as news it prints, discredited reporting standards and eyewitness testimony notwithstanding. The actions that should arouse outrage are media-spun to make prey in to predators.
In short, whatever has been done till now is not working. If anything it seems to play in to the present governmentÂs hands. If anyone has noticed Israel has some very serious domestic non-security issues to resolve, the gap between rich and poor as the economy transitions from a socialist model to a capitalistic one. The present Knesset has seen more corruption than any of its predecessors. Problems with growing incidents of crime and societal violence. The erosion of free speech or unequal protection under the law for points of view the ruling party disapproves. A sense of futility in the political or judicial system may give rise to a desperation with nowhere to go.
The syllabus for Despotism 101 includes at itÂs the cure for weak leadership to retain power in spite of serious domestic problems is to distract the populationÂs attention by creatibogeymangyman, a scapegoat. Imagine, the effect on the psyche of middle Israel by setting up the Orange Youth as lawless rebels going against the StateÂs institutions, the courts, army and police. Almost in contempt for the populationÂs intelligence the government has chosen conflict instead of resolution. The protesters idealism is tainted by a rock throwing fringe but through the government manipulating the mediaÂs leftist lens individual misguided behavior morphs in to fanaticism and therefore a loose cannon that cannot be tolerated in a free democratic society.
General NavehÂs professed reluctance to carry out the Amona action with the degree of force used rings hollow. In the post Nuremburg era Commanders have the right if not the duty to refuse orders they deem immoral. Indeed who does the Military serve? The State or the People? Similarly in whose interest is Olmert acting? How is keeping the oranges in check and demolishing houses in Amona serve a greater national purpose?
Fortunately, the remaining viable vestige of democracy in Israel are elections. Maybe what has to be done relentlessly is blog, email, letter write, press candidates as to what their positions are on making state institutions instrumentalities that act in the interest of the electorate instead of protecting those elected. Judicial reform to limit the matters which arejusticablejusticable, standing be limited to actual parties in interest and not mere ideological advocates. Restore governmental and judicial integrity by guarantying equal protection under the law. How Jewish Identity expresses itself in public policy and communicated through educational frameworks. How can the common ground of Torah build a bridge between Daatim and Haraidim unite on common ground albeit informally to defeat the present regime and avoid a further deterioration in the country. Maybe the political role of Roshei Yeshiva in the National Religious camp could reach out to Haraidi ADMORIM, Roshei Yeshiva and Hachamim or other contacts to tap in to what can be agreed on. UTJ or Shas no longer have the luxury to care only about their own. To think there is no broad based threat to all Torah Jewry is naive.
Now before the elections is the time to change minds. without money change happenscadencee caidance that will not be stilled. Strike a blow with ballots and bring the state back to the all thUntille. Untill MASHIACH.
After Gush Katif it became evident arguing, crying and hugging the soldiers would not stop expulsion. After Amona standing up to Yassamnikim et. al. Only earns one a bloody head and broken bones and the houses are still destroyed. More places are on the chopping block and on and on. Maybe the problem is limited to Olmert and Kadima but when the only difference between speakers at the Hertzaliya Conference was how much territory to cede. Where will the divide between the Government and Settlers go next? The direction things are heading is obvious and at the same time unthinkable. Now is the time to reflect and find a strategy that has a chance. OK , I would be in a better position to give advice writing in ModiÂim that Michigan but silence is not an option.
Yesterday, Shabbat we went to a neighbor who is a true Yireh Shamayim who was decrying the Hilul Hashem in Amona. However, his concern was for the soldiers who had rocks thrown at them or the soldier who allegedly knifed. The reports from Arutz Shevaradioo and TV froze in my mindÂs eye. How could any sane human being and especially a Jew committed to Torah and Mitzvot not be traumatized by those sounds and images, I lost it. Frankly writing about the incident frustrates me no end. Unfortunately my friend believes what The New York Times fits in as news it prints, discredited reporting standards and eyewitness testimony notwithstanding. The actions that should arouse outrage are media-spun to make prey in to predators.
In short, whatever has been done till now is not working. If anything it seems to play in to the present governmentÂs hands. If anyone has noticed Israel has some very serious domestic non-security issues to resolve, the gap between rich and poor as the economy transitions from a socialist model to a capitalistic one. The present Knesset has seen more corruption than any of its predecessors. Problems with growing incidents of crime and societal violence. The erosion of free speech or unequal protection under the law for points of view the ruling party disapproves. A sense of futility in the political or judicial system may give rise to a desperation with nowhere to go.
The syllabus for Despotism 101 includes at itÂs the cure for weak leadership to retain power in spite of serious domestic problems is to distract the populationÂs attention by creatibogeymangyman, a scapegoat. Imagine, the effect on the psyche of middle Israel by setting up the Orange Youth as lawless rebels going against the StateÂs institutions, the courts, army and police. Almost in contempt for the populationÂs intelligence the government has chosen conflict instead of resolution. The protesters idealism is tainted by a rock throwing fringe but through the government manipulating the mediaÂs leftist lens individual misguided behavior morphs in to fanaticism and therefore a loose cannon that cannot be tolerated in a free democratic society.
General NavehÂs professed reluctance to carry out the Amona action with the degree of force used rings hollow. In the post Nuremburg era Commanders have the right if not the duty to refuse orders they deem immoral. Indeed who does the Military serve? The State or the People? Similarly in whose interest is Olmert acting? How is keeping the oranges in check and demolishing houses in Amona serve a greater national purpose?
Fortunately, the remaining viable vestige of democracy in Israel are elections. Maybe what has to be done relentlessly is blog, email, letter write, press candidates as to what their positions are on making state institutions instrumentalities that act in the interest of the electorate instead of protecting those elected. Judicial reform to limit the matters which arejusticablejusticable, standing be limited to actual parties in interest and not mere ideological advocates. Restore governmental and judicial integrity by guarantying equal protection under the law. How Jewish Identity expresses itself in public policy and communicated through educational frameworks. How can the common ground of Torah build a bridge between Daatim and Haraidim unite on common ground albeit informally to defeat the present regime and avoid a further deterioration in the country. Maybe the political role of Roshei Yeshiva in the National Religious camp could reach out to Haraidi ADMORIM, Roshei Yeshiva and Hachamim or other contacts to tap in to what can be agreed on. UTJ or Shas no longer have the luxury to care only about their own. To think there is no broad based threat to all Torah Jewry is naive.
Now before the elections is the time to change minds. without money change happenscadencee caidance that will not be stilled. Strike a blow with ballots and bring the state back to the all thUntille. Untill MASHIACH.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Ariel Sharon is still in a coma and is not likely to return to political life. To declare like Pat Robbionson Mr. Sharon's situation is some type of D-vine payback for giving up Gaza presumes too much. However to deny there is a D-vine hand in events is a fool. Sorry to speak so bluntly, but look at the succession of events. Sharon pulls out of Gaza, declares to the UN that others have legitimate claims to land of Israel, not just Jews, News elections are called, Sharon begins a new political party, the realigning of MK's and then wham the cedar of Kadima is felled. And amidst all this further expulsion of Jews by Jews, from Jewish land continues unabated. What next?
Certainly, Mr. Sharon should regain quality of life and be healed by the true Doctor. But the real questions that each Jew both in the diaspora and Israel must consider are;
How does the desire to dismantle the land continue?
How can supporters of a policy of disengagement say the state represents "The hope of Two Thousand years"?
How can those Jews who support the notion of historic Arab claims to Israel face their ancestors who faced Zionward three times daily in prayer and wept bitterly over exile not just on Tisha B'Av but nightly as G-D Himself mourns the destruction exile?
Maybe the deepest question is the one those who still hold fast to faith must ask--What is still missing? What is lacking in observance, study and devotion, why is Mashiach still not here?
What is next may not be clear, but where the end is a world of blessing and healing of perfection, a world of G-D ruledby MASHIACH.
Certainly, Mr. Sharon should regain quality of life and be healed by the true Doctor. But the real questions that each Jew both in the diaspora and Israel must consider are;
How does the desire to dismantle the land continue?
How can supporters of a policy of disengagement say the state represents "The hope of Two Thousand years"?
How can those Jews who support the notion of historic Arab claims to Israel face their ancestors who faced Zionward three times daily in prayer and wept bitterly over exile not just on Tisha B'Av but nightly as G-D Himself mourns the destruction exile?
Maybe the deepest question is the one those who still hold fast to faith must ask--What is still missing? What is lacking in observance, study and devotion, why is Mashiach still not here?
What is next may not be clear, but where the end is a world of blessing and healing of perfection, a world of G-D ruledby MASHIACH.
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