Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Civil Rights belong to the whole population. The concept protects minority groups from discrimination and bias through society's institutions. A part of civil rights may well include a right of hasbara, advocacy. However, allowing a voice in the marketplace of ideas is not carte blanche to assault a community's sensibilities and moral standards. It is absurb to declare Jerusalem must submit itself to a message that goes beyond merely communicating a point of view but ridicules the community's values. Advocacy is not a license for incitement nor obscenity.

This is why the agreement to allow the World Pride event to take place in Jerusalem is misplaced tolerance at best and at worst the latest assault on Judaism and Jewish sensibilities by the Israeli government. For years the gap between the population and their governemnt has widened steadily the recent war in the North and this nearly universally condemed activity showed the gap has grown to abyssmal proportions.

May G-D have still more compassion on His People and land and send MSHIACH THERE IS NO OTHER VIABLE OPTION FOR THE FUTURE

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