Tuesday, October 05, 2010


It has been too long since the last posting but the story still has not changed all that much. It boggles the mind that State Department employees are deployed to Judea and Samaria to essentially act like suburban code enforcement officers checking to make sure there is no Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria and I guess Jerusalem as well.

Consider the arrogance such a policy entails. How does any sovereign country tolerate such paternalistic domination? Indeed the notion that in the Jewish state there is any place a Jew is not welcome is just wrong.

What is even more bewildering is the rights of an Imam to build a Mosque at 51 Park where wreckage from the airliners turned WMDs fell on 9/11/01. It does not seem consistent that rights of religious freedom and expression should trump the provocative aspect s of the venture. The rule is generally your rights end at the tip of my nose. Simply put, there are two aspects to balance regarding the Ground Zero Mosque; I s it merely a cultural and religious center standing for peace moderation and tolerance or as statement of triumph not unlike a Roman victory arch or a street gang marking its turf with graffiti ?

A hallmark of American democracy is the extent to which the majority will protect the civil rights of the minority even the ones who are unpopular. Even so if a few persons’ speech/expression offends Millions does it remain protected?

The general rule articulated by the US Supreme Court the treedom of speech/expression is limited to the right to put out the speech or expression to the public but there is no requirement that anyone listen to the message.The Court's reasoning make's sense when addressing a neo-nazi rally or seasonal displays reflecting religious themes. However something permenent like the Ground Zero Mosque is a message that cannot be ignored by the public and should be proscribed against as a form of fighting words which are not protected speech.

Yet both Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama endorsed the right to build an in your face monument celebrating terrorism- no matter how it may be sold to the public that project is just that in-your-face that its meaning is unmistakable.

But G-D forbid some Jew living in Efrat or Ma’aleh Adumim or Kiryat Araba wanted to build a deck or install a swing set in one’s backyard that right is not recognized and indeed such subversive behavior is an impediment to peace posing a threat greater than a nuclear device from Iran. That is just so wrong.

The paradox is stark maybe it is time to review and reacess so that the United States continue to champion freedom and human rights. Human Rights that build to make a bright future and not to celebrate conauest and death.

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