Monday, May 28, 2007


Concerning Sedrot as believers we know there is a D-VINE reason behind why Sedrot?, which House? And Who? As we say daily “He creates all existence anew daily . . . . ” “[G-D is ] the master of war . . . the source of salvation’s flowering ” (Shacharit, Birchat HaYotzer). Therefore, to write off the campaign against Sedrot as random is to completely miss the point.

However, to glibly declare it is a sign of G-D’s wrath is insensitive, arrogant and inaccurate. If the attacks were intended merely as punishment there would be an opportunity to absorb the experience and discern what needs to change and improve. However, being in a state of emergency hardly affords Sedrot’s residents’ time to reflect and cull needed lessons. So to declare a blanket D-vine punishment upon Sedrot is hard to say. Now it is possible than individuals who suffered property loss of injury are being sent a specific message to atone, repent or improve but that is between the individual and Hashem and certainly not anyone’s place to speculate except for the true Zaddikim who are both keenly aware of Hashem’s ways and deeply attached to the Jewish people.

It is equally possible the people of Sedrot collectively need this experience as a soul repair for a previous life. Or the people a Sedrot need this experience as a source of merit for keeping the faith in extreme circumstances. Consider the original prophecy was that Bene Yisrael be slave for 400 years yet they were in Egypt only 210 years and out that time the actual time as slaves may have been as little as 86 years. Yet the intensity of the servitude was multiplied exponentially to achieve the necessary effect that qualified Bene Yisrael for an earlier redemption and revelation at Sinai. Maybe Sedrot’s experience is a preparation for something greater. Who except a Zaddik can say?

Rabbi Nachman teaches in several places that a major task in life is to look for G-D’s presence everywhere and in everything especially behind the corners and out of view. What can be stated with some confidence is that Sedrot’s residents are being presented these attacks as a means for their spiritual fulfillment. Additionally for the rest of us it is an opportunity to increase the world’s foundations of Torah Prayer and Kindness in which case Sedrot is not being punished but the bulb of salvation’s flowering that blossoms in to Mashiach’s arrival in the immediate future.

Sorry for not fully documenting this post

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Sderot is under attack and there are fatalities. To think the IDF cannot remove the threat is silly there are no PA Air Force or tank units or artillery. A lack of ability is not an explanation.

Simultaneously Sderot residents were relocated to army run rest centers. This simple humanitarian gesture too exposed the fundamental problem. Hared Jewish families were placed with secular families and had the serenity of the Shabbat marred by blaring TV’s mixed male and female choral programs and inattention to accommodate the haredi standards of Kashruth. When people complained they were told they could go back to Sderot.

A city's mayor has to be reduced to tears pleading in vain for the national government to fulfill its minimal mission to protect the country and its population from external enemies.

Further, MK Orlev proposed a law that would introduce an American style Sunday and weaken the public face of the Jewish Shabbath. This proposed legislation is a cultural retreat of Jewish sovereignty akin to a land give back.

There is a parade planed yet again for Jerusalem to celebrate life styles prohibited by Torah despite the nearly unanimous opposition to such activities.

There is a common thread. Like the government appears to be devoid of any ability to connect with the populace. Maybe even a sense of disdain for the cultural ethnic and historic societal norms of the people.

It would seem Israel's central enemy is its own government. The apparent unwillingness to be itself and embrace Jewry's national G-D given context and heritage. Failing to do so leaves leadership empty and without direction.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


There is no way anyone can truly appreciate what it means to survive a missile attack.. Shlomo Wallins’ of video showed the calm of his backyard violated by a missile slamming in to the house next door can only convey a sense of what it must be like but . . . .

The Sedrot video took the writer back to when in 1978 as a Yeshiva student in Jerusalem’s Sanhedria Murchevet neighborhood. Sanhedria Murchevet was the city’s northern border at the time. Just after Passover on a Sunday night the evening’s quiet was ripped by a katusha launched from behind a nearby hill. Fortunately, the projectile was a dud harmlessly landing in a vacant lot. However, the sound of the rocket’s launch and flight still reverberates in my mind to point that I refuse to attend fireworks displays. Only this personal experience made Mr. Wallins’ film all the more shocking.

With great humility the following thoughts are offered. The citizens of Sedrot realize their government will not defend them, the I.D.F. hamstrung by the civilian echelons will not act. Rockets land en masse, throughout the city and there are no fatalities. Now, there is no intention to trivialize the significance of people’s injuries or property losses. However, the fact no one was murdered defies logic. Maybe just maybe the lesson Sedrot is teaching the rest of the world, one’s trust cannot lie with an army and its weapons or that government will act in the interests of its citizens’ still there is a defensive shield upon all can rely, A-mighty G-D. As King David said in Tehilim 121 “The Guardian of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers ” Please do not despair Sedrot your arsenal is as deep as the faith of Israel that is Jewry's heritage which no one can destroy.

With prayers of comfort and for Redemption

Sunday, May 13, 2007


This week marks the 40th anniversary of Jerusalem's reunification. The usual suspects will not be in attendance. No one is disappointed about Jordan and Egypt will not come. Nor, in the current climate is the absence of the European Union is expected. However, when a man of strong moral character has his government despite overwhelming public opinion to the contrary boycotts the celebrations that are news. The United States will stay away from the Jerusalem day celebrations.

A unified Jerusalem is a city where it is possible all can live and pray something that did not happen under British or Jordanian rule. The connection of Jewry to Jerusalem colors the whole of Jewish life. Three times daily Jews pray for the rebuilding of the city as well as Grace After Meals. This is at a minimum for the religious Jews but even popular rituals observed by most Jews like Yom Kippur and the Passover Seder conclude "Next Year in Jerusalem" Similarly Chanukah is connected with the conquest of The Temple Mount and Jewish Control over the Temple Mount.
The sense of belonging to this place among Jews is high especially back in 1967 as a 9 year old the overwhelming sense was we've come home Israel is now complete and not a shell.
To acknowledge anyone else's claim to this city is to insult all Jewry who lived, live and look to Jerusalem since the reign of King David OBM,
To acknowledge the rights of anyone other than the Jewish people to ANYWHERE within the Biblical borders of Israel defies G-D, His teachings within scripture the history culture and faith of Israel.

This simple approach of self respect, of self pride of self awareness can never silence the truth nor dislodge it from its place. Shame on you Mr. President for not understanding this Shame on you Mr. Olmert et al for demanding the respect your country deserves as part of the world community.

Ever closer ever clearer the world needs to come to its senses and recognize what and who embrace evil and who oppose its advance. Some well meaning outrage is in order as a Jew I am offended as an American I am disappointed my President would appease Arab States hostile to the Jewish State and not be support a greater Israel, in all Israel.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Leadership is Taking Responsibility

"I think the army disappointed itself to a large degree,"

"Something in the command and control concept did not meet expectations and undoubtedly led to a disparity between what we were capable of achieving and what we actually achieved,"

Prime Minister Olmert's statements before the Winograd Commission may be an adult version of the small child next a broken vase and claiming "not me " when Mom or Dad ask who broke the vase.

Or a more unnerving version a person in occupying a position of public trust whose choices could affect the lives of an entire country including the choices concerning the waging of war. Choosing costs lives, choosing wrongly or indecision unnecessarily puts people at risk.

Or even more disquieting is when the failure to accept personal responsibility arises from an indifference to others.

None of these options are comforting, at the least such a person may act in his or her own self interest may express itself in a fear of public disgrace and arrogance works for the public good. However like a stopped clock is only correct but for two minutes a day. A regular occurrence but too infrequent to be relied on. Any other option opens the country to hands of one who may treat power as a personal plaything or worse a tool of oppression.

Soldier’s follow the orders of the civil authorities in whose hands are vested the life and death decisions. Such people have no business as leaders and shame on anyone who would prop them up.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Eternal Lessons, Moral GPS

As the handwriting is on the wall and the obituaries for the Olmert government are being contemplated the most important question is not who is the next Prime Minister? Rather, the better question is what should the public look for in their next set of leaders?

To form an opinion one needs to look inward to what our heritage has to say about government. The Torah warns Devarim 17:14-20 that a king keep a Torah scroll with him to learn the fear of G-D and prevent the king thinking himself above G-D and his law.

Shemuel the Prophet warns the nation, Shemuel I 8:11-18 that maintaining the apparatus of a central government will be costly. A monarchy has an insatiable appetite, invading one’s money, produce, property and even person for its service.

Similarly, the Mishna in Perkei Avoth, Ethics of the Fathers 2:3 to be wary of government officials as they are opportunists currying the people’s favor when it is to their personal advantage but will abandon them when it is not in their self-interest.

Further, in Avoth 3:3 the role government is to maintain a civil society. Otherwise one would swallow their neighbor alive.

Additionally, Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch ZT'L commenting on Nimord's agenda behind building the Tower of Babel lambasts the state's promoting personal fulfillment through national service. Similarly, Korach,it becomes clear from Rashi Z'L as an exemplar of when a personal agenda is marketed as a movement for social justice and equality.

While this seems overly pessimistic it is realistic. Temptation to abuse power and to think only about oneself are so seductive that their destructive effects are all but inescapable.

Only with the overlay of a constant fear of Heaven can there be any chance of competent governance and societal civility. Does this mean only an observant Jew can rule? It would be insincere for someone like the writer to say otherwise but at a minimum the next government should recognize Jewry has a heritage that spans millennia and not just 59 years. Jewry has a heritage of values which has endured and thrives to this day and not a passing fad of Western pop culture and conventional wisdom.

The Jewish heritage is not of the moment but of eternity. The Jewish Heritage is from G-D and not man. Even if one is not yet mitzvah observant without these fundamental values what fills the resulting moral void? Unfortunately, recent history shows what can result.