This week marks the 40th anniversary of Jerusalem's reunification. The usual suspects will not be in attendance. No one is disappointed about Jordan and Egypt will not come. Nor, in the current climate is the absence of the European Union is expected. However, when a man of strong moral character has his government despite overwhelming public opinion to the contrary boycotts the celebrations that are news. The United States will stay away from the Jerusalem day celebrations.
A unified Jerusalem is a city where it is possible all can live and pray something that did not happen under British or Jordanian rule. The connection of Jewry to Jerusalem colors the whole of Jewish life. Three times daily Jews pray for the rebuilding of the city as well as Grace After Meals. This is at a minimum for the religious Jews but even popular rituals observed by most Jews like Yom Kippur and the Passover Seder conclude "Next Year in Jerusalem" Similarly Chanukah is connected with the conquest of The Temple Mount and Jewish Control over the Temple Mount.
The sense of belonging to this place among Jews is high especially back in 1967 as a 9 year old the overwhelming sense was we've come home Israel is now complete and not a shell.
To acknowledge anyone else's claim to this city is to insult all Jewry who lived, live and look to Jerusalem since the reign of King David OBM,
To acknowledge the rights of anyone other than the Jewish people to ANYWHERE within the Biblical borders of Israel defies G-D, His teachings within scripture the history culture and faith of Israel.
This simple approach of self respect, of self pride of self awareness can never silence the truth nor dislodge it from its place. Shame on you Mr. President for not understanding this Shame on you Mr. Olmert et al for demanding the respect your country deserves as part of the world community.
Ever closer ever clearer the world needs to come to its senses and recognize what and who embrace evil and who oppose its advance. Some well meaning outrage is in order as a Jew I am offended as an American I am disappointed my President would appease Arab States hostile to the Jewish State and not be support a greater Israel, in all Israel.
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