Concerning Sedrot as believers we know there is a D-VINE reason behind why Sedrot?, which House? And Who? As we say daily “He creates all existence anew daily . . . . ” “[G-D is ] the master of war . . . the source of salvation’s flowering ” (Shacharit, Birchat HaYotzer). Therefore, to write off the campaign against Sedrot as random is to completely miss the point.
However, to glibly declare it is a sign of G-D’s wrath is insensitive, arrogant and inaccurate. If the attacks were intended merely as punishment there would be an opportunity to absorb the experience and discern what needs to change and improve. However, being in a state of emergency hardly affords Sedrot’s residents’ time to reflect and cull needed lessons. So to declare a blanket D-vine punishment upon Sedrot is hard to say. Now it is possible than individuals who suffered property loss of injury are being sent a specific message to atone, repent or improve but that is between the individual and Hashem and certainly not anyone’s place to speculate except for the true Zaddikim who are both keenly aware of Hashem’s ways and deeply attached to the Jewish people.
It is equally possible the people of Sedrot collectively need this experience as a soul repair for a previous life. Or the people a Sedrot need this experience as a source of merit for keeping the faith in extreme circumstances. Consider the original prophecy was that Bene Yisrael be slave for 400 years yet they were in Egypt only 210 years and out that time the actual time as slaves may have been as little as 86 years. Yet the intensity of the servitude was multiplied exponentially to achieve the necessary effect that qualified Bene Yisrael for an earlier redemption and revelation at Sinai. Maybe Sedrot’s experience is a preparation for something greater. Who except a Zaddik can say?
Rabbi Nachman teaches in several places that a major task in life is to look for G-D’s presence everywhere and in everything especially behind the corners and out of view. What can be stated with some confidence is that Sedrot’s residents are being presented these attacks as a means for their spiritual fulfillment. Additionally for the rest of us it is an opportunity to increase the world’s foundations of Torah Prayer and Kindness in which case Sedrot is not being punished but the bulb of salvation’s flowering that blossoms in to Mashiach’s arrival in the immediate future.
Sorry for not fully documenting this post
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