Currently there are two high profile Jewish defendents in the US each receiving quite different treatment.
Bernard Madoff accused of bilking investors including several charities to the tune of $50, 000,000.00 awaits trial under house arrest with a ankle bracelet GPS.
Shalom Rubashkin who is accused of several crimes connected with the Agriprocessorskosher meat plant in Postville Iowa. Despite being willing to post several million $ in bail and agree to house arrest as well as an ankle GPS awaits trial in a Federal Jail Cell why? [The following was posted on www, ]
"The judge, Jon Scoles, ruled that Rubashkin posed a risk of flight and declined to release him on bail, pointing to evidence that he had a travel bag with cash and travel documents on hand at the time of his arrest. He also noted that two others accused of crimes connected to their work at Agriprocessors are believed to have fled to Israel.
Scoles took note of Israel's Law of Return, which grants automatic citizenship to Jews."
While the Hon. Judge Scoles may embrace anti-Semitic stereotypes concerning where Jewish loyalties lie. The defense pointed out the Judge's line of reasoning would have the Attorney General of the United States and Two US Supreme Court Justices as unreliable flight risks ready at the drop of a hat go declare their fidelity and loyalty to the State of Israel. Needless to say the Judge upon reconsideration backpeddled a little by suggesting the Defendant’s Counsel was making too much of the issue.
However there may be a far deeper lesson here. Mr. Madoff despite his extensive connections throughout the Jewish community is not recognizable as an Orthodox Jew. His personal observance of ritual is up for debate whereas Rubashkin is. Maybe the unequal treatment translates in to a message simple and yet profound.
The secular Madoff is not seen as a flight risk but the Orthodox Rubashkin is.
It is almost as if Judge Scoles knows a visible Jew’s home is in Israel. Madoff may know this, his appearance does not indicate it but Rubashkin does.
Something to think about during the festival of asserting Jewish Identity in a hostile world.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Statement of President-elect Barack Obama
Below is a statement by President-elect Barack Obama
"Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the loved ones of the American citizens who lost their lives in the outrageous terrorist attacks in Mumbai. Our thoughts and prayers are with them, and with all who have been touched by this terrible tragedy.
"These terrorists who targeted innocent civilians will not defeat India's great democracy, nor shake the will of a global coalition to defeat them. The United States must stand with India and all nations and people who are committed to destroying terrorist networks, and defeating their hate-filled ideology.
"There is one president at a time. I will continue to closely monitor the situation on the ground in Mumbai, and am grateful for the cooperation of the Bush Administration in keeping me and my staff updated. We fully support the Bush Administration's efforts to protect American citizens and assist the government of India during this tragic time," said President-elect Obama.
There are three pionts to make ;
1 The outrage should extend to all the victims so brutaly and wantonly murdered, not just the American lives lost. Indeed this series of attacks, their brutality diminish our collective humanity as did the institutional mass murderers like the Nazis or Stalin’s forces ir The Communist Chinese (during their revolution.)
2 The President –elect deserves kudos for calling these murderers Terrorist and not militants or activists as appeared in some news reports.
3 That all terrorist networks need to be destroyed not just in the immedate sense through eliminating operational assests but in a lasting sense through casting their underlying philosophy to humanity’s garbage heap.
During the campagin during the Second debate the President –elect offered that negotiation and dialog being the means for the better results in dispute –resolution between peoples. Mr. President-elect it is my prayer that you and your team recognize that your rule of thumb simply does not apply to all time and certainly not in this incident nor with those who support these terrorists and their philosophy/ideology and methodology.
Just as 9/11 changed how America views the world. Mumbai should remind us who are truly the good guys and who are not. May those who cherish life collectively refuse to accept or tolerate this personification of evil.
Below is a statement by President-elect Barack Obama
"Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the loved ones of the American citizens who lost their lives in the outrageous terrorist attacks in Mumbai. Our thoughts and prayers are with them, and with all who have been touched by this terrible tragedy.
"These terrorists who targeted innocent civilians will not defeat India's great democracy, nor shake the will of a global coalition to defeat them. The United States must stand with India and all nations and people who are committed to destroying terrorist networks, and defeating their hate-filled ideology.
"There is one president at a time. I will continue to closely monitor the situation on the ground in Mumbai, and am grateful for the cooperation of the Bush Administration in keeping me and my staff updated. We fully support the Bush Administration's efforts to protect American citizens and assist the government of India during this tragic time," said President-elect Obama.
There are three pionts to make ;
1 The outrage should extend to all the victims so brutaly and wantonly murdered, not just the American lives lost. Indeed this series of attacks, their brutality diminish our collective humanity as did the institutional mass murderers like the Nazis or Stalin’s forces ir The Communist Chinese (during their revolution.)
2 The President –elect deserves kudos for calling these murderers Terrorist and not militants or activists as appeared in some news reports.
3 That all terrorist networks need to be destroyed not just in the immedate sense through eliminating operational assests but in a lasting sense through casting their underlying philosophy to humanity’s garbage heap.
During the campagin during the Second debate the President –elect offered that negotiation and dialog being the means for the better results in dispute –resolution between peoples. Mr. President-elect it is my prayer that you and your team recognize that your rule of thumb simply does not apply to all time and certainly not in this incident nor with those who support these terrorists and their philosophy/ideology and methodology.
Just as 9/11 changed how America views the world. Mumbai should remind us who are truly the good guys and who are not. May those who cherish life collectively refuse to accept or tolerate this personification of evil.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Words are unable to contain the combined sense of outrage and saddness in the aftermath of the Holtzbergs' murder. Indeed the whole devastation carried out against civillans in Mumbai India must shock the conscience.
It should serve to remind all those in power that looking at who issued which terrorist which decoder ring is not important. Failing to see those non state or quasi state actors as part of a unified ideology that uses terror as an intrument of policy can not be tolerated in the community of humanity. Any ideology of faith the can condone such behavior has lost its legitmacy.
Where is the Islamic outrage? Where are the declarations of outrage from the Gulf/ from the Saudis/ from Hamas, Fatah, Al Qeka Et Al. I doubt holding one's breath in anticipation would be wise.
To entertain the notion that such actors merit the dignity of discourse is outragous and misguided in its naivate. Maybe just maybe [and yes I enjoy the luxury of not fighting this war on the ground but there is no joy in this suggestion] in dealing such as those who attacked on 9/11, as send rockets to Sedrot and who attcked Mumbai as well as their fellow travelers, supporters and sympathizers on notice that diplomacy is no longer an option. Responsible persons cannot allow these beings who diminish the whole of humanity any refuge save that offered by the grave. To protect decency this pathology must exorcised as was done to Germany some 60+ years ago.
It must stressed no one with a sicntila of humanity wishes
It should serve to remind all those in power that looking at who issued which terrorist which decoder ring is not important. Failing to see those non state or quasi state actors as part of a unified ideology that uses terror as an intrument of policy can not be tolerated in the community of humanity. Any ideology of faith the can condone such behavior has lost its legitmacy.
Where is the Islamic outrage? Where are the declarations of outrage from the Gulf/ from the Saudis/ from Hamas, Fatah, Al Qeka Et Al. I doubt holding one's breath in anticipation would be wise.
To entertain the notion that such actors merit the dignity of discourse is outragous and misguided in its naivate. Maybe just maybe [and yes I enjoy the luxury of not fighting this war on the ground but there is no joy in this suggestion] in dealing such as those who attacked on 9/11, as send rockets to Sedrot and who attcked Mumbai as well as their fellow travelers, supporters and sympathizers on notice that diplomacy is no longer an option. Responsible persons cannot allow these beings who diminish the whole of humanity any refuge save that offered by the grave. To protect decency this pathology must exorcised as was done to Germany some 60+ years ago.
It must stressed no one with a sicntila of humanity wishes
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
This time I hope &,pray I am wrong. Why is anyone asking what would satisfy the Arabs? Everything Israel tried after Yom Kippur 5734 has not worked. In fact instead of satisfying national aspirations every concession only leads to more and more demands each more outrageous than the one before.
The 1949 borders left Israel with a shadow of its ancestral homeland. The overwhelming sense I had in 1967 as a fourth grader was that we have come home-the state is whole. Who could ever imagine an argument could be made that it is in the national interest of the State of Israel to arm forces under Abu Mazen?
The rockets still come from Gaza--and money is transferred to PA coffers, Food and fuel are sent in to Gaza. The official Israeli responses are halfhearted military actions that do not create any deterrence or endless debates and discussion in the cabinet and Knesset with no clear resolve.
The options offered by Kadima , Labor or even Likud all seem to miss the point. The notion embodied by Ms. Livni and mostly echoed by Mr. Barak (Ehud not the President-Elect) to continue to compromise and acquiesce to the whims of Israel’s well meaning but misguided friends to win their approval, regardless whether such acceptance means the abandonment of the nation’s heritage. Similarly Mr. Natanyahu’s approach of coordinated political talks and development of joint economic opportunities shows promise but it underestimates who Israel is dealing with. It seems Bibi cannot understand that no matter how attractive the potential for profit no compromise is possible if agreement means heresy.
Where did the secular leadership of Israel get the idea that the articulation of principle predicated on professions of piety are translated as the parameters for an opening bid to effect a compromise? Some people have principles that are not for sale- even if they are in service of an evil end- the destruction of Israel.
The appeal to Zipi and Bibi is to decide who the Israel is what principles will it embody and champion? Will Israel simply mirror the values of Western Democracies of will Israel’s national persona embrace its history and heritage. Israel is the one slice of the globe allotted by G-D to the Jewish people the present day State of Israel must acknowledge its status the successor to the monarchy of David and Shlomo and commonwealth of Ezra and the Great Assembly. Israel and specifically Jerusalem , Hevron , Teveria and Zafat were the foci of Jewish prayer, charity and national aspiration throughout the nearly two millennium of exile. To face the world as the State of Israel oblivious to these sensibilities or worse yet with a willingness to chuck any or all principles as expedient leaves the leadership as standing for nothing.
The appeal to the nation is to educate your children, Jewry has a history that reaches back much further than 5708/1948. The Land of Israel as a whole has a cherished place the nation’s collective consciousness. Jewry and Israel stand for something.
These values do not ignore Arab sensibilities but rather creates a common language rooted in each community’s history and heritage. In the framework of history and heritage, principle and piety give way to fact over fantasy. When standing with the generations remaining faithful to them and their D-vinely stated values who could dare opposes Israel? Amalek? They never succeeded in the past so . . . Learn Judaism its letter and spirit this is the only solution.
Friday, October 31, 2008
As the election cycle winds down in the US and is gearing up in Israel a single question looms large in both places,'What is good for the Jews?"
Both McCain and Obama favor a two state model for resolving the Arab -Israeli/Jewish issue. The national character of Israel is up for grabs its Jewish character to be either merely De Facto or De Jure in nature.
How any leader performs cannot be predicted who would think Mr. Sharon would expell Jews from their homes only to have Hamas swallow up the vacum?
The best advice is of course choose the candidate or party that till now has carried Israel's best interest or at least the one with the fewest Anti-Israel/Zionist/ Semitic advisors, friends, mentors et al.
However the far more important is for Jewry to step up and improove it self through improoving its observance of the Torah and its laws. T o avoid any unseemly behavior to promote morals, civility and decency among people. No, this not Kum By Ya speak but a call to live as Jews preserving the D-vine Image invested in humanity through the A-mighty's desig and humanity's vision as set forth in the Mitzvoth letter and spirit.
As stated during the recent High Holy Days Repentance, Prayer and Charity can anull and reverse a harsh decree.
Both McCain and Obama favor a two state model for resolving the Arab -Israeli/Jewish issue. The national character of Israel is up for grabs its Jewish character to be either merely De Facto or De Jure in nature.
How any leader performs cannot be predicted who would think Mr. Sharon would expell Jews from their homes only to have Hamas swallow up the vacum?
The best advice is of course choose the candidate or party that till now has carried Israel's best interest or at least the one with the fewest Anti-Israel/Zionist/ Semitic advisors, friends, mentors et al.
However the far more important is for Jewry to step up and improove it self through improoving its observance of the Torah and its laws. T o avoid any unseemly behavior to promote morals, civility and decency among people. No, this not Kum By Ya speak but a call to live as Jews preserving the D-vine Image invested in humanity through the A-mighty's desig and humanity's vision as set forth in the Mitzvoth letter and spirit.
As stated during the recent High Holy Days Repentance, Prayer and Charity can anull and reverse a harsh decree.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"The notion of a Greater Israel no longer exists, and anyone who still believes in it is deluding themselves," . . .
I used to believe that everything from the Jordan Riverbank to the Mediterranean Sea was ours. After all, dig anywhere and you'll find Jewish history. But eventually, after great internal conflict, I've realized we have to share this land with the people who dwell here – that is if we don’t want to be a binational state,"
hese and other defeatist statements were made by Prime Minister Olmert before the September 14, 2008 cabinet meeting. Commenting on these statements it is important to recall that Moshe Rabbinu despite all Bene Yisrael experienced at the hands of Egypt at the direction of Pharaoh spoke with respect . As this was reported on Israel National News it would seem that the Prime Minister’s words were premised on the apparent erosion of international support for Israel and resulting pressure for a resolution of some type which would take the form of an Israel with an Arab majority and character.
While it is impossible to any person, community or nation to go it alone in isolation, yet at what price does inclusion cost? How can any leader responding to the reality of the moment sacrifice their national heritage?
“ . . .dig anywhere and you'll find Jewish history . . . .” Mr. Prime Minister visit the shrine of the Book and see the pair of Tefilin from Masada. These Tefilin look exactly like the ones worn by Jewry every weekday during the MorninVisit Second Temple era ruins and see the mikvaot used to fulfill the rigorous laws of purity as well as other examples that only emphasize the Jewish history/heritage within Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel.
Mr. Prime Minister certainly at least once in your life you were present at the conclusion of either Yom Kippur services or the Passover Seder when all present intoned “L’Shana HaBah B’Yerushalyim !!!” Next Year in Jerusalem. Even the secular anthem of the State speaks of the yearnings of Two Thousand Years “To be a free people in our land, Zion and Jerusalem”
Mr. Prime Minister how could any person of conscience abandon the national aspirations of the Jewish people? Imagine under what Mr. Olmert perceives as the only way the Zionist visions of the redemption are exchanged for the formation of a new Middle Eastern Pale of Settlement.
Mr. Prime Minister, maybe the concerns and fears expressed are based in a lack of national self respect. Maybe there would be no isolation for Israel if the national stands tall and proud. Not in an arrogant manner but with an aura of self assurance and purpMaybe the Arabs would not seek to encroach on Jewish rule over the land if the Jews treated the Holy Land as their D-vinely ordained inheritance
Mr. Prime Minister, you whoever follows after you must remember that Netzach Yisrael Lo YiShaker” The Destiny of Israel, the Jewish People cannot be denied. Israel lives, Greater Israel lives.
Mr. Prime Minster if one were to walk in the mind set of a scion of Zion the nations would not oppose Israel. If Israel were to conduct itself as G-D has designed in the Torah both written and oral Israel's place at the international table would never be denied nor would anyone challenge Israel's destiny
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Whether intended or not film has a unique quality to capture a snapshot of history. Part of this snapshot is capturing the philosophical/ ideological zeitgeist. Therefore periodic revisiting films especially those dealing with historical events is a significant whether tinseltown’s insights are enduring or part of the passing fancy that is pop culture. The semi-official Hollywood treatment of the Zionist struggle and birth of the modern State of Israel would be the 1960 movie EXODUS.
First the tension between Haganah, the military arm of the Jewish Agency/Zionist Committee, forerunners of Israeli governments until Menchem Begin A’H AND Likud were elected in 1977 and Irgun forerunner of Likud was quite real and persisted till the balance of political power shifted in 1977. Haganah was portrayed as responsible, progressive freedom fighters seeking to forge a new Jewish identity. Irgun were portrayed as part of the Old World steeped in ritual and ideology as well as an unwillingness to play by the nations’ rules.
Next throughout the film the only kipa wearer is a Rabbi supervising the Kitchen in Acre Prison, a far cry from today’s demographics.
The diffrence in attitudes between Pual Newman’s character Ari Ben Canan and John Derek’s Taha is telling. Newman the prototypical sabra straddles the paradox between the beliefs in Eretz Yisrael being Jewry’s ancestral home and post holocaust destiny, which can simultaneously be a democratic state offering equality to both Jews and Arabs. The Israeli it would seem would be willing to hollow the meaning of what exactly would be Jewish in a Jewish state in order to facilitate co0existence.
In fairness it should be noted that the originally proposed borders of Israel before Statehood was viewed by Ben-Gurion et. al. as only a half a loaf but by no means what was preferred or aspired to.
In contrast John Derek’s character Tha the Muktar of the nearby Arab village despite being raised along with Ari Ben Canan cannot align himself with the Jews fully even though he knows the forces opposing new born State of Israel embody evil. Even though he is killed for defying the Mufti’s Ex-Nazi trained thugs he still could not and would not fully sell out or betray his faith or heritage.
Though it is only Hollywood, the fact the two cultures secular and religious speak past each other without communicating without understanding each other remains to this day.
Maybe that is the key to cross cultural dialogue and understanding begins with Jews and Arabs side to believe in and be loyal to one’s own faith and heritage. The common language of faith may not solve the problems but offers a common language that acknowledges a higher authority all are answerable to.
First the tension between Haganah, the military arm of the Jewish Agency/Zionist Committee, forerunners of Israeli governments until Menchem Begin A’H AND Likud were elected in 1977 and Irgun forerunner of Likud was quite real and persisted till the balance of political power shifted in 1977. Haganah was portrayed as responsible, progressive freedom fighters seeking to forge a new Jewish identity. Irgun were portrayed as part of the Old World steeped in ritual and ideology as well as an unwillingness to play by the nations’ rules.
Next throughout the film the only kipa wearer is a Rabbi supervising the Kitchen in Acre Prison, a far cry from today’s demographics.
The diffrence in attitudes between Pual Newman’s character Ari Ben Canan and John Derek’s Taha is telling. Newman the prototypical sabra straddles the paradox between the beliefs in Eretz Yisrael being Jewry’s ancestral home and post holocaust destiny, which can simultaneously be a democratic state offering equality to both Jews and Arabs. The Israeli it would seem would be willing to hollow the meaning of what exactly would be Jewish in a Jewish state in order to facilitate co0existence.
In fairness it should be noted that the originally proposed borders of Israel before Statehood was viewed by Ben-Gurion et. al. as only a half a loaf but by no means what was preferred or aspired to.
In contrast John Derek’s character Tha the Muktar of the nearby Arab village despite being raised along with Ari Ben Canan cannot align himself with the Jews fully even though he knows the forces opposing new born State of Israel embody evil. Even though he is killed for defying the Mufti’s Ex-Nazi trained thugs he still could not and would not fully sell out or betray his faith or heritage.
Though it is only Hollywood, the fact the two cultures secular and religious speak past each other without communicating without understanding each other remains to this day.
Maybe that is the key to cross cultural dialogue and understanding begins with Jews and Arabs side to believe in and be loyal to one’s own faith and heritage. The common language of faith may not solve the problems but offers a common language that acknowledges a higher authority all are answerable to.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Timing is everything. Prime Minister Olmert’s potential legal problems must be fairly serious. After all what better way to distract the public then to announce a diplomatic breakthrough [translation: I agreed without asking anyone to give away peoples’ homes, fields, orchards and businesses so that the folks who are pledged to your annihilation can be all that much closer so you can be more clearly in their crosshairs].
What is astonishing is how the nation’s representatives are more committed to remaining in office than acting in the national interest. Especially those MKs who profess their commitment to G-D, Torah, and Jewry are willing to allow a repeat of the Gush Katif disgrace. The continued dilution of the State’s commitment to Jewish education by the current Education Minister has the effect of estranging the State’s youth from their heritage, a legacy intimately connected to the Land of Israel.
Now as the time approaches to receive the Torah, it is time to call out the emperor class’ destructive and delusional behavior and put the brakes on the national slide in to the abyss.
Monday, May 05, 2008
HAPPY 3,280 Israel !!!!!
Birthdays are a time to celebrate one's life, no doubt one should find joy in experiencing the privilege of life. There is a further dimension, birthdays are in the Jewish tradition a time to reflect, assess what can be done better in the future, how can growth be facilitated, how can one be better person within the family, community, country, world and most importantly, before G-D.
Over time circumstances, choices coupled with habits and aspiration may lead one to place never imagined or intended when setting out on life's journey. A Birthday is the day to ask "How did I get here? Is this where I am supposed to be? "
At 60 the State of Israel should collectively ask itself is it comfortable where it is?
Today the debate is over the public sale of Chametz on Pesach or apostate Jews participating in the Bible contest. These are not political /security / issues like aid to Yeshivoth, or the dismantling of settlements or checkpoints etc. Sec. Rice does not care about the Bible Contest or Bread on Pesach. Yet given the opportunity to make a Jewish choice or a democratic one, which one does the government make even when unfettered by foreign influence?
As the birthday of the modern state of Israel approaches maybe the country needs to take a collective look in the mirror. Maybe the first step is to disavow the notion of this being a 60th anniversary. This is the 60 anniversary of the reassertion of Jewish sovereignty over the land of Israel. Jews are in the land , not by the leave of the United Nations but as successors of Ezra and Nechemiah's commonwealth.
f the Zionist vision for a state is for the Jewish People to have a seat at the the international table then sit there, true to our identity, as Jews.
Witha prayer that at the end of this year's S'fira and even before then the nation stands together again united to hear Torah from Mashiach
Monday, April 14, 2008
A recent article in the Detroit Jewish News spoke about the Land of Israel Faithful whose teenage foot soldiers spearhead the establishment of new Jewish settlement within Yehudah and Shomron, Judea and Samaria The article takes a one sided approach asserting that these settlers act with virtual impunity, the actions taken by the police against these settlements is no more than street theatre.
The author while noting growth of Jewish settlements, statistics provided by Yesh Din and Peace Now ignores the tens of thousands of Arab construction projects virtually all without government building permits and some built unchallenged upon land purchased by the Jewish National Fund/Keren Kaiyemet L’Yisrael. Think of it, land purchased through early 20th century and depression era donations of pennies, nickels and dimes to the JNF Blue Box to redeem the Land of Israel for the Jewish people, was appropriated through adverse possession by Arabs, with no protest. This is without mentioning the encroachment by Arabs against the Jewish populations of Yafo, Lod , Acre and in the Negev.
The article neglects that while Jewish settlements are being disarmed the PA is being armed with no real assurance these weapons would not find their way in to terrorist hands.
The Israeli government tolerates Knesset Members who actively act against the existence of the State and meet with belligerent entities. Segments of the Israeli Left have gone beyond advocacy to the destruction of property , uprooting crops, and other acts that drift across the line from sympathy to giving aid and comfort to an enemy.
However what stands out as the most disturbing is that had this article been written about pre state settlement activity the young lady interviewed would be celebrated as a Chaluza, pioneer defying the British to reclaim the ancestral Jewish Homeland. Israel as a Jewish State is not and cannot be an arbitrary or artificial concept . The most tragic and similarly most crucial lesson is without a sense of history and heritage to instill pride and purpose in a nation the resulting spiritual void is filled by self-loathing.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Please Pray for the following Persons wounded in the Attack
Nadav Eliyahu ben Hadassah,
Naftali ben Gila Rachel,
Shimon Yechiel ben Tirza, bsoch sh’ar cholei Yisrael.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Just before Shabbat an Earthquake struck Eretz Yisrael. Evidently there were no injuries. However, there was property damage in Two places. A rather large hole opened up on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Also there was damage in Shechem known as Nablus where the grave of Yossef which had been badly damaged just this past week is located.
Jewish tradition asserts that the Temple Mount is mostly situated within the tribal boundaries of Benjamin; The Burial Place of Joseph obviously is connected to its namesake. Joseph and his younger brother Benjamin were the sons of Rachel
When Essav encountered Yaakov upon his return form Lavan's house it was Joseph who put himself in front of his mother to protect her from his uncle. Benjamin was not yet born and therefore of the tribes was the one who relative to Essav remains unbowed.
Jewish tradition further teaches that the Messianic redemption will begin with the children of Rachel.
While all the foregoing are facts that fit current events to say this is definitely one way or the other would be arrogant and irresponsible, however it cannot be ignored either.
Indeed in a few very few days comes the little Purim. Today the ownership of Eretz Yisrael especially the Holy sites is under attack it would appear that the ultimate Landlord has weighed in.
Events of such importance if ignored represent an opportunity lost. The future, and apparently the End of Days is near let it be humanity’s prayer that the signs not be misread.
Jewish tradition asserts that the Temple Mount is mostly situated within the tribal boundaries of Benjamin; The Burial Place of Joseph obviously is connected to its namesake. Joseph and his younger brother Benjamin were the sons of Rachel
When Essav encountered Yaakov upon his return form Lavan's house it was Joseph who put himself in front of his mother to protect her from his uncle. Benjamin was not yet born and therefore of the tribes was the one who relative to Essav remains unbowed.
Jewish tradition further teaches that the Messianic redemption will begin with the children of Rachel.
While all the foregoing are facts that fit current events to say this is definitely one way or the other would be arrogant and irresponsible, however it cannot be ignored either.
Indeed in a few very few days comes the little Purim. Today the ownership of Eretz Yisrael especially the Holy sites is under attack it would appear that the ultimate Landlord has weighed in.
Events of such importance if ignored represent an opportunity lost. The future, and apparently the End of Days is near let it be humanity’s prayer that the signs not be misread.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The announcement of the Government’s intention to evacuate Migron community within Six Months is disturbing.
Migron, from the news reports, is not a few tents and crude structures like Homesh or other recently established communities, but a functioning community.
Labeling Migron as an Illegal outpost based on Peace Now's claims alone is suspect. After Peace Now’s cover as a surrogate for Foreign powers was exposed what credibility do their claims hold? That the professed humanitarian concerns of Peace Now were antithetical to Judaism’s beliefs, aspirations and values regarding the national affinity and claim to all Eretz Yisrael which includes the principles of return and settlement of Diaspora Jewry within Eretz Yisrael. However, when Peace Now’s activities include aerial reconnaissance and other acts that approach espionage seriously call in to question whether the foreign contributors are more than mere expressions of support.
It sounds reasonable that a litigant’s motivation be called in to question Especially when the Plaintiff’s intentions appear to serve an agenda hostile to the very system within which claim is being pursued. Multiply, the erosion of credibility factor when the Plaintiff organization is serving an agenda bought and paid for by hostile foreign governments. After all, could one imagine France suing the US over the status of the Lakota or Cherokee nations? Or if the Japanese funded the tribes in their legal battles for independence as a means of advancing an element of foreign policy?
How could Peace Now enjoy any credibility in the circles of government or in the courts cast doubt on these sectors very commitment to the existence of the State. Especially when the Judges could have a way out by finding that Migron was founded before MARCH 21, 2001 thereby rendering the question moot
By deciding against Migron and in effect ruling against the Zionist and Jewish heritage the Court and government are doing the unthinkable, delegitimizing the ideological, moral and legal basis the State’s existence
Migron, from the news reports, is not a few tents and crude structures like Homesh or other recently established communities, but a functioning community.
Labeling Migron as an Illegal outpost based on Peace Now's claims alone is suspect. After Peace Now’s cover as a surrogate for Foreign powers was exposed what credibility do their claims hold? That the professed humanitarian concerns of Peace Now were antithetical to Judaism’s beliefs, aspirations and values regarding the national affinity and claim to all Eretz Yisrael which includes the principles of return and settlement of Diaspora Jewry within Eretz Yisrael. However, when Peace Now’s activities include aerial reconnaissance and other acts that approach espionage seriously call in to question whether the foreign contributors are more than mere expressions of support.
It sounds reasonable that a litigant’s motivation be called in to question Especially when the Plaintiff’s intentions appear to serve an agenda hostile to the very system within which claim is being pursued. Multiply, the erosion of credibility factor when the Plaintiff organization is serving an agenda bought and paid for by hostile foreign governments. After all, could one imagine France suing the US over the status of the Lakota or Cherokee nations? Or if the Japanese funded the tribes in their legal battles for independence as a means of advancing an element of foreign policy?
How could Peace Now enjoy any credibility in the circles of government or in the courts cast doubt on these sectors very commitment to the existence of the State. Especially when the Judges could have a way out by finding that Migron was founded before MARCH 21, 2001 thereby rendering the question moot
By deciding against Migron and in effect ruling against the Zionist and Jewish heritage the Court and government are doing the unthinkable, delegitimizing the ideological, moral and legal basis the State’s existence
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A few days’ distance gives perspective. President Bush’s recent visit to Jerusalem deserves comment. The streets were empty, certainly in a post 9/11 world security demands departures from what was the norm on 9/10. Yet was security the only concern in emptying Jerusalem’s streets?
After all the government could have assigned civil servants, soldiers in civilian clothes to line the streets waving Israeli and American flags, that did not happen. Maybe Mr. Bush was being insulated from what people really think and little support Olmert really has.
The control of information went further when persons were situated near the foreign press’ lodgings to distribute Fatah as “Moderate”, A Hard Look Post-Annapolis by Arlene Kushner published by THE CENTER FOR NEAR EAST POLICY RESEARCH were taken in custody for a couple of hours and their copies of the report were seized as seditious.
As disturbing as this sounds Olmert’s apparent need to suppress alternative points of view or the depth of popular dissent against the ruling regime’s actions is amazingly positive. If Olmert fears the nationalist voice that means he knows its depth within the collective national consciousness. Olmert realizes the nation knows that any agreement will be solely between himself and Abu Mazen, each leader being detached from the citizenry they officially lead. Olmert realizes the nation knows land concessions means Gush Katif 2, 3, 4 etc. . . . with the accompanying social displacement and with withdrawal comes the announcement ZEVA ADOM, ZEVA ADOM. Olmert knows the dividing of Jerusalem is beyond a painfull concession but strikes at the focal point of Jewish consciousness spanning generations Olmert knows the people know and he is running scared.
That Bush is endorsing the 23 Arab state is inexcusable as it represents the rewarding of Terrorists. As to the rest of the President’s remarks can any American President be more a Zionist than Israel’s Prime Minister?
The eternal nature of the Jewish People cannot be denyed Netzach Yisrael Lo Yishaker
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