This time I hope &,pray I am wrong. Why is anyone asking what would satisfy the Arabs? Everything Israel tried after Yom Kippur 5734 has not worked. In fact instead of satisfying national aspirations every concession only leads to more and more demands each more outrageous than the one before.
The 1949 borders left Israel with a shadow of its ancestral homeland. The overwhelming sense I had in 1967 as a fourth grader was that we have come home-the state is whole. Who could ever imagine an argument could be made that it is in the national interest of the State of Israel to arm forces under Abu Mazen?
The rockets still come from Gaza--and money is transferred to PA coffers, Food and fuel are sent in to Gaza. The official Israeli responses are halfhearted military actions that do not create any deterrence or endless debates and discussion in the cabinet and Knesset with no clear resolve.
The options offered by Kadima , Labor or even Likud all seem to miss the point. The notion embodied by Ms. Livni and mostly echoed by Mr. Barak (Ehud not the President-Elect) to continue to compromise and acquiesce to the whims of Israel’s well meaning but misguided friends to win their approval, regardless whether such acceptance means the abandonment of the nation’s heritage. Similarly Mr. Natanyahu’s approach of coordinated political talks and development of joint economic opportunities shows promise but it underestimates who Israel is dealing with. It seems Bibi cannot understand that no matter how attractive the potential for profit no compromise is possible if agreement means heresy.
Where did the secular leadership of Israel get the idea that the articulation of principle predicated on professions of piety are translated as the parameters for an opening bid to effect a compromise? Some people have principles that are not for sale- even if they are in service of an evil end- the destruction of Israel.
The appeal to Zipi and Bibi is to decide who the Israel is what principles will it embody and champion? Will Israel simply mirror the values of Western Democracies of will Israel’s national persona embrace its history and heritage. Israel is the one slice of the globe allotted by G-D to the Jewish people the present day State of Israel must acknowledge its status the successor to the monarchy of David and Shlomo and commonwealth of Ezra and the Great Assembly. Israel and specifically Jerusalem , Hevron , Teveria and Zafat were the foci of Jewish prayer, charity and national aspiration throughout the nearly two millennium of exile. To face the world as the State of Israel oblivious to these sensibilities or worse yet with a willingness to chuck any or all principles as expedient leaves the leadership as standing for nothing.
The appeal to the nation is to educate your children, Jewry has a history that reaches back much further than 5708/1948. The Land of Israel as a whole has a cherished place the nation’s collective consciousness. Jewry and Israel stand for something.
These values do not ignore Arab sensibilities but rather creates a common language rooted in each community’s history and heritage. In the framework of history and heritage, principle and piety give way to fact over fantasy. When standing with the generations remaining faithful to them and their D-vinely stated values who could dare opposes Israel? Amalek? They never succeeded in the past so . . . Learn Judaism its letter and spirit this is the only solution.
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