The discovery of walls belonging to the actual Second Temple should be cause of excitement. However, this was an unintended result of the Waqf’s laying of electric cables atop the Temple Mount. Any assertion of inadvertence by the Islamic trust is refuted by the fact that most profound link to Jewry’s as well as humanity’s heritage treated as just so much rubbish. Please keep in mind this is coming from the folks accused Israel of attempting a conquest of the Temple Mount by reinforcing the Mugrabi bridge earlier this year.
Of course, this is only the most recent outrage out of many concerning the Temple Mount that should make any Islamic, Arab or international assurances of religious plurality, tolerance , access or sensitivity to other faith communities unreliable, at best to all but the most naïve.
How to react? First after Gush Katif, Amona, Hevron, Sederot and statement by the Israeli government there is little room for outrage. How many times can one’s sensibilities remain intact when constantly being assailed before one become completely numb?
Maybe there is a positive spin to put on this event. It is well known that a competition exists between Israeli/Jewish and Arab Archeologists for artifacts verifying each group’s version of history. An impressive pseudo scholarship denying the Temple’s existence let alone its being located on the Temple Mount itself. How providential is this? The architects of Temple denial become the agency for Temple affirmation!
Verifying the existence of the Temple of course implies an ancient Jewish presence and most likely Kingdom in the location. The embarrassing consequences to the Arabs as well as to the “there is nothing to learn from history” crowd occupying positions of power and influence within Israel. Hence the need for official silence. However among those whose world view revolves around G-D and His Torah there is a basis for rejoicing the plans of evildoers are frustrated.
Further, consider the timing of this remarkable find. Just at the close of the year leading in to a Sabbatical (Shemitah) the Temple’s walls become exposed maybe, just maybe by the end of 5768 the Temple itself will reappear?
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