Friday, July 09, 2010


Prime Minister Natanyahu met again with President Obama this time with all the bell snd wistles. So of course which reception truly reflects the Presidents' views this time or last time when PM Netanyahu was left alone while the President went to have diner with his daugthers?

However it is telling that there is an on going effort by the President to make nice after the earlier gaff. However this may be more in response to buyer's remorse on the part of American Jews who voted for the President but would reluctant to do so again as well as a nod to the Democratic Congress that has overwhelmingly pro-Israel.

Improoving relations with the Islamic world is a good thing and in American's interest. However the way to made new friends is not by abandoning the old ones nor by losing one's own identity and values to satisfy the other. Without saying more it is possible that the President's international background and out-of -the-mainstream mentors may have brought him to a place where he does not have an American identity or at least not one as strong as his predecessors in office.

Alack of national self esteem can be made for Mr, Netanyahu as well however before condeming totally one must account for whatever strongarm tactics were used on him, even so he too must step up to assert Jewish National interests against Mr. Obama and his minions. One must be who they are destined to be a Jew must be a Jew no matter how badly he may want otherwise. Faith and strength are what matter once one knows who one is then a worldview and desicions can be competently made.

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