Sunday, February 17, 2008


Just before Shabbat an Earthquake struck Eretz Yisrael. Evidently there were no injuries. However, there was property damage in Two places. A rather large hole opened up on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Also there was damage in Shechem known as Nablus where the grave of Yossef which had been badly damaged just this past week is located.

Jewish tradition asserts that the Temple Mount is mostly situated within the tribal boundaries of Benjamin; The Burial Place of Joseph obviously is connected to its namesake. Joseph and his younger brother Benjamin were the sons of Rachel

When Essav encountered Yaakov upon his return form Lavan's house it was Joseph who put himself in front of his mother to protect her from his uncle. Benjamin was not yet born and therefore of the tribes was the one who relative to Essav remains unbowed.

Jewish tradition further teaches that the Messianic redemption will begin with the children of Rachel.

While all the foregoing are facts that fit current events to say this is definitely one way or the other would be arrogant and irresponsible, however it cannot be ignored either.

Indeed in a few very few days comes the little Purim. Today the ownership of Eretz Yisrael especially the Holy sites is under attack it would appear that the ultimate Landlord has weighed in.

Events of such importance if ignored represent an opportunity lost. The future, and apparently the End of Days is near let it be humanity’s prayer that the signs not be misread.