Thursday, December 27, 2007


A student's paper critical of the lack of Military rapes by IDF personal won a Hebrew University Teachers' Committee prize. The author asserts the lack of military rape is politically motivated. The lack of such behavior is not rooted in the soliders' sense of morality, humanity or decency, rather to reinforce a dehumanized image of Arabs. True media has a way of distorting a story but academics granting a prize for a paper that takes the ostensible position sexual violence is a good thing? The student may have come to certain conclusions based on raw data and the like but the implication of self loathing overrides the outrage a crime of gender based violence should kindle. Now it is unclear whether the faculty who granted the prize are of high enough rank to be on strike of not either way if this is what passes as serious scholarship maybe the professors should all stay out on strike.

Further this week it was reported that a job applicant was turned down because the prospective hire was Shabbat observant. A shameful episode of discrimination no doubt, but that is only half the story. The job is located in Eretz Yisrael and the position was with the Jewish National Fund. Which Jewish person of a certain age cannot recall the JNF blue box charity box being every Jewish except Shabbat services.To think that not only did the JNF turn down an observant person the hiring executive could not understand what all the fuss was about.

The insensitivity to Jewish values is so profound one almost gets the sense that values and sensibilities have been replaced an absense of common sense and moral vision.

The comfort to take is even if there are real deep divisions within Jewry the nation survives inspite of itself, AMYISRAEL CHAI

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

History Lesson

Hoping you and your family are having a most enlighting Hanukah

Prime Minister Olmert recently declared that Ben Gurion was correct to accept partition. But the question is was the acceptance of partition done as an affirmative act acquiescing to and acknowledging an Arab right within Eretz Yirael. Or was the acceptance of partiton the best deal available at the time but without relinquishing the vision of a whole Eretz Yisrael.

This most amazing story about the beginings of the post 67' return to Hevron may shed some light on Ben Gurion’s thinking. Rav Levinger Shlita, may he be returned to full health soon wrote in honor of Kiryat Arba's 10TH anniversary. (this was a commererative book published for the celebration during Chol Hamoed Pesach 5738)

Eliyakim Haezni told Rav Levinger that during Succot 5728 Rav Yechezkel Sarna ZT'L was asked whether he was willing to return his Yeshiva-the Hevron Yeshiva back to Hevron after having to leave in the wake of the 1929/5689 riots. Rav Sarna said he had this conversation with Ben Gurion just before the holiday Ben Gurion was surprised nothing had been done to date to renew the Jewish presence in Hevron.

Ben Gurion who accepted the partition in 1947-49 wanted Jews back in Hevron-that would lead one to believe Ben Gurioon's acceptance of the partition was a default and not an affirmative endorsement of a two state configuration.

Does Mr. Olmert know this story? Or did he forget while losing any shard of dignity while going through side entrances, staying outdoors in the rain and otherwise having himself and the Israeli delegation being treated like sug bet by the other participants at Annapolis?

Wasn't establishing a state supposed to create a Jew the world would respect as a peer?

Chag Sameach