Sunday, November 28, 2010


This is particularly scary not just because this is being directed against Jews but the IRS exists to collect taxes not to enforce political orthodoxy.

Sure because the story is Jewish/Zionist related I am posting the article below BUT consider how much of our liberties and constitutional rights have been bulldoized since January 2009? THIS cannot continue and America as we know it, as we were taught to believe in can continue. Please look past party affiliation and look to principle

In the meantime as Chanukah approaches one wonders if lighting the Menorah will be an unwelcome declaration of Judaizing the Holy Land and the Temple Mount.

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Recently synod of Catholic Clergy from the middle East asserted that Israel[i.e. Jews] cannot cite Biblical texts confirming the D-vine promise of the Land of Israel to the Jewish people. Indeed the Jews should cease their occupation of lands claimed by Arabs..

OK, maybe these men needed to make such a statement because their position in their home countries is precarious, yet, the Vatican seemed to echo the synod’s opinion.

UNESCO has called upon the State of Israel to remove the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel’s Tomb from the list of Jewish Heritage Sites. UNESCO endorsed the notion both sites are claimed exclusively as Mosques. UNESCO’s action was so outrageous that is prompted Israel to formally declare it was suspending its cooperation with the UN agency.

One’s initial reaction would be somewhere between “ . . . . and where do the @#$%ing Vatican and UNSECO think Jews do belong? ” Or ’ This is so outrageous !!!! To @#$% with them.!!!!” However neither reaction is useful.

Yet ignoring these developments would be a missed opportunity. Why deny the legitimacy of using Jewish sacred texts as the basis of Jewish claim to the Promised Land? Implied in the admonition is an acknowledgement however begrudging in the enduring truth of the D-vine promises. Similarly, why claim the burial sites of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs as Mosques and beyond a legitimate Jewish claim also implies a need to shout down the truth that is stated in Scripture.

An obvious conclusion can be drawn. Those who are hostile to the Jewish people particularly the presence of Jews in the Land of Israel in fulfillment of prophecy and as part of the national history and heritage feel the need to de-legitimatize that connection. If they believe why shouldn’t the Jews? Maybe this is how G-D through Jewry’s opponents compels a spiritual awakening. An awakening to embrace Jewish history and Heritage as the exclusive basis to assert Jewish values and identity.

It is time to believe in the Jewish nation and narrative.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


It has been too long since the last posting but the story still has not changed all that much. It boggles the mind that State Department employees are deployed to Judea and Samaria to essentially act like suburban code enforcement officers checking to make sure there is no Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria and I guess Jerusalem as well.

Consider the arrogance such a policy entails. How does any sovereign country tolerate such paternalistic domination? Indeed the notion that in the Jewish state there is any place a Jew is not welcome is just wrong.

What is even more bewildering is the rights of an Imam to build a Mosque at 51 Park where wreckage from the airliners turned WMDs fell on 9/11/01. It does not seem consistent that rights of religious freedom and expression should trump the provocative aspect s of the venture. The rule is generally your rights end at the tip of my nose. Simply put, there are two aspects to balance regarding the Ground Zero Mosque; I s it merely a cultural and religious center standing for peace moderation and tolerance or as statement of triumph not unlike a Roman victory arch or a street gang marking its turf with graffiti ?

A hallmark of American democracy is the extent to which the majority will protect the civil rights of the minority even the ones who are unpopular. Even so if a few persons’ speech/expression offends Millions does it remain protected?

The general rule articulated by the US Supreme Court the treedom of speech/expression is limited to the right to put out the speech or expression to the public but there is no requirement that anyone listen to the message.The Court's reasoning make's sense when addressing a neo-nazi rally or seasonal displays reflecting religious themes. However something permenent like the Ground Zero Mosque is a message that cannot be ignored by the public and should be proscribed against as a form of fighting words which are not protected speech.

Yet both Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama endorsed the right to build an in your face monument celebrating terrorism- no matter how it may be sold to the public that project is just that in-your-face that its meaning is unmistakable.

But G-D forbid some Jew living in Efrat or Ma’aleh Adumim or Kiryat Araba wanted to build a deck or install a swing set in one’s backyard that right is not recognized and indeed such subversive behavior is an impediment to peace posing a threat greater than a nuclear device from Iran. That is just so wrong.

The paradox is stark maybe it is time to review and reacess so that the United States continue to champion freedom and human rights. Human Rights that build to make a bright future and not to celebrate conauest and death.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Occasionally, an otherwise irrelevant story carries on its back an element of significance. The discussions following Chelsea Clinton’s wedding to Marc Mezvinsky in of itself is newsworthy only because the bride is the daughter of a former President and the present Secretary of State. However in the Jewish world there is a strange dual image.

On the one hand the notion that the American version of royalty accepts a Jew in its midst represents a piercing of a glass ceiling. Especially as the groom came under the wedding canopy clad with a Kipa and Talit draped over his designer suit.

On the other hand a Jewish boy was marrying outside the faith. Not only was this an intermarriage, all the groom’s expressions of Jewish identity were made on Shabbat itself. Strictly speaking from the perspective of Jewish Law once one decides not to marry Jewish the Jewish elements employed in the ceremony including the participation of Jewish clergy is an affront before G-D, which is only magnified by the event occurring on Shabbat.

Others see amid the unarguably negative aspects of Clinton Mezvinsky nuptials there is a dim but bright light of the groom unabashed assertion of Jewish Identity.

Recently, two Orthodox Rabbis one a Black Hatter the other a Modern Orthodox Rav each essentially argued the positions outlined above. As the reader [thank you for stopping by] might have guessed there is another dimension under which this event can be analyzed.

The Jewish experience in the modern era especially in America is represented in microcosm by Marc Mezvinsky’s wedding. Many times the theme plays itself out in historically and in popular culture Jews wish to assimilate, participate, succeed and be accepted by the general society while believing one can remain fully engaged as Jews.

No matter what learned discourse emerges from Hebrew Union College or the Jewish Theological Seminary and the myriad University Jewish/Judaic Studies departments defending a variety of observance streams that depart from an allegiance to the centrality of the belief in G-D’s authority is revealed through the oral and written Torah. In all candor the acceptance by many Jews of contortions of Judaism rather than abandon all identity has nothing to do any learned treatise. Rather there is something in the Jewish psyche that resist complete assimilation. The cantor’s son in the Jazz Singer can no longer identify with his old world parents and their outmoded traditions is yet pulled back by both family and history to the synagogue to lead services on Yom Kippur.

Hollywood during WWII wanted to let everyone know Jews were doing their part, watch any number of era movies and see how often a couple lines of Yiddish are thrown in to convey the message Jews serve as well. Jewish identity by Hank Greenberg and Sandy Kofax not playing on High Holidays inspired pride An observation made during the 2000 American Presidential race that Democratic Vice –Presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Lieberman being an observant Jew was a non-issue underscored how well Jew were accepted in American society.. [Unlike President Kennedy’s Catholicism in 1960 or more recently Mitt Romney’s Mormonism or Mike Huckabee’s credentials as a minister]

The point is Jews are reluctant to completely estrange themselves from their identity and heritage. Unfortunately the expressions of Jewish Identity like Mr. Mezvinsky’s take a contradictory effect. Mr. Mezvinsky effort to identify with Jewish tradition and identity ignore the more far-reaching effect of precluding from his children a Jewish continuity and future. The conundrum’s absurdity is so stark that it drifts past parody to the pathetic.

However not to recognize a spark no matter how small that wishes to remain steadfastly part of the Jewish nation is even sadder. Failing to recognize a spark no matter how small that wishes to remain steadfastly part of the Jewish nation means to fail to recognize that the little spark can be fanned in to a full flame.

As the High Holidays Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur approach maybe the lesson for every Jew especially those who live and breathe the axiom that Torah is “ . . .our life and the measure of our days .. . .” is to not hesitate to speak honestly about Judaism and Jewish law and values and still finding the positive no matter how slight .

Friday, July 09, 2010


Prime Minister Natanyahu met again with President Obama this time with all the bell snd wistles. So of course which reception truly reflects the Presidents' views this time or last time when PM Netanyahu was left alone while the President went to have diner with his daugthers?

However it is telling that there is an on going effort by the President to make nice after the earlier gaff. However this may be more in response to buyer's remorse on the part of American Jews who voted for the President but would reluctant to do so again as well as a nod to the Democratic Congress that has overwhelmingly pro-Israel.

Improoving relations with the Islamic world is a good thing and in American's interest. However the way to made new friends is not by abandoning the old ones nor by losing one's own identity and values to satisfy the other. Without saying more it is possible that the President's international background and out-of -the-mainstream mentors may have brought him to a place where he does not have an American identity or at least not one as strong as his predecessors in office.

Alack of national self esteem can be made for Mr, Netanyahu as well however before condeming totally one must account for whatever strongarm tactics were used on him, even so he too must step up to assert Jewish National interests against Mr. Obama and his minions. One must be who they are destined to be a Jew must be a Jew no matter how badly he may want otherwise. Faith and strength are what matter once one knows who one is then a worldview and desicions can be competently made.

Friday, May 28, 2010

It is Not Working : Substance speaks louder than Falsh

Last night May 27, 2010 the White House celebrated Jewish Heritage Month by hosting a reception for a cross section of American Jewry. As the JTA stry relate one of those in attendence wasRabbi Alyssa Stanton of Greenville, N.C., the first black woman rabbi. The whatis wrong with this picture aspect of the description should go without saying. But in the President's view of Jewish America is this the view of Rabbinic Scholarship?

It seems the Oval office is trying too hard at winning Jews over and protesting how much they love Israel. .

Wooing American Jews just does not wash away the Administration's arrogant paternalistic treatment of Israel but demanding a building freeze in Judea Sameria and Jerusalem. Indeed there have been reports of American inspectors looking for new construction like a suburban code enforcement officer. The fact the Administration sees a swing set in an Efrat backyard is more of a threat to world security than an Iranian Nuke says more of what Washington believes than Having Sandy Kofax come to 1600 Pennslyvainia Avenue.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Its been awhile the swril of events has made meaningful analysis difficult. As the 28th of Iyar 5770 ebbs and thoughts of a united Jerusalem come to the forefront it is a time to reflect.

43 years ago the words not uttered since the exile began Har Habayit B'Yadainu, "The Temple Mount is in Our Hands" Imagine the realization of every yearning spoken by generations of Jews at the end of Yom Kippur or The Passover Seder Next Year in Jerusalem became an almost reality.

The reality of return to Zion, to all of Biblical Israel, and especially the Temple Mount raised the spirits of Jews everywhere. As a 9 year old the lesson was the Jewish State was made whole.

Yet 43 years latter the future of the Holy City as a unified municipality is threatened. Not just Arab neighborhoods but even Meah Shearim are called in to question. The outrageous notion that the United States could act with paternalistic arrogance the American government at the Highest levels dares tell Jews where they build or not build . A restriction not imposed on the Arabs. Indeed Israels policies are blamed for American servicemembers being in harm's way in Afagnistan.

How did this happen?

Ultimately G-D has His reasons but one cannot help but wonder if the root of the world's hostility to Jewish claims to the Holy land may lie in Jewry's ambiguity to Eretz Yisrael being Jewry's inheritence. A reluctence to acknowledge the histortic connection as a moral basis for claiming the land as belonging exclusively to the Jewish People. Unfortunately al these claims become diluted when an Israeli Identity replaces a Jewish identity. By embracing an identity born in 5708 one cannot claim an eternal claim reaching back to Sinai on 6 Sivan 2448.

As the holiday of Jerusalem's restoration should be seen as a prelude to receiving the Torah on Shavout.

Monday, March 22, 2010


There really may be not too much to say. It would seem the Obama administration’s arrogant and paternalistic approach to Israel has crossed the line when Jewish parts of Jerusalem are called "settlements".

Certainly the United States needs to act in its own interests even if they are contrary to Israel's. Certainly, it cannot be expected that any two countries agree bout everything. However, for one country to speak paternally to another, effectively one country to dictate the other's policies offends notions of democracy and sovereignty. Therefore the United State, EU the UN are within their rights to be comment on Israel's policies, even if the statements are wrong headed. Such comments are one side of a debate. However when the tone taken is one of "We know better what is in your interest" Friends can be critical but friends cannot dictate.

However being told what to do may arise from a perception of lost direction and principle. When the vision of a Jewish State was not merely a demographic one but the fulfillment albeit secular of the redemption. As long as the State is recognized as the long yearned for return of the Jews to their historic homeland, return to anything less than the whole of the Biblical borders of Israel would be inadequate. The willingness to live with Arab neighbors was rooted in generosity and tolerance and not surrender, acquiescence or retreat. Acknowledging anything other than an exclusive Jewish claim to the land constitutes wavering on the Jewish claim to the whole of the homeland. Maybe the equivocation that began at Camp David and continued in Madrid, Oslo, Wye and Annapolis has left Israel open to the rest of the world to do with it as the nations' please.

The most disturbing may well be the attempts by Jewish leaders to dance at two weddings. Such as Eric Yoffe of the Central Conference of American Rabbis by defending both Israel’s right to build while agreeing with the Obama Administration that building now may not be good idea. Such thinking is muddled and only emboldens an opponent who is laser focused to remain on message.

As the Holiday of Passover approaches may all Jews gathered at the Seder declare not just "Next Year In Jerusalem" But a Jerusalem fully rebuilt, whole and unabashedly as well as stridently Jewish. Kudos Mr. Netanyahu for speaking truth to power please sir act with that same moral grounding when dealing with President Obama or Ms. Clinton. Mr. Prime Minister G-D has placed you were you are for a purpose. Mr. Prime Minister do not fear the Nations side with G-D , His Torah His People and the promises, heritage and history of the Jewish People.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

LEFT OUT ??!?!?

It has been awahile,nothing much has taken place that raises my ire recently except for a recent Israel National News story that the Tomb of the Patriarchs as well as Rachel's Grave were included on a list of National Heritage Site the Prime Minister's office would promote . While today's 7 Adar 5770, 21 February 2010Israel National News reports the Prime Minister's office intends to correct the ommissions soon. Persoanlly the translation means wow we did not think anyone would notice!!Bust since you caught us we will correct the problem while never acknowledgeing there was an issue in the first place.

Subtle messages abound, from the new Israeli mind set that present day Jewish-Israelis have little connection to thier progenitors. The nostalgia of Hebron being one of the Four Lands of Life during the diaspora. Indeed the return of Jews to hevron after the six day was treated life McArthur upon his return to the Phillipines.

When Kiryat Arba celebrated its Tenth anniversaryamong the notable attendig was them Prime Minister Begin. As the Prime Minister is no stranger to the legacy of Tanach it is remote to think he does not appreciate the significance of these iconic site to the Jewish People. To speculate what the Prime Minister's inital thinking was would be exactly that speculation and without some facts to serve as a foundation suggesting a motive would be less than guessing.

Of Course there is a 'however' Reported 8 Adar 5770, 2/20/10 on Israel National Radio the PA responded that the Prime Minister's action would complicate the situation. It sounds absurd that in the county founded in part as haven, as a return to the ancestoral homeland the rights of Jews to go where and when they please could be challenged. Decency and good manners cannot be the basis for weakening or retreating from any place in Eretz Yisrael that is partJewish people's heritage and legacy.Failing to assert a strident unmovable Jewish claim that Rachel's Tomb and the Machpela belong to the Jewish People represents a fundamental suspension of self respect that all human beings enjoy. If one denies oneself identity what remains of the individual? What remains of the nation?

Possibly this fear of losing himself is what motivated Mordechai refused to acknowledge Haman. Bowing to Haman would mean retreat from the fullness of Jewish consciousness and sensibility.

Mr. Prime Minister may be these Holy Sites were simply left off your list as an oversight as the alternative is too painful to consider.