Friday, January 19, 2007


Secretary Rice claimed Mr. Abbas gave his word that American weapons would not be used against Israel. This is the fellow who at a political rally called for Arabs stop raising arms against each other and oppose the occupation.

Does Dr. Rice think Mr. Abbas meant a mass letter writing and lobbying campaign to pressure Israel? One hopes someone so accomplished and powerful would not be easily fooled.

On the other hand the ideologically vacant Israeli government lacks the the fundamental self respect to recognize the State Exists evidence exists there was a Jewish presence in the land Mikvaoth (ritual baths), other items that conform to Jewish religious law and practice. The Modern state of Israel is the re-established state founded in the days of EZRA the Scribe.The Arab claim of being Canaanites does not survive the observation Jews came from Judea, Arabs should be called Canaanites, which they are not.

Even though it is a secular anthem HaTikvah expresses the Jewish yearning for the Land not just a slice but Zion and Jerusalem, Hevron, Tiveria, Zsfat, Aco, Bersheva Rosh HaNikra and Tel Aviv, you get the idea.

As new elections loom large it is time to push and push hard for Jewish Identity as the issue as this self image will dictate the direction of the State's future policy.

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