Friday, July 24, 2009


Firstly, this latest incident (2 Menachem Av 5769) should be viewed in context with the Rubashkin/agriprocessors matter, the rioting and violence by elements of the Charedi community plus assorted child molestation charges against various individuals and institutions. Certainly regarding any one case no one should rush to judgment. Truly except for the participants and Hashem who really knows what happened and whether anyone intended to commit crimes.

Even if each and every religious looking person arrested Thursday 2 Menachem Av 5769 is 100% guilty G-D forbid temper one’s personal disdain by asking “If I were in these persons’ position would I reject the cooperating witness’ money?”
Would one be tempted by an offer of cash? Hopefully the temptation would be fleeting and one would not succumb. Therefore, strain one’s outrage through that thought and recall that one who judges others favorably s/he will judged favorably as well.

Further as far the public face of religious Jewry in the public mind innocence or guilt is all but irrelevant. Though it is pure speculation one cannot but wonder effect these shenanigans has on the public perception of religious Jews especial those interacting with societal institutions where impressions of integrity are key, such as lawyers or accountants. The Assistant US Attorney’s remarks at the press conference announcing the indictments and arrests could not contain his revulsion over religious leaders using their office and prestige to cover the alleged illegal activities. The AUSA’S remarks might have reflected animus but it seemed like a genuine sense of disgust against influential persons misusing their position calling them as those living in a “Ethics Free Zone”

How could any person who takes pride in their D-viely bestowed heritage not cringe at such statements.

What remains is what message is Hashem sending the Jewish nation? Analyzing what is the message is especially important for those who profess fidelity to His Torah both letter and spirit.

Without wagging a finger at any individual maybe the community’s priorities should be redirected. Instead of making internet or TV sins warranting rejection from an elementary of High School Yeshiva or Beit Yaakov maybe emphasize values of honesty, integrity and faithfulness instead.

Maybe all Torah based schools should incorporate ethics as part of the curriculum as well as introducing students to the basics of Jewish Law-Halacha regarding business, contract, torts lending etc…

Maybe all institutions before selecting honorees for their dinners or other function decide if they are personally worthy. Maybe to the extent possible only accept Kosher money.

Maybe this should be when a voice should rise up as a ground swell towards those who sit at the dais as leaders of those faithful to Torah that they behave beyond reproach as Rav Hench Liebowitz ZT’L ZY’A told his students “Never do anything on behalf of your institution or personally that you do not want on the front page of the New York Times”

True enough it is improper to rush to judgment about any media reportage about shortcomings within the community but that does not mean it should written off as anti-Semitism or it is a few bad eggs. There is a message from G-D Himself for the community to correct what is wrong and thereby behold the coming 5770 as a year crowned with Mashiach’s arrival.

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