Thursday, July 06, 2006


Israel, almost eleven months to the day has returned to Gaza. The capture of Cpl Gilad Shalit the endless rain of rockets in Sedrot and now the attacks on Ashkelon have finally moved the Olmert government to take action.

However, this is the 5760's and war is not what is used to be. Minister Ben Eliezer who had served as Defense Minister assured all that this was not a reconquest of Gaza but a search for Shalit and to silence the rockets. Additionally except for brief necessary raids the IDF would not enter populated areas of Gaza. So at great expense and possible death of Jewish soldiers battles are being waged that at best will provide a temporary solution to what Deputy Prime Minister Peres called Kassam Shazams. Truth is despite the big show of force there are still rockets.

If anything the Arabs are acting bolder demanding prisoner releases and taking credit for the attacks. What will it take for Israel to act? Will it be a kassam landing at night on Dizinghoff? Or a missile carrying biological or chemical wmd lands in Sderot or Ashkelon?

Certainly no sane person wishes to see innocents harmed. Yet the cowardice which motivates the enemy has these soldiers billeted within the civilian population
Even without uniforms or governmental infrastructure the nature of the conflict transcends mere isolated acts of terror but a sustained campaigns to wear down the State of Israel and its people's resolve.

As hard as it is to write it must be obvious that concluding one cannot stop all terror is wrong. Placing the welfare of the Arab population hosting the combatants ahead of the welfare of Israelis is not compassion but unspeakable cruelty. If action is taken it must be decisive and complete. There can be no tolerance for any attack, there can be no distribution of Israelis' lives.

If there are calls for restraint or denizens Israel these are but the latest lyrics to an old song whose tune Jewry has heard and ignored. A noise that chills the senses to be replaced by the D-vine universal symphony, with Mashiach, speedily in our lifetime.

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