Monday, July 17, 2006

True strength true resolve

Prime Minister Olmert today spoke in keenest and exhibited sensitivity, purpose, commitment and a recognition of D-vine guidance directing the affairs of Jewry. Prime Minister Olmert has not yet fully atoned for his past and possibly continuing misdeeds but the keenest speech was a start. It offers hope even Mr. Olmert has a Pintle Yid, a part of himself that is loyal to Torah, Jewry and G-D.

Now is a time for prayer and strength but not of the this worldly type as Rabbi Lazer Brody Shilita suggests each person should take a mitzva and undertake to observe it more deeply. Reaching within the Jewish heritage finding one's identity links each Jew together with generations past and future. Being the Jew G-D wishes, each Jew can stand strong and unafraid of anything but G-D. A claim to strength that does not come from G-D is false. A history without Jews can never be. May G-D grant Jewry the resolve and dedication to take the necessary actions and protect the land promised to Avraham, Yizhak and Yaakov

With everything that has gone on Mr. Olmert speaking in Nitzan still insists the disengagement was correct and further expulsion of Jewish communities and relinquishing of more territory can be expected. To believe that convergence is an option implies the action in Gaza and Lebanon may end inconclusively. The unthinkable that after all of the events during the last thirteen days that Hamas and Hezbollah still exist means their threat and by extention their Iranian benefactors will only be delayed in their desire to render the planet a dead rock. As Bill O'Rielly who never impressed this writer as being philosemitic put it "If Hamas and Hezbollah put down their arms , there would be quiet if Israel put down her weapons there would be a new holocaust." Avery simple truth yet one which eludes most of the world.

The complexity of the human psyche defies explanation. Indeed the situation has only one solution beyond addressing the obvious and immediate needs of removing the threat borne by Hezbollah , Hamas along with the needs of those displaced by the Arab terror. That solution is the source of solutions, G-D A-mighty and His Torah. Jewry draw its strength from Him and Him alone.

May He protect the Jewish nation throughout the world and especially in the land of Israel. May the captives
Galid be Aviva
Ehud ben Malkah
Eldad ben Tova
be restored to their families safe and sound very soon

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