Sunday, July 01, 2007

Fundamentals, Leadership 101

"A country cannot protect itself ad infinitum, because there would be no end to it." -- Prime Minister Ehud Olmert

Imagine what this statement does to rally troops, bolster the populace and of course preserve real estate values? Imagine a head of state declaring the citizen's safety is just not government's problem.Imagine what Sederot mayor Eli Moyal must be thinking, hearing this declaration of indifference? That Mayor Moyal is still behaving rationally is remarkable. How could anyone in his position not be beside himself? Mayor Moyal deserves praise for doing what he can for his city. Even so, the numbing callous nature of Prime Minister Olmert's statement goes beyond all comprehention.

Certainly people cannot and should not be wholly dependent on the government for safety and security. But being told by the government a flat out "NO!", the state will not do everything or much of anything to protect a home,a business a community or its people.

Mr. Olmert,it would be an exercise in simple human nature and logic to conclude that this why countries go on the offensive and commit to D*E*F*E*A*T an enemy. Anything short of decisive victory is defeat. What kind of leader can expect to retain power thinking otherwise ? What type of populace allows this type of leadership?

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