Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It is time to stop being outraged. The recent headlines notwithstanding. As if the Education Ministry endorsing the Israeli Arab community being taught the establishment of the State was a tragedy.

As if not enough hate was being broadcast through the mosques and other media that the establishment of the Jewish state was indeed illegitimate and the Jews are nothing more than usurpers occupiers and conquerors this point of view must be promoted by the Jewish State itself.

Also in response to the Knesset law requiring the sale of JNF lands be exclusively to Jews Prime Minister Olmert has proposed some 400,000 acres of JNF land to the Israel Lands Authority to facilitate building projects serving both Jewish and Arab communities. Despite the Knesset vote garnering some 64 votes the Prime Minister cynically seeks to circumvent the will of the population. So reports Aaron Klein on World Net Daily, What is even more outrageous is some of these lands were purchased by JNF with the nickels and dimes put in to the ubiquitous
Blue box by generations of Jews from the modern return to Zion in the late nineteenth century.

The nature of these stories are surreal to say the least but there is no room for outrage. Devarim 4:25 –28 describes Israel’s descent in to decadence. The national free fall is characterized by an apparent exchange of Jewish Identity for the ill-fitting mores and values of other nations. Yet, as 4:29-30 explains it will be then when return would began.
Just as an addict’s recovery begins with hitting bottom so too does Israel’s return begin when continuing as something one is not is no longer tenable. There will come a point that adapting foreign behaviors will no longer work for Jewry. Following the nations will only compound bad situations, making them continuously worse.

Has following the lead of the European Union or United Nations or United States regarding the future and security of Israel done anything but embolden terrorists?

Maybe this is why as Rabbi Lazer Brody Shlita told Israel National Radio’s Tamar Yonah that some 50,000 copies of the Hebrew version of B’Gan HaEmuna, The Garden of Emunah (Faith) have been already sold /distributed in Israel. The only truth that explains everything [earlier post not withstanding] is G-D and only G-D is control and nothing else matters or can be relied on. The absurd nature of Israeli government conduct is actually G-D's wake up call, hopefully He is being heard.

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