Monday, June 01, 2009


National leaders privy to information from many more sources than the man or woman in the street or os it would seem. Therefore,if national policy defies logic one could believe the chices made are based on comprehensive intelegence and the promotion of national interest. Then again there is Israel.

If a Jewish resident in Yehudah and Shomron installs a awing set or baseketball hoop it is an obsticale to peace. Jewish Parents building housing for their married children is a hostile act. A group of scholar farmers more interested in meditation than munitions, genorah and granola over guns are viewed as an occupying military force.

These other worldly folks are villified not just by those who preach the virtues of violence as an element of policy but even by those who feel threatened by the settlers' belief in eternal principles and maintaining fidelity to their national heritage.

The willingness of those in charge to shed their heritage or minmize its influence in terms of pragmatic realities where red lines are penciled in pink and can be erassed with ease.

The Obama Administration recent assertion that Israel adopt a Zero Growth policy in Yesha including Jerusalem was so blatantly offensive to Israel that Prime Minister Netanyahu rebuffed, albeit for the time being Washington's demands.

Even if one is ideologically oopposed to the Settler enterprise there can be no justification to discriminate against where Jews may choose to male their lives. just on the basis of one's faith.

Maybe there is something far more worriesome than oopposition to Jews settling throughout their ancestral homeland. It is opposition to the underlying ideology that underlies the national return to Zion. There is hostility to Judaism, as its beliefs takes away power and position from those holding power and prestidge.
A Jew praying on a hilltop in serene conversation with G-D is precieved as the enbodiment of all the region's and world's problems, evils.

What is threatened is arrogance which abhorrs truth, like darkness cannot tolerate light. Rabbi Nachman of Breslev ZT'L taught that just before Mashiach's arrival there would be a generalized intolerance to faith. Faith requires humility, arrogance consequently rejects faith and the faithfull as well.

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