Thursday, April 21, 2011


The subtle often belies the fundamental. Paying attention to nuance leads to compelling differences that distinguish otherwise equally valid points of view. Concerning the Land of Israel many objective observers conclude the best approach to the problem is compromise, a two state solution, a state for the Jews and a State for the Arabs within the Land of Israel.
Recently there were two videos offering two Jewish perspectives on Arabs.

The first was an observation by Ms. Malkah Fleischer who acknowledged her admiration of Arabs and their culture. However she cannot be friends with Arabs because they intend violence to her and her family either through compelling her husband to once again don his uniform and go to war, because of a threat through rockets, missiles or personal violence to lives of those she loves or their designs on her home and community she cannot be friends with Arabs.

The other video came from the Israeli version of "What Would You Do?"observed what happened when an Arab woman was refused service at a coffee Sop in the Israeli city of Holon. The Arab lady, actress would order a coffee and the counterman also an actor would refuse her declaring " we do not serve Arabs here!" Nearly every Israeli was indignant how can you deny her humanity? What makes her any different that you or I?, She is as much a person as anyone!?

These videos complement each other. Those people who stepped up to defend an Arab woman's right to purchase coffee would not necessarily tolerate belligerent acts that place Israel's population at risk.

Passionately defending the right of Jews to return, reclaim,settle and populate the length and breath of The Land of Israel does not come at the price of dehumanizing the Arabs. Israel generally and faithful Jews in particular teach return and redemption and defense.

Those living under Fatah or Hamas or their fellow travelers make the same claim?

How can anyone doubt who occupies the Moral high ground? Can there be any doubt who is the the true heir of Abraham's legacy both spiritual and physical"

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