Thursday, December 27, 2007


A student's paper critical of the lack of Military rapes by IDF personal won a Hebrew University Teachers' Committee prize. The author asserts the lack of military rape is politically motivated. The lack of such behavior is not rooted in the soliders' sense of morality, humanity or decency, rather to reinforce a dehumanized image of Arabs. True media has a way of distorting a story but academics granting a prize for a paper that takes the ostensible position sexual violence is a good thing? The student may have come to certain conclusions based on raw data and the like but the implication of self loathing overrides the outrage a crime of gender based violence should kindle. Now it is unclear whether the faculty who granted the prize are of high enough rank to be on strike of not either way if this is what passes as serious scholarship maybe the professors should all stay out on strike.

Further this week it was reported that a job applicant was turned down because the prospective hire was Shabbat observant. A shameful episode of discrimination no doubt, but that is only half the story. The job is located in Eretz Yisrael and the position was with the Jewish National Fund. Which Jewish person of a certain age cannot recall the JNF blue box charity box being every Jewish except Shabbat services.To think that not only did the JNF turn down an observant person the hiring executive could not understand what all the fuss was about.

The insensitivity to Jewish values is so profound one almost gets the sense that values and sensibilities have been replaced an absense of common sense and moral vision.

The comfort to take is even if there are real deep divisions within Jewry the nation survives inspite of itself, AMYISRAEL CHAI

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

History Lesson

Hoping you and your family are having a most enlighting Hanukah

Prime Minister Olmert recently declared that Ben Gurion was correct to accept partition. But the question is was the acceptance of partition done as an affirmative act acquiescing to and acknowledging an Arab right within Eretz Yirael. Or was the acceptance of partiton the best deal available at the time but without relinquishing the vision of a whole Eretz Yisrael.

This most amazing story about the beginings of the post 67' return to Hevron may shed some light on Ben Gurion’s thinking. Rav Levinger Shlita, may he be returned to full health soon wrote in honor of Kiryat Arba's 10TH anniversary. (this was a commererative book published for the celebration during Chol Hamoed Pesach 5738)

Eliyakim Haezni told Rav Levinger that during Succot 5728 Rav Yechezkel Sarna ZT'L was asked whether he was willing to return his Yeshiva-the Hevron Yeshiva back to Hevron after having to leave in the wake of the 1929/5689 riots. Rav Sarna said he had this conversation with Ben Gurion just before the holiday Ben Gurion was surprised nothing had been done to date to renew the Jewish presence in Hevron.

Ben Gurion who accepted the partition in 1947-49 wanted Jews back in Hevron-that would lead one to believe Ben Gurioon's acceptance of the partition was a default and not an affirmative endorsement of a two state configuration.

Does Mr. Olmert know this story? Or did he forget while losing any shard of dignity while going through side entrances, staying outdoors in the rain and otherwise having himself and the Israeli delegation being treated like sug bet by the other participants at Annapolis?

Wasn't establishing a state supposed to create a Jew the world would respect as a peer?

Chag Sameach

Thursday, November 29, 2007


May Hashem grant you the blessing of sleep

May Hashem grant the blessing to sleep deeply

May Hashem allow you the blessing to dream

As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to see a vision of your Savta and Saba.

As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to see a vision of your Savta and Saba’s all the Sabaim and Savtot, Bubbies and Zaydehs of the entire Olmert family as far back as it goes.

As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to see a vision of your Grand mothers putting coins in the Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes charity box to support the Yishuv Shabbat Eve.

As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to see a vision of your Grandfathers praying to rebuild the Jerusalem, Beit HaMikdash, the ingathering of the exiles and arrival of Mashiach. The declaration “Next Year in Jerusalem” the punctuates the observance of the Seder and Yom Kippur observances.

As you dream Mr. Prime Minister May Hashem bless you to hear these sounds and see these images night after night until they consume your waking hours as well.

May Hahsem bless you Mr. Prime Minister to see your place in the context of Jewish history and heir of a legacy that no human has a right to relinquish.

May Hahsem bless you Mr. Prime Minister to fulfill destiny and embrace G-D’s gift of the land and emerge from the isolation that is faithlessness to join with generations past and yet to welcome the rule to David’s scion Mashiach

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Prime Minister Olmert insisted on the Arab side accept Israel as a Jewish State. FM Livni stated further that a new Arab state would be a solution not just for Arabs living in Judea and Samaria but even Israeli Arabs could call the new State home. Arab MK Ahmed Tbibi termed this Chutzpa PA negotiator Yasser Abed Rabbo refused this as well as that would frustrate Arab demands to flood Israel with Arabs claiming a right to return to Israel.

The refusal of Arab negotiators to acknowledge Israel as a Jewish State only underscores the absurd nature of the Annapolis conference.

If the Arabs want a Jew free Palestine then why should Arabs be allowed to remain within Israel?

Certain things are not the subject of negotiation. Just as civility precedes Torah (Drech Eretz Kadma L'Torah)a certain degree of comity must exist to facilitate any type of dialogue .

Failing to recognize Israel as the national homeland of Jewry would be as absurd as insisting the United States was still rightfully a British colony or merely usurped Native American lands with no rightful sovereignty of its own.

Demanding the establishment of yet another Arab State in the region Along with demanding the right to populate Israel with Arabs and deny The State of Israel its National character as a Jewish State -that sets a bold new frontier for Chutzpah.

However positive FM LIVNI's words are positive suggesting that a new state would serve as a solution for Arab Israelis, MK Eldad has it 100% correct. Why create an additional state, Jordon already exists as a state with a majority identifying itself as Palestine?

If the State of Israel is indeed the Jewish people's national home it must without equivocation occupy all of the Historic -Biblical borders.That is Jewry's heritage and no one person or cabal have a right to give it away.

Monday, November 05, 2007



The Prime Minister’s remarks at the Saban Conference call to memory Rav Chaim Zanzer’s pre Passover appeal. As tradition dictates the Rav gave his major pre-Pesach address focusing on the laws requiring residents of a city to contribute for supplying the holiday needs of the less fortunate.
When he returned home the Rebbe’s wife asked how did it go?
The Holy Zanzer said he was only half successful.
What? Asked the Rebbitzen
“Yes”, replied the Rav I convinced the poor to accept charity.

Two States for two peoples sounds good, even makes some sense in some hypothetical construct but if only Israel acknowledges compromise and not the Arabs why go forward? Olmert’s position becomes delusional and Secretary Rice if she believes Mr. Abbas is a real partner for peace such naïveté calls in to question whether her distinguished list of accomplishments was earned or merely a function of promoting diversity.

As if it needs saying, but agreeing not to try to kill you today is not a compromise!! Aside from being a territorial retreat to return to the 1949 boundaries, relinquishing Yehudah Shomron and any part of Jerusalem is a retreat from national identity.

Creating two states out of one Eretz Yisrael estranges the State from its status as the national home for the Jewish people in the national homeland. The State becomes little more than a Uganda, a state with a Jewish majority but without the history or heritage.

In this type of Zeitgeist does the recent call by Minister Shetrit to do away with the law of return seem so strange? Israel as haven means, the State of Israel is indeed the national homeland of Jewry and how could that exist independent of a Medinat Yisrael completely occupying Eretz Yisrael?

Similarly, anyone with the ideological basis of faith, belief, a sense of personal and national history become the antithesis of current government’s agenda. This why Nefesh B’ Nefesh, Shuvai Yisrael, and each child born to a religious family are seen as public enemies. A child born to a religious family is more of a threat to the Olmerts, Livnis, Pereses than Iran and even Hamas and Fatah

Rav Lazer Brody Shilita observed that Lot preferred to live in a cave than live in civilization with Avraham. Because living with Avraham means one must abandon materialism and hedonism.

A choice to be who we really are, is the pre-condition for any conference One can only be a participant when one is genuine and not a compromised lie.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Last week something happened that only underscores the fractious nature of Israeli politics. The proposed Israeli budget for 2008 contains dramatic budget cuts for Torah study in Yeshivoth and Kolellim{advanced institutions of Torah study leading to ordination }. Whether this is necessary or not is not what is interesting, how Torah political parties reacted.

The newspaper affiliated with Degel HaTorah depicted Shas as a willing partner with the secular parties in the coalition in making these cuts which ostensibly targets Degel HaTorah supporters drowning them in poverty. Shas the Sephardim Torah party denounced the cartoon as an ethnic slur by European Jews to Jews of Middle Eastern and North African origin.

The cartoon is not ethnic but political, however unlike the US, political affiliation elsewhere is ideological and includes youth groups social benefits etc. The ideological diversity in Israel’s society made parliamentary representation based on party affiliation through the population seem like a good idea to protect the points of view representing a cross-section of the country.

Maybe the system worked as long as there was an overall agreement to the State’s survival and security. Instead, the breakdown of nationalism in favor of individualism has lead each party and its Keenest Members in particular. Instead of being part of a national body with specific interests, advancing its interests to the exclusion of others’ is the guiding principle. How to serve the nation is replaced by how to retain power as well as how to keep the prestige and privilege that come with being in office.

Budgets then become nothing more than gathering of vultures fighting over a carcass. Therefore, taking money from the UTJ sphere when it is perceived that Shas has kindred values is seen as betrayal.

One of the Chassidic greats pointed out when holding even a small coin against one’s eye so that is all one can see it can even blot out the Sun . . . .

If the nation needs to come together to survive it must start with those who lives revolve around Torah and its values unite under Torah and fraternal love [Ahavas Yisrael

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Be True to Yourself

FM Livni made some excellent points when speaking before the UN.
However, is there a real partner for peace with the stature to fulfill the obligations outlined in an agreement or treaty? Why are Jews who chose to do so are prohibited from living in and under a PA government yet Israel will not require a similar treatment of Arabs/Gentiles living within Israeli territory?

The late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries saw Zionism as a secular Messianism. The return to Zion, the reclaiming of the land, the emergence of a full Jewish society as a participant among the community of nations as equals. The call still echos for Jews to leave the Exile and return to their Homeland, Eretz Yisrael. Eretz Yisrael is an undivided Jerusalem. Eretz Yisrael is Bethlehem and where Mother Rachel waits for her children to return, as is Hevron , Sechem, Zefat, Teveria, Beit EL,Efrat, Tel Aviv, Petach Tikva,Sederot, Bersheva, Lod, or Bene Brak etc. . . .

The present proposal made between two weak leaders forced together by a lame duck administration retreats from more than territory, it abandons core values. Instead of a Messianic fulfillment if Olmert, Abbas, Bush/Rice have their way the Jewish State becomes nothing more than a new Pale of Settlement. May a D-vine spark kindle the yearning for Zion and have the people of Israel proclaim "The Land of Israel is Jewry's and Judaism's natural habitat, accept no substitutes!!!
Anything else means to live a lie denying who the Jews are and their legacy as well as their destiny

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Embarrassed or Emboldened

Yesterday’s (September 24, 2007) appearance at Columbia University by Iran’s President Ahmadinejad and the introduction by University President Bollinger expose in microcosm America’s fundamental naiveté.

President Bollinger to his credit excoriated the tyrant of Teheran in no uncertain terms. President Bollinger did what would be ordinarily unthinkable. What type of host lambastes a guess? Certainly, if anyone deserved a verbal dressing down it would be Ahmadinejad.

Yet prefacing Ahmadinejad’s speech with the litany of his twisted evil-inspired world view may have mollified irate Donors, Faculty, Students and Alumni but totally misses the point. President Bollinger’s rebuke was wasted on Ahmadinejad. President Ahmadinejad knows but one thing ‘My message is so valued by Americans, I was invited to speak at the most prominent university in New York’

Ahmadinejad only sees that he is center stage and nothing else. Ahmadinejad can boast how he stood up to his detractors that he is strong, proud and fearless.

Americans, raised in liberty and cherishing a robust diversity of opinion were given the opportunity to see Ahmadinejad for the twisted debasement of humanity that defines who he and his fellow travelers are. Ahmadinejad’s sympathizers only see the appearance at Columbia University as a victory and reason to be emboldened. This twisted point of view is why Columbia University should never have allowed Ahmadinejad a venue to spew his ignorant and belligerent diatribe against civility, decency and humanity

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Academic Freedom or Feebilness?

The visit of Iran's president for the United Nations General Assembly should cause the United States rethink its relationship with the world body. A treaty called the Headquarters agreement supersedes domestic law. Yet, it is disturbing to consider mass murders and unstable heads of states can be shielded by Diplomatic Immunity.

Yet, the outrage of an evil emperor traveling to the US under the auspices of the UN is paled by Columbia University giving a forum to promote hate. How is human knowledge served by hearing an Anti America-West, Anti Semitic-Anti-Israel tirade? One can only surmise Columbia is beholden to certain donors sympathetic to Iran;s support of Islamic Terror. Otherwise is this simply academic freedom run amok?

Though Columbia is a private entity, free to do as it wishes. However, it is suggested that Alimni,Students and Tenured faculty protest and withhold donnations.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Six years ago when I spoke with the Admur of Falticheim Shlita about the destruction and death visited on the USA the Rebbe asked me what about feeling of rage and a sense of lose for the Beis HaMikdash?

About visiting the Har Habayit. Certainly, there are venerable Torah Scholars like Rav Richman shlita from the Temple Institute and others who have determined as a matter of Halacha one may ascend to the Temple Mount. There are others who follow what is a more traditional approach to prohibit Jews from going atop the Holy Mountain.

Personally, I could not ascend to the Temple Mount. How could anyone with even a drop of Jewish sensitivity go on top the Temple Mount and not tear one's clothes in mourning? Or breaking down in uncontrollable river of tears at seeing other than the Beit HaMikdash resting the Holy place.

It took 6 years but the Rebbe's words echoed in my ears. Now does the surreal feelings I had at the Kotel in 1977, 1996 and 2005 how could I be at this holy site, [and that was the Kotel Plaza] it seemed so unreal.

While the attacks of 9/11 were horrible and should serve as a rallying point for at decent people against evil. However the loss of the Temple transcends time and endures as a symbol of more profound loss. The loss of G-D'S honor and Jewry's stature perpetuating discord throughout creation. Maybe as Rosh HaShana comes our thoughts and prayers be towards correcting ourselves so that harmony can reign throughout creation and Temple be rebuilt in our lifetime.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


The discovery of walls belonging to the actual Second Temple should be cause of excitement. However, this was an unintended result of the Waqf’s laying of electric cables atop the Temple Mount. Any assertion of inadvertence by the Islamic trust is refuted by the fact that most profound link to Jewry’s as well as humanity’s heritage treated as just so much rubbish. Please keep in mind this is coming from the folks accused Israel of attempting a conquest of the Temple Mount by reinforcing the Mugrabi bridge earlier this year.

Of course, this is only the most recent outrage out of many concerning the Temple Mount that should make any Islamic, Arab or international assurances of religious plurality, tolerance , access or sensitivity to other faith communities unreliable, at best to all but the most naïve.

How to react? First after Gush Katif, Amona, Hevron, Sederot and statement by the Israeli government there is little room for outrage. How many times can one’s sensibilities remain intact when constantly being assailed before one become completely numb?

Maybe there is a positive spin to put on this event. It is well known that a competition exists between Israeli/Jewish and Arab Archeologists for artifacts verifying each group’s version of history. An impressive pseudo scholarship denying the Temple’s existence let alone its being located on the Temple Mount itself. How providential is this? The architects of Temple denial become the agency for Temple affirmation!

Verifying the existence of the Temple of course implies an ancient Jewish presence and most likely Kingdom in the location. The embarrassing consequences to the Arabs as well as to the “there is nothing to learn from history” crowd occupying positions of power and influence within Israel. Hence the need for official silence. However among those whose world view revolves around G-D and His Torah there is a basis for rejoicing the plans of evildoers are frustrated.

Further, consider the timing of this remarkable find. Just at the close of the year leading in to a Sabbatical (Shemitah) the Temple’s walls become exposed maybe, just maybe by the end of 5768 the Temple itself will reappear?

Friday, August 24, 2007


Recently a religious newpaper disclosed the location of a Jewish owned cremation facility in Israel. The crematorium was burnt down. However MKs have lined seeking legislation on either side of matter.

The presence of or even a debate over cremation in Eretz Yisrael should shock the conscience. An oven for dead Jews has no place in the Jewish State. It is amazing that some survivors’ organization has not yet found an advocate and filed a petition with the Supreme Court to close down and collect damages from the Crematorium’s owners.

With all due respect to the MKs from both Meretz and Shas this is not merely a religious or civil rights issue, not in Israel. Being contrary to Jewish Law only makes cremation a new frontier in Israel’s on going Secular/Religious kulturkampf. However, failure to recognize this facility as evoking the specter of the Shoah speaks volumes on even a more fundamental plane. Tolerance of cremation in Israel lessens the sense of outrage the depraved cruelty of the Final Solution should arouse. A public sentiment that Putting people in ovens is OK is a foreseeable result especially with the ever decreasing numbers of eye witnesses to these crimes against humanity. Imagine the irony the image of a Jewish operated crematorium in the Jewish homeland! Similarly, only addressing cremation to a civil right should be a warning sign of what happens when a people’s educational and philosophical orientation promotes estrangement from its history and heritage. President Peres this why history matters.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Dr. Wiess' response to the commander and his statements were a cry of pain in the face of an intolerable scene. However, what the Professor said was personal, and merely speech.How an expression of an opinion with nothing more, not even encouraging others to do more be actionable in a country that values free speech? If the general is offended by Dr Weiss's words but why not the Arab MK who declared Jews have no right to Jerusalem?
Any retaliation against the Dr. Weiss offends any concept of free speach which is sacred to a democracy. Even though Prof. Weiss should not have said such horrible things to another Jew the consequences of Prof. Weiss' actions are for G-D to deal with and man/

However, the positive spin is the voices raised in protest display an acknowledgement of the statements' potency and the G-D of Israel who invested those words of scripture with their power. Even an errant Jew cannot deny who they are believers the sons believers.

May the spark of sincere Jewish connection with G-D grow from a flicker to a full flame of Torah's eternal message.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

If I were an Open Minded Leftist,

Out of the gate Jews belong in Hebron even moreso than other places in Judea and Samaria. The oldest recorded real estate transaction is Avraham Avinu’s purchase of the Machpaleh cave and field (Bereshith 23:17). The continued presence of Jews within Hebron gives the city the status along with Jerusalem, Safed and Tiberius as one the “Four lands of Life” [Arba Artzut Hachaim].

However, what if one was ignorant of all that? True, the city at present is mostly Arab and it seems the Jews living there are inserting themselves where they are not wanted. Therefore, the settlers’ dedication and determination and those of their sympathizers to risk arrest and violence is at best a riddle.

Yet, when the Government can’t pay holocaust survivors more than 83 NIS a month but can finance 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace?

Mr. Olmert cannot get rid of the missiles sent to Sederot nor is he able to fund shielding even only for Sederot’s public buildings but can finance 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace?

The Health Ministry does not have the funds for a comprehensive basket of childhood vaccines claim Israeli Doctors can finance 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace?

During the 2006 election campaign it was asserted that one out of three Israeli children lived below the poverty line, this problem remains but the funds are available for 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace?

The former residents of Gush Katif for the most part have not been reintegrated within Israel’s society or economy but the government can finance 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace? This exercise is being touted as the beginning of relocating the majority of 250,000 Jews of Judea and Samaria !!

What are the government’s priorities?
As it is so often the Question contains the Answer. Clearly, Jews who assert the Jewish nature of the land, its connection with its Biblical roots threaten Olmert, Barak, Tamir et al more than any arab could. An orange nationalist Jew stands in the way of a secular Israel as a country of it s citizens.

Why are Israel’s leaders pre-occupied with securing a “right to exist”? Why does there seem to be no concession too painful to PM Olmert or President Peres agree to? Why should anyone care where anyone else lives? Why is a leader without any significant public support charting the course for the state’s future?

The sycophantic need of Israel’s leadership/far left /peace now et al for others’ approval for a sense of self worth is reminiscent of those pathetic Jews of the 1930’s, 40’s, 50’s who gladly jettisoned any vestige of Jewish identity either religious or ethnic in pursuit of acceptance in general society. Their sad conclusion would be very often remorse that they or their children were estranged from their heritage and not fully welcomed by the Von Shaygetzes at the Country Club.

Even if one came from a non-nationalist point of view these questions should take center stage. Similarly, what motivates the settlers and their supporters to risk arrest, prison a criminal record and possible injury?

Additionally, while a soldier’s duty to follow orders is of paramount importance. A soldier’s second guessing commanders may have disastrous results since the soldier on the ground may not have the big picture intelligence available to command. However, when soldiers’ conduct even under combat conditions carry the potential for personal liability blindly following orders is a luxury that is no longer viable. So to set troops even police against civilians would imply either these troops actually agree with the policy being carried out or have been psychologically manipulated to loose whatever part of the brain that makes moral judgments.

All in all the evacuation from Hebron’s marketplace should be turning point, for morality, real self esteem, national pride and purpose.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Mr. Olmert with his mandate of 3% support is negotiating a declaration of principles for final status issues in the Israel-Arab conflict with Abu Mazen,who has lost control over Gaza and remains in power only through the support of Washington and to a lesser degree Olmert himself.The Final status of borders, Jerusalem, resettlement of Jews from Yesha(after all Israel did so well relocating the 8,500 folks from Gush Katif imagine how well it will do with 250,000!)and the contiguity between Gaza and Yehuda/Shomron etc . . .is going to be left to these two?

Is there anything that would motivate Arab compromise or concession to Israel? Please understand not engaging in and policing against terrorism, struggleism or jihad is not a concession or compromise, this is the minimal behavior expected from a responsible government.

Is there a demand to which Olmert will not acquiesce? Is there price for peace that the people of Israel will be unwilling to allow their government to pay on their behalf?

To consider the present as a Historic Opportunity for Peace is so profoundly out of touch as to call in to question Secretary Rice's grasp of reality. Dr. Rice to proclaim Israel's future lies in the Galil and Negev and not Yehudah and Shomron demonstrates at best embracing the leftist Post-Zionist/Post-Nationalist philosophy espoused by PM Olmert and President Peres. Or at worst a slap in the face of all the generations of Jews who wept for Temple's destruction and exile on Tisha B'Av or punctuated Yom Kippur or Passover Seder with the desire/prayer that "NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM". Jerusalem,Judea and Shomron as well as Gaza are part of my legacy as a Jew. These places connect me to both the past and future. Heritage offers context for where one has come and offers direction where to go from here.

Olmert's Israel (3%)needs Abu Mazen and Washington's blessing to claim a right to exist. The Other Israel(97%)exists because of their Heritage, because of the Mothers and Fathers buried in Hevron, for Mother Rachel in Beit Lechem, because of generations of ancestors who looked three times daily in prayer towards Zion. These are not mere ghosts but the wellspring of Jewry's identity,pride, self esteem and
D-vinely ordained mandate. Even if one is not personally observant where does one's sense of self? from within or without?

To paraphrase Hillel in Pirkei Avot "If I,myself do not define who I am than who will? And if others define me than who am I? . . . ." How fascinating one's arrogance can obscure such a simple fact. Can the ship of state remain in such hands unless as a D-vine message to illustrate there is no logic outside faith in Hashem and His Torah.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It is time to stop being outraged. The recent headlines notwithstanding. As if the Education Ministry endorsing the Israeli Arab community being taught the establishment of the State was a tragedy.

As if not enough hate was being broadcast through the mosques and other media that the establishment of the Jewish state was indeed illegitimate and the Jews are nothing more than usurpers occupiers and conquerors this point of view must be promoted by the Jewish State itself.

Also in response to the Knesset law requiring the sale of JNF lands be exclusively to Jews Prime Minister Olmert has proposed some 400,000 acres of JNF land to the Israel Lands Authority to facilitate building projects serving both Jewish and Arab communities. Despite the Knesset vote garnering some 64 votes the Prime Minister cynically seeks to circumvent the will of the population. So reports Aaron Klein on World Net Daily, What is even more outrageous is some of these lands were purchased by JNF with the nickels and dimes put in to the ubiquitous
Blue box by generations of Jews from the modern return to Zion in the late nineteenth century.

The nature of these stories are surreal to say the least but there is no room for outrage. Devarim 4:25 –28 describes Israel’s descent in to decadence. The national free fall is characterized by an apparent exchange of Jewish Identity for the ill-fitting mores and values of other nations. Yet, as 4:29-30 explains it will be then when return would began.
Just as an addict’s recovery begins with hitting bottom so too does Israel’s return begin when continuing as something one is not is no longer tenable. There will come a point that adapting foreign behaviors will no longer work for Jewry. Following the nations will only compound bad situations, making them continuously worse.

Has following the lead of the European Union or United Nations or United States regarding the future and security of Israel done anything but embolden terrorists?

Maybe this is why as Rabbi Lazer Brody Shlita told Israel National Radio’s Tamar Yonah that some 50,000 copies of the Hebrew version of B’Gan HaEmuna, The Garden of Emunah (Faith) have been already sold /distributed in Israel. The only truth that explains everything [earlier post not withstanding] is G-D and only G-D is control and nothing else matters or can be relied on. The absurd nature of Israeli government conduct is actually G-D's wake up call, hopefully He is being heard.

Monday, July 16, 2007


President Peres' remarks before taking office, that we must get rid of the territories (Yehudah, Shomron, the Golan, Jerusalem?) are reprehensible. A country's president should be a patriot, a believer in his country's founding principles. Believing the Medina is separate from Eretz Yisrael displays disdain for every person who ever loved Zion or sacrificed to realize Jewry's hope nurtured over two thousand years. Mr. Peres seems detached from his own heritage and history.

How can such a person be placed in a position of national trust

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Olmert's Point of View

When a conversation turns to the machinations of global elites seeking to reshape humanity in to a new world order etc… the eyes would glaze over and frankly the message was reaching a dismissive audience. The notion of a conspiracy being directed through the likes of The Council of Foreign Relations, Tri-Lateral Commission, Free Masons, Illuminati, other secret society or cabal conjures the images and intrigue of secret communications, regular meetings with all the trappings and apparatus a transnational corporate –government partnership would entail. Something so big and all encompassing simply could not hide in the shadows or merely be fodder for the next Dan Brown novel. Additionally, the threads that connect known facts are often woven together in so tenuous a manner that taking them seriously is challenging to one’s sense of logic.

However, maybe the conception of conspiracy as a formal agenda agreed upon by overlord ruling elites may be mistaken. Rather consider the conspiracy of a New World Order (NWO) is more a shared philosophy than anything else.

The demise of the communist economic model resulted in increased international commercial dependence. The growth of capitalist model economies discourages conflict as war would disrupt the flow of materials, goods and services between people and be against everyone’s self interest. The preservation of transnational commerce becomes humanity’s most cherished value as it promotes peace and at least for some, prosperity.

Emergence of a NOW implies there was an Old World Order. OWO apparently one built on nation states’ and their historical and cultural heritage. Such entities are built around individuals with a shared location, culture, mores and interests.

The result is two views of society. are two views what could be called nationalism and globalism. Nationalists see distinctions and differences between people not necessarily in a racist sense but in terms of championing the distinct identities of nations, communities and individuals. Globalists perceive all differences and distinctions between people are artificial and should be sacrificed in favor of transnational cooperation/commerce, the collective benefit of humanity at best, or in reality a general absence of conflict for most and unlimited potential profit for a few.

The conflict between the points of view is irreconcilable as one affirms the value of the individual in context of a society and history. The Nationalist perspective comes from a sense of heritage, tradition and history that all contribute in formulating values, morals and ethics that govern both personal and public behavior.

The Globalist/ NOW perspective values only whatever keeps commerce flowing between nations matters. Transnational cooperation is achieved optimally by mutual self interest or imposed by external control (think the US and Mainland China) Consequently, the elements of identity, individual conscience and free will, those things that make it impossible for a person to control another are the globalists’ greatest threat.

NOW in light of the above Mr. Olmert and his minions make sense. Thinking in terms of history, heritage and narrow national interest is contrary to achieving a utopian society. What does it matter missles land in Sederot ? Or that Israel have a Jewish character? These provincial concerns get in the way of unifying mankind in trade and commerce. {Not that the West cares for a minute about the Human rights of peoples living in Islamic lands as long as petroleum flows unfettered and cheaply} Therefore, to Mr. Olmert and his Global thinking buddies the greatest threat facing the nation is the over 50% of first graders entering Jewish religious schools and not Iran.

Remember the last atempt at unifying humanity was by Nimrod and the tower of Babel and look how that turned out.

Similarly, in other countries the general disdain for religion reflects this nationalist globalist dichotomy. So Olmert is not crazy just embracing a crazy ideology that threatens the value of individual and Humanity’s historical legacy. This shared philosophy of the NOW may not be a classic conspiracy but the pervasive inroads of Globalism within liberal governments sure make it look like one.


Monday, July 02, 2007

Be Scared be very scared

Recently President Bush visited a Washington D.C. Mosque in an attempt to reach out to moderate Muslims. The President decried the multiple atrocities committed by Muslims against Muslims.

While it may not have been the right place or the right time but from reading excerpts from the New York Post it would seem Radical Muslims hate everyone who are not them and moderates only hate Jews.

Similarly, according to Secretary Rice Hamas is now a resistance group and not terrorist. The fact that Hamas is fighting recent inroads being made by Al-Queda in Gaza is what brought the image makeover is chilling. To embrace the enemy of my enemy might be prudent advice. But,it calls in to question the whole Global War on Terror. Trans national actors as well as state sponsored terror groups must all be opposed there is no room for strange and expedient bedfellows because today's friend could G-D forbid be tomorrow's shahid.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Fundamentals, Leadership 101

"A country cannot protect itself ad infinitum, because there would be no end to it." -- Prime Minister Ehud Olmert

Imagine what this statement does to rally troops, bolster the populace and of course preserve real estate values? Imagine a head of state declaring the citizen's safety is just not government's problem.Imagine what Sederot mayor Eli Moyal must be thinking, hearing this declaration of indifference? That Mayor Moyal is still behaving rationally is remarkable. How could anyone in his position not be beside himself? Mayor Moyal deserves praise for doing what he can for his city. Even so, the numbing callous nature of Prime Minister Olmert's statement goes beyond all comprehention.

Certainly people cannot and should not be wholly dependent on the government for safety and security. But being told by the government a flat out "NO!", the state will not do everything or much of anything to protect a home,a business a community or its people.

Mr. Olmert,it would be an exercise in simple human nature and logic to conclude that this why countries go on the offensive and commit to D*E*F*E*A*T an enemy. Anything short of decisive victory is defeat. What kind of leader can expect to retain power thinking otherwise ? What type of populace allows this type of leadership?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Pharaoh is not a Role Model-

Fatah over Hamas? Has anyone noticed who are fighting each other? Neither side is worthy of support. The choice is akin to choosing between warring crime families in prohibition era Chicago.

To prop up Fatah’s Abu Mazen by having Israel turn over funds, remove checkpoints or turn over tax revenue is throwing more good money after bad. The arms and equipment given the PA in Gaza by the US with safeguards that the weapons not wind up in Hamas hands and directed towards Israel are in Hamas hands more or less.

For anyone to suggest that a two state solution is viable or that either Hamas or Fatah is worthy of leadership and that any peace is possible with either is like encouraging Pharaoh to chase after the escaped slaves. Can following the road map end any differently?

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Rav Lazer Brody Shlita commented on his blog that the prospect of war is not within the individual’s choice and therefore war is exclusively in G-D’s hands. Consequently, if something is beyond one’s ability to control it is likewise beyond the things G-D wants us to worry about. The Rabbi suggested a cease fire with G-D to return to Him in repentance.
Now consider the most recent events in Gaza. Hamas has taken control of Gaza pushing out Fatah. The significance is Hamas are believers as they conquered, they prayed, they viewed each murderous blood soaked step as an opportunity for praise. True theirs is a worship of death, of evil of discord but it does impose burden upon Jewry.

When a tractate of Talmud is concluded the prayers recited in celebration declares “we rise early and they rise early , we rise to learn Torah and they rise to pursue falsehood. . . . we run and they run we run to eternity to world to come and they run into the abyss of destruction . . . ” If those who champion death call out to G-D how can a Jew whose heritage is Torah that is the elixir of life remain silent before G-D?

Rabbi Eliezer Twersky of Falticheim ZY’A quoted Rabbi Nachman of Breslov’s uncle, Rabbi Baruch of Mezibosh ZTVK’L ZY’A the liturgy proclaims “For You[G-D] hear each mouth calling out in prayer ” Hebrew for mouth is Peh. The Rabbi observed Peh can be pronounced PHEH of Feh an expression of disgust. Therefore the text could read that Hashem hears the prayer of each Jew even those who can be called Feh --even the lowest of the lowest can be heard if the first step is made to call out in prayer.

The other events of the week within the Israeli government further make looking to human leadership for security and protection seem at best foolish is not insane and turning to G-D the only logical option. Who knows where these events will fit in the course of history? There are two paths open one leading to the fantasy world where the country’s political echelon lives or the world of prayer of refuge with Hashem. The choice of prayer is in each person’s hands, that choice something one can worry about. Choosing wisely, because the selection can reshape the whole world .

Sunday, June 03, 2007


The news coming out of Israel almost daily shows a dramatic dichotomy that perhaps highlights the strength of societies that cherish freedom and champion liberty.

The reports of arrogance, ineptitude, incompetence, indifference, pursuit of self destructive self serving corruption seems to engulf the whole of Israeli governmental institutions including the Courts and military to the point which in other places would throw that society in to civil disarray. Yet despite the governmental meltdown Israel's economy is growing steadily and the media is not fully muzzled by the government.

Indeed the seeming disconnect and apparant disdain between the government and the people is so dramatic that it is as though two alternative realities exist in Israel, which colors each segment's perceptions and priorities.

Maybe this is how power corrupts by insulating its members from reality and replacing it with an alternative version that at is so skewed thereby, distorting government's world view to that of a hall of mirrors.

A civil society's survival under such circumstances can only be the product of D-VINE providence.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Concerning Sedrot as believers we know there is a D-VINE reason behind why Sedrot?, which House? And Who? As we say daily “He creates all existence anew daily . . . . ” “[G-D is ] the master of war . . . the source of salvation’s flowering ” (Shacharit, Birchat HaYotzer). Therefore, to write off the campaign against Sedrot as random is to completely miss the point.

However, to glibly declare it is a sign of G-D’s wrath is insensitive, arrogant and inaccurate. If the attacks were intended merely as punishment there would be an opportunity to absorb the experience and discern what needs to change and improve. However, being in a state of emergency hardly affords Sedrot’s residents’ time to reflect and cull needed lessons. So to declare a blanket D-vine punishment upon Sedrot is hard to say. Now it is possible than individuals who suffered property loss of injury are being sent a specific message to atone, repent or improve but that is between the individual and Hashem and certainly not anyone’s place to speculate except for the true Zaddikim who are both keenly aware of Hashem’s ways and deeply attached to the Jewish people.

It is equally possible the people of Sedrot collectively need this experience as a soul repair for a previous life. Or the people a Sedrot need this experience as a source of merit for keeping the faith in extreme circumstances. Consider the original prophecy was that Bene Yisrael be slave for 400 years yet they were in Egypt only 210 years and out that time the actual time as slaves may have been as little as 86 years. Yet the intensity of the servitude was multiplied exponentially to achieve the necessary effect that qualified Bene Yisrael for an earlier redemption and revelation at Sinai. Maybe Sedrot’s experience is a preparation for something greater. Who except a Zaddik can say?

Rabbi Nachman teaches in several places that a major task in life is to look for G-D’s presence everywhere and in everything especially behind the corners and out of view. What can be stated with some confidence is that Sedrot’s residents are being presented these attacks as a means for their spiritual fulfillment. Additionally for the rest of us it is an opportunity to increase the world’s foundations of Torah Prayer and Kindness in which case Sedrot is not being punished but the bulb of salvation’s flowering that blossoms in to Mashiach’s arrival in the immediate future.

Sorry for not fully documenting this post

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Sderot is under attack and there are fatalities. To think the IDF cannot remove the threat is silly there are no PA Air Force or tank units or artillery. A lack of ability is not an explanation.

Simultaneously Sderot residents were relocated to army run rest centers. This simple humanitarian gesture too exposed the fundamental problem. Hared Jewish families were placed with secular families and had the serenity of the Shabbat marred by blaring TV’s mixed male and female choral programs and inattention to accommodate the haredi standards of Kashruth. When people complained they were told they could go back to Sderot.

A city's mayor has to be reduced to tears pleading in vain for the national government to fulfill its minimal mission to protect the country and its population from external enemies.

Further, MK Orlev proposed a law that would introduce an American style Sunday and weaken the public face of the Jewish Shabbath. This proposed legislation is a cultural retreat of Jewish sovereignty akin to a land give back.

There is a parade planed yet again for Jerusalem to celebrate life styles prohibited by Torah despite the nearly unanimous opposition to such activities.

There is a common thread. Like the government appears to be devoid of any ability to connect with the populace. Maybe even a sense of disdain for the cultural ethnic and historic societal norms of the people.

It would seem Israel's central enemy is its own government. The apparent unwillingness to be itself and embrace Jewry's national G-D given context and heritage. Failing to do so leaves leadership empty and without direction.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


There is no way anyone can truly appreciate what it means to survive a missile attack.. Shlomo Wallins’ of video showed the calm of his backyard violated by a missile slamming in to the house next door can only convey a sense of what it must be like but . . . .

The Sedrot video took the writer back to when in 1978 as a Yeshiva student in Jerusalem’s Sanhedria Murchevet neighborhood. Sanhedria Murchevet was the city’s northern border at the time. Just after Passover on a Sunday night the evening’s quiet was ripped by a katusha launched from behind a nearby hill. Fortunately, the projectile was a dud harmlessly landing in a vacant lot. However, the sound of the rocket’s launch and flight still reverberates in my mind to point that I refuse to attend fireworks displays. Only this personal experience made Mr. Wallins’ film all the more shocking.

With great humility the following thoughts are offered. The citizens of Sedrot realize their government will not defend them, the I.D.F. hamstrung by the civilian echelons will not act. Rockets land en masse, throughout the city and there are no fatalities. Now, there is no intention to trivialize the significance of people’s injuries or property losses. However, the fact no one was murdered defies logic. Maybe just maybe the lesson Sedrot is teaching the rest of the world, one’s trust cannot lie with an army and its weapons or that government will act in the interests of its citizens’ still there is a defensive shield upon all can rely, A-mighty G-D. As King David said in Tehilim 121 “The Guardian of Israel neither sleeps nor slumbers ” Please do not despair Sedrot your arsenal is as deep as the faith of Israel that is Jewry's heritage which no one can destroy.

With prayers of comfort and for Redemption

Sunday, May 13, 2007


This week marks the 40th anniversary of Jerusalem's reunification. The usual suspects will not be in attendance. No one is disappointed about Jordan and Egypt will not come. Nor, in the current climate is the absence of the European Union is expected. However, when a man of strong moral character has his government despite overwhelming public opinion to the contrary boycotts the celebrations that are news. The United States will stay away from the Jerusalem day celebrations.

A unified Jerusalem is a city where it is possible all can live and pray something that did not happen under British or Jordanian rule. The connection of Jewry to Jerusalem colors the whole of Jewish life. Three times daily Jews pray for the rebuilding of the city as well as Grace After Meals. This is at a minimum for the religious Jews but even popular rituals observed by most Jews like Yom Kippur and the Passover Seder conclude "Next Year in Jerusalem" Similarly Chanukah is connected with the conquest of The Temple Mount and Jewish Control over the Temple Mount.
The sense of belonging to this place among Jews is high especially back in 1967 as a 9 year old the overwhelming sense was we've come home Israel is now complete and not a shell.
To acknowledge anyone else's claim to this city is to insult all Jewry who lived, live and look to Jerusalem since the reign of King David OBM,
To acknowledge the rights of anyone other than the Jewish people to ANYWHERE within the Biblical borders of Israel defies G-D, His teachings within scripture the history culture and faith of Israel.

This simple approach of self respect, of self pride of self awareness can never silence the truth nor dislodge it from its place. Shame on you Mr. President for not understanding this Shame on you Mr. Olmert et al for demanding the respect your country deserves as part of the world community.

Ever closer ever clearer the world needs to come to its senses and recognize what and who embrace evil and who oppose its advance. Some well meaning outrage is in order as a Jew I am offended as an American I am disappointed my President would appease Arab States hostile to the Jewish State and not be support a greater Israel, in all Israel.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Leadership is Taking Responsibility

"I think the army disappointed itself to a large degree,"

"Something in the command and control concept did not meet expectations and undoubtedly led to a disparity between what we were capable of achieving and what we actually achieved,"

Prime Minister Olmert's statements before the Winograd Commission may be an adult version of the small child next a broken vase and claiming "not me " when Mom or Dad ask who broke the vase.

Or a more unnerving version a person in occupying a position of public trust whose choices could affect the lives of an entire country including the choices concerning the waging of war. Choosing costs lives, choosing wrongly or indecision unnecessarily puts people at risk.

Or even more disquieting is when the failure to accept personal responsibility arises from an indifference to others.

None of these options are comforting, at the least such a person may act in his or her own self interest may express itself in a fear of public disgrace and arrogance works for the public good. However like a stopped clock is only correct but for two minutes a day. A regular occurrence but too infrequent to be relied on. Any other option opens the country to hands of one who may treat power as a personal plaything or worse a tool of oppression.

Soldier’s follow the orders of the civil authorities in whose hands are vested the life and death decisions. Such people have no business as leaders and shame on anyone who would prop them up.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Eternal Lessons, Moral GPS

As the handwriting is on the wall and the obituaries for the Olmert government are being contemplated the most important question is not who is the next Prime Minister? Rather, the better question is what should the public look for in their next set of leaders?

To form an opinion one needs to look inward to what our heritage has to say about government. The Torah warns Devarim 17:14-20 that a king keep a Torah scroll with him to learn the fear of G-D and prevent the king thinking himself above G-D and his law.

Shemuel the Prophet warns the nation, Shemuel I 8:11-18 that maintaining the apparatus of a central government will be costly. A monarchy has an insatiable appetite, invading one’s money, produce, property and even person for its service.

Similarly, the Mishna in Perkei Avoth, Ethics of the Fathers 2:3 to be wary of government officials as they are opportunists currying the people’s favor when it is to their personal advantage but will abandon them when it is not in their self-interest.

Further, in Avoth 3:3 the role government is to maintain a civil society. Otherwise one would swallow their neighbor alive.

Additionally, Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch ZT'L commenting on Nimord's agenda behind building the Tower of Babel lambasts the state's promoting personal fulfillment through national service. Similarly, Korach,it becomes clear from Rashi Z'L as an exemplar of when a personal agenda is marketed as a movement for social justice and equality.

While this seems overly pessimistic it is realistic. Temptation to abuse power and to think only about oneself are so seductive that their destructive effects are all but inescapable.

Only with the overlay of a constant fear of Heaven can there be any chance of competent governance and societal civility. Does this mean only an observant Jew can rule? It would be insincere for someone like the writer to say otherwise but at a minimum the next government should recognize Jewry has a heritage that spans millennia and not just 59 years. Jewry has a heritage of values which has endured and thrives to this day and not a passing fad of Western pop culture and conventional wisdom.

The Jewish heritage is not of the moment but of eternity. The Jewish Heritage is from G-D and not man. Even if one is not yet mitzvah observant without these fundamental values what fills the resulting moral void? Unfortunately, recent history shows what can result.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Torah lessons from Pinball

How is Torah like Pinball?

That question was posed by Israel National News's Yishai Fliesher and here are some thoughts on the topic demmonstrating how everything can teach valuable lessons..

1 When you start there are a lot of loud noises and flashing lights.
2 However, eventually to succeed one cannot be distracted by the bells and whistles.

3 With concentration, dedication and mazal one can continue forever and continuously score points.

4 If the ball falls through the cracks one gets another chance to score that is not prejudiced by the earlier ball’s failure.

5 No matter how many times the ball hits the same bumper one still scores new points.

6 One can continue until GAME OVER which is different for each player and not known to any player.

7 Remember and this is key,the ball must keep on moving, it cannot stay in any one place too long otherwise it will be out of play. In Torah one must grow and advance otherwise one goes downr

Conquest and Ownership

Monday, the 28 Nisan is the date when Yehoshua Ben Nun (Joshua) conquered Yericho the gateway to Eretz Yisrael. It is telling that the Aleinu paryer said at the end of three daily services was composed by Yehoshua at that time. The kabbalists (Sha’ar HaKvanot) associate the prayer that proclaims Jewry’s gratitude for being selected from among the nations because it is G-D who has created all existence is ensure that nothing negative affect the D-vine energy accessed through prayer.
In light of the above consider the first the Rashi on Chumash that the sole basis to a Jewish claim to Eretz Yisrael lies in G-D’s allocation of land and nothing else.
As Yehoshua opened up the land militarily he know only G-D, the Ribono Shel Olam (Master of Existense) could deed the land to His people. A point for today's leaders to ponder

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The return of some 3,000 Jews to the Samarian community of Homesh on 7 and 5 Nissan 5767 (March 26 and 27 2007)is very significant . Homesh was one the communities from which Jews were expelled along with the Jewish residents of Gush Katif in 2005.

Originally when Ms. Nadia Matar described the action it seemed to be just so much symbolism lacking any substance. This was a mistaken impression. Why the Army allowed some 3,000 plus came and once there some began building makeshift structures. One correspondent for Israel National News called these structures as Succoth. Additionally on Tuesday a Brit Mila, circumcision took place in Homesh. These two events offer a profound lesson which offers hope for a brighter future.

The Succa, the makeshift huts Jews live in during the Festival of Succoth in Hebrew the numerical value of the letters that spell succa equal 91 the combination of the four letter D-vine name and A*D^O*N*A****I, names that represent G-D as He fills and surrounds all existence. A Brit Mila the entry of a young man in to the Jewish faith is a symbol of hope in a future, a Jewish future.

The classic leaders of Historic Zionism all saw the then future Jewish state as a conduit for establishing a Jewish state embracing the values of Western Europe and abandoning the Jewish Heritage. Even Jabotinsky called for treating those who would not remove their beards and side curls, outward symbols of Jewishness are to be treated as second class citizens. The vision of the future Jewish state was one without G-D.

This is maybe why the vision of a new Israeli Jew would be, strong and defiant, the antithesis of the stereotypical exile Diaspora based Jew. A state could be located in Uganda, a state could be located in Uganda etc.

The fact is the Jewish masses who were raised on Next Year in Jerusalem could not conceive of return to anywhere but Eretz Yisrael or outside of the context of Messianic redemption as taught throughout the generation since the days of Moses and the prophets.

The present government behave with little or no consciousness of Jewry’s heritage or destiny. Or strangely enough in utter fear of Jewry's destiny being fulfilled.It seems the perception of the State as being merely a state of its citizens and embracing enlightened Western Liberal values. The Homesh returnees showed all the nation of Israel will not abandon its destiny or heritage. Those who dwell in Succoth, the shadow of faith or perform the brit, covenant that binds Jewry to G-D are linked to the Eternal and will not and cannot be denied by any earthly force.

The eternity of the Jewish people cannot be denied, Netzach Yisrael Lo Yishaker.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Recently a Google video search under Zionism yield a film from www, concerning Judaism and Zionism. The film was disquieting and inspiring at the same time. The film took quotes from Hetzel, Nordau, Jabotinsky as well as others in the Zionist Pantheon.

Each of these leaders the film quotes had either said or written things hostile not just Judaism but to the validity of a distinct Jewish Identity. The Jewish state was envisioned as a conduit for Jewry embracing values and mores of Western Civilization. The Jewish state was envisioned as being devoid of its own heritage and values. The new Jew to be forged in the new state was envisioned as one unshackled by the baggage of the past whether imposed by hostile host countries or by G-D Himself through Torah.

What these visionaries envisioned was indeed shortsighted. The concept of Zionism did not take hold until it was marketed as a redemption movement. As a Professor interviewed in the film put it The Zionist Leaders believed There is no G-D, but presented Zionism as fulfilment His promise. The flag has two blue stripes reminiscent of a prayer cape’s stripes. Blue was selected as it is symbolic of the tehelet, the blue dye applied to Zitzit fringes during Temple times and while now lost will be restored in the Messianic era. Zionism was to be the herald of a Messianic era.
A return to the land absent the yearned for redemption would not nor could not be accepted by the Jewish nation.

This contains a fantastic lesson. A perception of a Jewish future, a Jewish fulfillment and a Jewish utopia stripped of Jewry’s identity, stripped of the Jewish Heritage and Jewry’s worldview is a non starter.

Certainly, there are Jews who consciously run away from who and what they are, but these are the exceptions. Rank and File Jews may or may not be particularly observant, that is a function of education, but to abandon Jewish identity and heritage or destiny is unthinkable. Netzach Yisrael Lo Yishaker-The Eternity of the Jewish people will not be rendered false.

As Passover approaches this comes in to focus. Departure from the Exile is not for Israel to takes its place in the family of nations. Rather redemption is the freedom to be who one was meant to be to fulfill one's destiny to realize G-D's promise in totality with Mashiach in our lifetime.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


During the Soviet era the notion arose that a viable means of communicating and garnering support for the Communist way of life in the Capitalist- free world the was the use of dupes called, useful idiots. Useful Idiots, are very often the same folks who the Communists would first round up as enemies of the state. Currently, the individuals who cluelessly join groups like the International Solidarity Movement,B'tselem and similar organizations to promote Arab claims to within the land of Israel are the latest example of the useful idiot.

The naive belief that Israel alone is the problem, holding back Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza or those people who abandoned their property in 1948 at the behest of Arab leadership in anticipation of a swift Israeli defeat, from successful prosperous lives motivates volunteers to video settlers’ violent behavior.

A Google video search under Israel Jews yielded several videos each is quite disturbing. The films are introduced by lurid descriptions of stone throwing or hate speech and the IDF's apparent indifference to these injustices. While the film is rolling there is narration to make sure the intended message is not looked over.These picture are not worth a thousand words.The fact that Jews and and Arabs both wish to occupy Hevron exclusively and two objects cannot occupy the same place at the same time therefore tension exists. The possibility that there are subtle and overt Arab acts of harassment is ignored. The camera only captures a snapshot not what happened before and not after.

One film had an English film crew confront two teenage boys. One boy yells and curses at the internationals but if you listen, one hears more anguish than anger, one hears more “Why the heck are you bothering me, my family and community? I don’t bother you in your home why invade mine?”

The second film, has an older woman as the main International confronting a group of children specifically a girl who may be 13 or 14 at the most (and she seemed to be the oldest in the group) debating whether Arabs ever hurt or killed Jews. She goes away a significant distance cursing at the lady telling to go home. Tones are thrown when one hits the International the thrower actually apologizes! Soldiers on patrol attempt to diffuse the situation by having both groups disburse The Internationals do not move and take offense at having their camcorder blocked. Even more disturbing is how vividly the incident is introduced. One would imagine the Internationals were attacked and pursued by a crazed mob of bloodthirsty Jewish settlers. It may be a bit of comfort to think the Internationals are that afraid of Jewish children

The third film features two cherubic boys, no older than maybe 7 or 8 throwing stones and squirting water at an international. However, to more accurately, a child goes up throws a stone goes back a few feet to a doorway, goes back throws another stone then squirts the International with a liquid (as she did not express pain I will assume the liquid was not lethal like bleach or acid etc.), All the while the International entreats an off camera voice, identified as an IDF soldier to intervene, the off camera voice responds by being dismissive and punctuates his answers with profanity. The probability of a soldier behaving that way, to ignore an International’s request for assistance peppered with bad language is so low that the failure to capture the actual soldier on film is remarkable.

The conduct of the Internationals it can be inferred from the films themselves (without the benefit what happened just before) documents they are not mere silent chroniclers of events. These Internationals are at the very least provocative and quite frankly it would seem they attempt to create or manufacture and otherwise stage conflict. Even if one wished to take these three videos at face value comparison with Arab on Jew violence makes the events recorded by the Internationals trivial by comparison. True, the writer of these lines a an admitted right wing Jew who believes that Jews enjoy an exclusive right to the whole of Biblical Israel as promised by G-D to the Children of Israel yet it is doubtful any fair minded person would conclude differently . It is doubtful any fair-minded person would conclude differently, that the only criticism that can be leveled at the Settler community is that parents and schools make more of an effort at curbing profane speech.

It is shocking that these videos are accepted as evidence of Jewish settler violence this can only happen in a psyche already poisoned with Anti-Semitic delusions. Then again some folks believed Borat was a real journalist.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


A copule of days ago Erez Levanon HY'D was murdered while praying in a forest a short distance from his home in Bat Eiyan. Reaction over this outrage has varried. Some noting how Dr. Goldstien HY'D attacked Moslems at prayer in the Cave of Machpalah in Hevron. The fact that Dr. Goldstein's actions may have averted a devasting attack against Hevron's Jews being lost amid the wastland of editorial discretion. R' Erez was without question a person of peace, priase and prayer. How does a Jew respond?

Some suggested that Jewish lack of outrage and rage over Erez Levanon HY'D murder is a sign of national weakness . Erez Levanon H'YD ZY'A was not weak his murders YM'S are weak. To paraphrase the Hadran paryer said at the conclusion of a volume of Talmud "We run and they run etc" We are selfless and they are selfless We are selfless to build and bind heaven and Earth and they are selfless to destroy and create chaos in creation .
As our zayde Yitzchak proclaimed there is the Voice of Yaakov and the Hand of Esaiv. Our memorial to Erez ZY'A is to live Torah as he did, live in defiance of Jihad either the Islamic or the lefist jihadesque assault on Jewish identity, destiny, heritage and values in Eretz Yisrael and Torat Yisrael . Instead of violent rage let our defiance be Evil will not move us , Evil will not taint our faith. The Nazis YM'S feared the Talmud Jude more than any other enemy. The Rebbe Reb Elimelich ZT'L, ZY'A taught saying shema should as a proclamation of Faith before all of Jewry's enemies. Draw strength from Hashem and His Torah, we need paitiant yearing for the time will come soon that the day of Mashiach is at hand.

Please do not think Torah is pacifist or fatalistic certainly in a place were an enemy only understands brute froce and anything less than dramatic and decisive action that vanquishes the enemy is preceived as weakness and surrender. Hesitation or restraint places the nation in danger and only those realities necessitate a firm unwaviering hand but not revenge, nor rage. Jews build and unite and not destroy.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Just say no bullies

The work on the Rambam Bridge linking the Western Wall to the Temple was put on hold by the Mayor of Jerusalem, a Hared, and devoutly observant Jew. Even though the bridge is not part of Temple Mount,is a repair to allow better access for all and was coordinated with Muslim authorities. However the violent protests of the Islamic community is only half heartedly responded to by the Police and their concerns are headed. This is the latest chapter in a situation that has recently begun festering.

A young Jew blew the Ram’s Horn,Shofar on the Jewish New Year at the small Western Wall was subjected to severe treatment by the police. Arabs are encroaching on Jewish presence throughout the land. Arab construction throughout the land of Israel is often without the required approvals and permits. Or Arab neighbors encroach and adversely possess common areas and create circumstances that amount to constructive eviction. Farmers in the Negev cannot defend themselves from Bedouin home invaders without fearing legal repercussions. Or Arab members of the government actively support enemy regime's or challenge the legitimacy of the national entity. Not to mix purely criminal and purely political action but, tolerating both types of activities only emboldens these folks to use the universal values of decency and tolerance which are the characteristics of democracy as means to engage in intimidation and terror.

Also the Arab call to change Israel’s flag and anthem to accommodate Israel’s non-Jewish population all flow from the source. The apparent reluctance of the State of Israel and part of the population to assert itself. The leadership is afraid to declare the State an s a Jewish state, a state were Jews would rule and exercise sovereignty.To alter these symbols of the state dilutes the Jewish claim of connection to the Land from national ideology to cultural and ethnic memory. This opens the door to justify the acquiesce to Arab bullying.

Instead Islamic Arab bullies carry the day The Jewish soul’s embers still burn, albeit dimly to ignite the future with light, with Torah and knowledge of G-D.Log ago Moredechai when confronted by an Persian/Iranian bully named Haman neither bowed or prostrated because he was a Jew (see Esther 3:2,4) Like Mordechai,it is time to just say no the Bullies that stand in the way of Jewry being where they belong.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Tu B'Shvat Aktion

The 15Th day in the Jewish Calendar month Shevat is when sap begins to flow anew in the Land of Israel's trees. This has significance in Jewish Law determine to which year of a sabbatical cycle produce belongs among other things.

Tu B'Shevat is a day of longing and connection to the land of Israel Many eat fruits connected with the land.

Sadly, those who wish to oppose and oppress Jews often do commit their acts of hate fueled violence on Jewish celebration days.
Therefore as Arutz Sheva, Israel National News reported that leftists, Arabs,American and other volunteers under the aegis of the Ta’ayush organization came to a Jewish community Sde Boaz, in the Gush Etzion region to plant olive trees on what they believed to be Arab land despite the existing community presence. However more distressing was the damage and destruction carried out in a community orchard. Additionally the Police/Authorities response was lackluster at best.
Call this an Aktion, a term used to describe organized intensification of prosecution of Jews by the Nazis YM'S may be harsh but it should evoke the same powerful images.
To consider this matter it should be clear that the failure by the State of Israel to have Jewish values and awareness serve as the fulcrum upon which policy and law enforcement turns leads to shameful results. To engage in acts of violence that fly in the face of the sacred character of a date in the Jewish calendar goes beyond political protest and touches on ethnic. Religious animus which cannot be tolerated in a civil society.
This incident should be seen for what it is - a provocation not just against the State of Israel or even the Jews of Yesha but Judaism itself.
Failing to act here is not restraint but self loathing. Nebach!

Friday, January 26, 2007


There has to be a suicide crisis hotline for government ministers who wish to disassemble their own country to a hostile population. The lastest example has to be Ministers Livni and Peres joining Mr. Abbas for the formation of a two state soloution to the Israel PA conflict.
FM Livni compared the PA giving up terror to the expulsion from Gush Katif is as being hard choices for each side is nothing short of absurd.

Abandoning terror is not a hard choice it is expected.
The disengagement from Gaza and the subsequent treatment of the Jewish population speaks for itself as how an elected government breached the fundamental covenant between a people and their government.

Maybe the comparison is that both sides abandon policy as well as behavior that is contrary to the conduct of responsible governments

Friday, January 19, 2007


Secretary Rice claimed Mr. Abbas gave his word that American weapons would not be used against Israel. This is the fellow who at a political rally called for Arabs stop raising arms against each other and oppose the occupation.

Does Dr. Rice think Mr. Abbas meant a mass letter writing and lobbying campaign to pressure Israel? One hopes someone so accomplished and powerful would not be easily fooled.

On the other hand the ideologically vacant Israeli government lacks the the fundamental self respect to recognize the State Exists evidence exists there was a Jewish presence in the land Mikvaoth (ritual baths), other items that conform to Jewish religious law and practice. The Modern state of Israel is the re-established state founded in the days of EZRA the Scribe.The Arab claim of being Canaanites does not survive the observation Jews came from Judea, Arabs should be called Canaanites, which they are not.

Even though it is a secular anthem HaTikvah expresses the Jewish yearning for the Land not just a slice but Zion and Jerusalem, Hevron, Tiveria, Zsfat, Aco, Bersheva Rosh HaNikra and Tel Aviv, you get the idea.

As new elections loom large it is time to push and push hard for Jewish Identity as the issue as this self image will dictate the direction of the State's future policy.

Monday, January 15, 2007

There is No One to Talk To !

Secretary Rice is currently visiting the Middle East. Dr. Rice is promoting the fabled Road Map as the only workable model for peace. Madame Secretary further assured that American controls would prevent the US arms transfered to Mr. Abbas would not be used against Israel.

A short reality check, a split government among the Arabs is on the verge of civil war.Neither Fatah or Hamas has clear cut control to give any agreement they might sign meaning futle from the outset, this should be painfully obvious to all but the diplomats and Ministers. This theatre of the absurd should offend any sober, saine and sensible individual observing the situation.

Additonally unless there are American personnel training the Arabs and keeping the weapons in their custody this assertion is shamelessly naive.

Monday, January 01, 2007


Olmert’s behavior is hard to comprehend. The confused leadership during the Lebanon war. Supplying funds and arms to Mr. Abbas despite the continued captivity of Gilad Shalit and unabated Kassam attacks. While at the same time there seems to be an indifference bordering on contempt for the Israeli populace. Compensation and resettlement for the former Jewish residents of Gush Katiff and defense of Siderot are half hearted if at all. Why the overall impression Mr. Olmert is prepared to do whatever he can to receive approval from others even if contrary to national self interest?

Mr. Olmert is not stupid, he is an attorney, a former mayor of Jerusalem he is academically accomplished.

Mr. Olmert is not evil, Evil is not confused, evil is focused and committed to its convictions things Mr. Olmert is not.

Mr. Olmert does not appear to be motivated by Jewish values, what moves him?

Mr. Olmert is simply vacant, the absence of his own values is filled by a need for others’ acceptance. In other words, others’ define Mr. Olmert. Once others define oneself , one’s own identity is lost.
One needs values, one needs faith it is the difference between being someone or a nobody.