Out of the gate Jews belong in Hebron even moreso than other places in Judea and Samaria. The oldest recorded real estate transaction is Avraham Avinu’s purchase of the Machpaleh cave and field (Bereshith 23:17). The continued presence of Jews within Hebron gives the city the status along with Jerusalem, Safed and Tiberius as one the “Four lands of Life” [Arba Artzut Hachaim].
However, what if one was ignorant of all that? True, the city at present is mostly Arab and it seems the Jews living there are inserting themselves where they are not wanted. Therefore, the settlers’ dedication and determination and those of their sympathizers to risk arrest and violence is at best a riddle.
Yet, when the Government can’t pay holocaust survivors more than 83 NIS a month but can finance 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace?
Mr. Olmert cannot get rid of the missiles sent to Sederot nor is he able to fund shielding even only for Sederot’s public buildings but can finance 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace?
The Health Ministry does not have the funds for a comprehensive basket of childhood vaccines claim Israeli Doctors can finance 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace?
During the 2006 election campaign it was asserted that one out of three Israeli children lived below the poverty line, this problem remains but the funds are available for 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace?
The former residents of Gush Katif for the most part have not been reintegrated within Israel’s society or economy but the government can finance 3,000 soldiers, police, vehicles and other supports materials to remove some one hundred persons from the Hebron marketplace? This exercise is being touted as the beginning of relocating the majority of 250,000 Jews of Judea and Samaria !!
What are the government’s priorities?
As it is so often the Question contains the Answer. Clearly, Jews who assert the Jewish nature of the land, its connection with its Biblical roots threaten Olmert, Barak, Tamir et al more than any arab could. An orange nationalist Jew stands in the way of a secular Israel as a country of it s citizens.
Why are Israel’s leaders pre-occupied with securing a “right to exist”? Why does there seem to be no concession too painful to PM Olmert or President Peres agree to? Why should anyone care where anyone else lives? Why is a leader without any significant public support charting the course for the state’s future?
The sycophantic need of Israel’s leadership/far left /peace now et al for others’ approval for a sense of self worth is reminiscent of those pathetic Jews of the 1930’s, 40’s, 50’s who gladly jettisoned any vestige of Jewish identity either religious or ethnic in pursuit of acceptance in general society. Their sad conclusion would be very often remorse that they or their children were estranged from their heritage and not fully welcomed by the Von Shaygetzes at the Country Club.
Even if one came from a non-nationalist point of view these questions should take center stage. Similarly, what motivates the settlers and their supporters to risk arrest, prison a criminal record and possible injury?
Additionally, while a soldier’s duty to follow orders is of paramount importance. A soldier’s second guessing commanders may have disastrous results since the soldier on the ground may not have the big picture intelligence available to command. However, when soldiers’ conduct even under combat conditions carry the potential for personal liability blindly following orders is a luxury that is no longer viable. So to set troops even police against civilians would imply either these troops actually agree with the policy being carried out or have been psychologically manipulated to loose whatever part of the brain that makes moral judgments.
All in all the evacuation from Hebron’s marketplace should be turning point, for morality, real self esteem, national pride and purpose.